darrin_burnett bard7696 at
Fri Jun 28 02:29:25 UTC 2002

No: HPFGUIDX 40495

There's been some excellent posts lately about the pseudo-religious 
aspects of the graveyard scene in GoF.

Without disagreeing, I'd like to draw the parallel a bit closer to a 
group of scumbags in the real United States -- The Ku Klux Klan.

Having covered two KKK rallies for my newspaper and witnessed the 
ceremonial nonsense that goes with the cross burning, I see some 
similarities in the way they go about their rituals.

The circle, with the "Grand Wizard" (Ironic, isn't it, that that's 
the name for the head Klannie?) addressing the members, took place. 

The ceremony I saw was just for show, so a black person wasn't 
lynched (Yes, I included a black person in this discussion -- sorry 
if bringing up a lynching is too PC for some -- OK, end of rant) but 
news accounts from the 1930s say there was a ceremonial aspect to the 
killing, kind of like what Harry went through.

More scattershot parallels can be found. 

The term "mudbloods" is a direct descendent (or ancestor) of "mud 
races" which is what the KKK calls blacks and Latinos.

KKK members all have real jobs, and during the height of its powers, 
they were often well-respected members of the community. Brotherhood 
and loyalty were highly valued.

And of course, in many cases, the Klan groups were brought down by 
traitors from within. Some indoctrinated member would turn against 
them and work with the authorities. :)

Oh, and on another topic. You folks have convinced me. I placed my 
order on tonight for the British versions of the books.

So, 38 pounds translates to what, about 60 dollars? :)

-- Pounds I can figure Ok, but what the hell is a farthing?

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