Royal Family only for muggles?

darrin_burnett bard7696 at
Sun Jun 30 03:40:23 UTC 2002

No: HPFGUIDX 40582

--- In HPforGrownups at y..., "EtonBuffy" <buffyeton at y...> wrote:
> Do magical folk follow the royal family, or have anything like that 
> of their own?  
> Tamara

Well, it doesn't appear like they have any corresponding royal family 
in the wizarding world. I suppose Cornelius Fudge is supposed to be 
the direct counterpart to the Muggle Prime Minister.

Dumbledore says that he is among the few wizards who make it a point 
to read the Muggle newspapers, so the average person probably has no 
clue about the royal family, the Wimbledon standings or the football 

Ron has apparently never heard of a football match before meeting 
Dean Thomas and seeing his West Ham poster. His family has no idea 
how to use a telephone or Muggle mail service.

The worlds seem incredibly segregated. 

Someone with more knowledge of the history of the Royal Family than I 
could probably imagine some of the weirder members of the line as 
being shipped off to Hogwarts before returning, though.

-- I wonder where the American school is? My guess is somewhere in 
the deserts of New Mexico.

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