TBAY: Madame Lestrange is Loose!
foxmoth at qnet.com
Sat May 25 15:10:03 UTC 2002
No: HPFGUIDX 39067
Pippin relaxes idly in bow of the LOLLIPOPS lifeboat. She and
the Snapetheories have watched the carnage on shore with
bemused detachment. So much to-do and disturbance over
lowly Longbottom. Who'd have thought it? But now the bay is
calm again. "Ars Longa, Vita Brevis," she sighs, and lovingly
stroking her black iridescent featherboa, she picks up her tape
recorder and begins to dictate another submission to the
on-shore Coherence II thread.
Suddenly there is a faint <pop>. Behind her dark glasses,
Pippin blinks in surprise at her newly materialized visitor. He is a
a dapper, middle-aged fellow with a certain continental air,
clothed in the height of fashion for 1934. His forehead is high,
he is somewhat balding and somewhat plump, and his features
are distinguished by his deep dark eyes and by a prominent
mustache, waxed into points, of which he seems inordinately
"Excuse me," says Pippin politely. "Are you by chance lost? This
Bay is for HP theories only."
"Madame," he says, in slightly accented English, " *I* am H.P."
He produces his card with a flourish and hands it to Pippin with
a polite bow.
Her eyes widen as she reads the name engraved thereon:
"Hercule Poirot."
"AIR-coo-lee Pwa-ROH!" Pippin exclaims phonetically. "Agatha
Christie's greatest detective!"
Poirot bows again, hiding his pleasure at this praise. "Madame
is too kind. But I perceive that despite her look of nonchalance,
Madame is distressed. Might I perhaps render some
"Well, now that you mention it," says Pippin, coming to the point
of the post before the Mod-squad chopper drops a load of
Howlers on her," it's the woman in the Pensieve scene. She's
Madame Lestrange, isn't she? I mean, it seems obvious."
"Yes, indeed, Hastings, eh,* pardon*, Madame Pippin.
Something so obvious, it must be, how you say, a red flag."
"Yes. It's too simple. It's so simple, it's hardly a mystery at all.
Where are the misleading clues, the red herrings, the false
leads? I mean, there's no one else it *could* be, is there? Is
"Let us remain calm, Madame, and put the little grey cells to
work. Perhaps it is, after all, but a simple mystery, *pour amuser
les enfants.* But no, of course that can not be. The great Joanne
Rowling does not write children's books. There must be more."
The deep brown eyes suddenly crinkle with amusement. "Oui, I
have it. You seek the red herring, Madame, but it is already
before your eyes."
"That would be a typical Christie ploy! But I'm afraid I don't follow."
"But it is so very simple, Hastings! Eh!, *pardon*, Madame
Pippin, of course. This matter of identifying Madame Lestrange, it
is the flourish of the magician's wand, distracting the eye from
the matter which the magician wishes to conceal. You concern
yourself with finding out the name of this mysterious and
powerful Death Eater of the heavy-lidded eyes and the queenly
manner, and when you have discovered it, you pat yourself upon
the back and look no further. Is it not so? But, I, the great Hercule
Poirot, I will look further. Tell me, what else do we know about
this lady?"
"Well, Sirius tells us she was in school with him and Snape. But
she's in Azkaban now. Voldemort says so, too. 'Entombed'
"A curious choice of words, is it not? But this Voldemort,
He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named, need we believe all he says? And
Sirius Black, he also thought, did he not, that young Barty Crouch
had been entombed in Azkaban, and yet he proved mistaken,
n'est-ce pas?"
"Good heavens! You don't mean she's escaped!"
"I cannot rule out the possibility."
"Then *she* could be the next DADA teacher!"
"Madame Pippin! We have already had a Death Eater disguised
as a Hogwarts teacher. No, we must look else where. Closer to
home, I think. Perhaps in Little Whinging?"
"Ooh! Mrs. Arabella Figg?"
"Yes, I think we will find her identity has been stolen."
"It's an intriguing theory, Poirot, but we need canon here at
Theory Bay."
"But of course, Madame." Poirot produces a much thumbed copy
of "Harry Potter and The Philosopher's Stone. "You see, in
Chapter Two, we learn of Mrs. Figg, she of the cabbage-smelling
living room and the great fondness for the cats. But it seems she
has broken her leg. And in Chapter Three, our Mr. Potter spends
an afternoon at her house while Dudley is being taken for his
Smelting's uniform. And he notices, does he not, that Mrs. Figg is
no longer as fond of her cats as she once was, and that she lets
him watch television, and gives him chocolate cake, with the
implication that she has never done so before."
"You mean Madame Lestrange has been impersonating Mrs.
Figg for four years now? But why? And how did she get out of
Azkaban anyway? She can't be another unregistered Animagus, I
hope. And why would any self-respecting Death Eater
masquerade as a Muggle?"
"On the orders of her Master, who engineered her escape with
the help of the unfortunate Professor Quirrell. For one who could
break into Gringott's, surely Azkaban would pose no difficulty.
And so, you see, it explains the broken leg. For how could Lord
Voldemort know how safely Harry Potter was protected on Privet
Drive unless he had tested those same protections?"
"Mrs. Lestrange!Figg broke her leg trying to get at Harry?"
"I fear so."
"But why would Voldemort lie to the Death Eaters and tell them
she was still in Azkaban?"
"Because he has told no one, not even young Barty. For he trusts
no one, not even young Barty. Soon, he thinks, she will be free of
her tedious duties on Privet Drive, and he will set her at other
prey. His unwilling, treacherous,backsliding Death Eaters, whom
he would not trust as far as he could throw a Quaffle. Is it not
brilliant? Who but I, Hercule Poirot, could see through such a
devious scheme."
"But Harry didn't die that night. And that means--she's still there!"
Pippin exclaims, like one of the Three Bears. "And that means--"
"Yes, indeed. The, how you say, Deadsexy!Sirius, is on a
collision course with the Deadsexy!Madame Lestrange. The
sparks will fly."
"Bangy!" says Pippin reverently. "All it needs is an acronym."
"That, I leave to you." And with another courtly bow and a faint
<pop> the great detective disappears.
Pippin thinks for a moment, then pulls out a can of white paint
and begins to paint new letters on the side of the LOLLIPOPS
Evil Lestrange Villainess Is Replacing Arabella
who has observed that in Rowling, as in Christie, the villain is
often a young man thought to be of good character, whom no
one ever suspects. :-)
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