The Triwizard Portkey

davewitley dfrankiswork at
Thu Jun 27 10:03:57 UTC 2002

No: HPFGUIDX 40424


> Even 
> Overconfident "Oops, I forgot!" Voldemort isn't quite so daft, I 
> don't think, as to consider it a good idea to try pitting his 
> some-odd Death Eaters against the cream of the wizarding world, 
> element of surprise or no element of surprise.  It would make sense 
> if they could appear, fire off a bunch of curses, and then 
> Disapparate, but since they wouldn't be able to do that, I can't 
> it as a feasible plan.
And the thought of thirty DEs all landing in a jumble on the 
Quidditch pitch as they try to hold on to the portkey seriously 
endangered my reputation for sanity in the office.

Perhaps Voldemort thought that the Hogwarts staff would die laughing?

Thank you, Elkins, for making my day.


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