Religion in HP
reincineir at
Thu Jun 27 16:46:58 UTC 2002
No: HPFGUIDX 40456
Something that has been bothering me for a while: what is everyone's
take on religion in the HP wizarding world? They have references to
and practice such holidays as Christmas and Easter, yet it doesn't
seem to make sense that they would be Christian, since in the Bible it
was said that "You shall not allow a sorcerer/ess to live." Perhaps
wizards are Christian, and regard sorcery as different from wizarding
magic (perhaps sorcery is what the Dark Wizards practice?) and thus
abide by that rule by hunting out the practitioners of sorcery... but
that seems like a stretch, and wizards on the whole seem to be a very
pragmatic people.
All of the normal things they deal with every day- giants, vampires,
magic itself- are supernatural in Muggle eyes, which perhaps makes
wizards seem beyond Muggle religion as we know it... but do wizards
have their own concept of the supernatural themselves? Is there
anything that is supernatural to -them- (other than Muggle science) as
their world is supernatural to us? Does it seem like wizards would
have/believe in angels? Demons? Gods?
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