TBAY: Assassin!Snape and Karkaroff's Big Mistake
Cindy C.
cindysphynx at comcast.net
Thu Nov 21 17:52:16 UTC 2002
No: HPFGUIDX 46906
The hour grew late in the Tavern, but the crowd inside was growing
more boisterous rather than retiring for the night. George, eager
to finally wring some profit from the joint before the approaching
storm blew the Tavern straight to the bottom of the Bay itself, has
given the Snape theorists a well-appointed back room where they can
raise their voices without disturbing the more sedate Florence
theorists at the bar. With great ceremony, he placed an enormous
cardboard box of pristine yellow flags in the center of the
rectangular table, breaking the seal with a snap as the crowd
murmered in anticipation.
Cindy pushed through the crowd to claim the last straight-backed
chair at the table, her back to the wall. Tavern regulars Charis,
Pippin, Eileen and Marina were there, as were a number of Snape
specialists of considerable renown, a few GEORGIANS and quite a
number of energetic newcomers. Her eyes flicked from side to side
as she struggled to conceal her frayed nerves. "Tough crowd," Cindy
muttered to herself. "Not a single bona fide Banger in the bunch."
Cindy glanced up at the smartly dressed and alluring stranger seated
across the rectangular table. Her silky black hair obscured her
delicate features as she studied her notes, and Cindy squinted at
her, struggling to place her. "Hey, you look familiar. I know you
from someplace, don't I?"
The stranger smiled demurely. "I'm Judy Serenity. I'm a local
Snape Scholar, and I couldn't help overhearing your conversation in
the bar."
"Oh, *now* I remember," Cindy said. "We talked about Snape many
months ago, when Theory Bay was little more than a bone dry gulley.
We disagreed about why Dumbledore would have trusted Snape after
Snape became a DE. I was saying that Snape would have to do
something Big to get back into Dumbledore's good graces, and you
were saying that Dumbledore would trust Snape without it."
Cindy smiled broadly and eased back in her seat. "So. Have you
come to change your mind about that? Are you about to admit that No
One Trusts Anyone in the wizarding world without concrete proof of
their loyalty?"
"Not a chance," Judy replied defiantly. "I stand by everything I
said before, and in fact, it is equally applicable here. It's the
flip side of the very same coin, isn't it? We were wondering why
Dumbledore would trust Snape, and now we're wondering why Voldemort
would trust Snape."
"I'm with Judy on this," said Pippin, nodding. "I think Snape went
to offer his services as a spy to Voldemort and was accepted at the
end of GoF, after a Crucio or two."
"Precisely," Judy said. "Voldemort, being an Evil Overlord and all,
doesn't want to believe that Snape actually was spying on him and is
quite prepared to take Snape's word for it. Evil Overlords are just
like that sometimes."
"Voldemort *knows* Snape betrayed him and *knows* that Snape has
been working with Dumbledore for over a decade, is just going to
assume that Snape can be trusted back in Voldemort's inner circle?"
Cindy exclaimed. "Oh, I'm not buying that. See, the Evil Overlord
character has to make some mistakes so that the hero can win, but
the author can't take it too far. The readers will never accept
Sucker!Voldemort. I mean, what does canon tell us about DEs who
actually *do* betray Voldemort?"
At this, Avery slid several inches lower in his seat. Eileen
slipped her arm around his hunched shoulders and whispered a few
comforting words about redemption.
"Voldemort tortures DEs who aren't loyal. That's our buddy Avery
over there," Cindy said. "Incompetent DEs get tortured too.
That's Wormtail. And DEs who are cowardly 'pay,' which also sounds
like torture. But you guys think DEs who actively *betray*
Voldemort also get off with Cruciatus and a really wicked scolding?
No way. No, I still say Snape is going to have to do something huge
to bring Voldemort around."
"Well," Judy said thoughtfully, "Maybe Voldemort believes he can
infallibly detect lies."
"Oh, goodness. Does anyone think Voldemort is *that* sloppy? See,
Voldemort has made his share of mistakes, all right. But Voldemort
has never willfully disregarded a known risk, has he? Oh, he
forgets stuff. And he makes mistakes due to incomplete information,
like not knowing about the wand cores or Lily's ancient magic. But
I can't think of an instance where Voldemort knew about a major risk
and just dismissed it out of hand."
"OK, OK," Judy allowed, "how about Snape may have a potion that
increases persuasiveness?"
Cindy rose partway from her seat, reaching for the crisp yellow flag
on the top of the pile. She froze as a powerful voice boomed out
from the crowd: "I have a theory of my own."
"Who said that?" Cindy asked, scanning the faces in the
crowd. "Where are you?" The bystanders, alarmed, glanced around
suspiciously, trying to pick out the speaker among them.
"I'm right here. No, no, over *here.* It's me, TheresNothingToIt."
"You're . . . a *disembodied voice?*" Cindy said. "OK, now you
people are really starting to freak me out."
"I submit," the voice continued, "that Snape uses the Timeturner and
nips back a couple of hours to visit the DE family reunion in the
graveyard. That is why he starts when Harry begins to name the Death
Eaters; if Snape is mentioned as not attending then there can be no
hope of a little time turning."
"That's not bad," Cindy said. "But we have a couple of issues.
Snape's failure to twig to the fact that Hermione may have had a
Timeturner in PoA suggests that Snape doesn't have one or even know
much about them. Also, there's the problem that readers around the
globe would toss their books into the fireplace if JKR tried to dust
off the time travel gimmick again. And if Snape did travel back in
time, why didn't he do something *useful* like stop Cedric and Harry
from touching the Cup? Or go to the graveyard and save Cedric's
life? Oh, you want no part of Timeturner theorizing, my friend.
Trust me, that Timeturner is a random FLINT generator if I ever saw
Acire charged forward out of the crowd, and her words tumbled forth
in a rush. "I'm new here, but I just have to say something. This
idea that Dumbledore orders Karkaroff's murder is way off.
Dumbledore is not the type of person to have other people do his
dirty work."
"Yeah, that's true," said Wendy. "I just don't see Dumbledore
sending Snape off to murder someone, even someone like Karkaroff.
Not pre-meditated murder, even for the common good."
"Oh, is *that* the problem?" Cindy replied easily. "I expected
people to start fighting over paddles emblazoned with their favorite
Assassin!Snape variant. But no. All I'm hearing are
objections. `Snape wouldn't do such a thing he was a *nice*
DE.' 'Dumbledore wouldn't do such a thing he's such a *nice*
headmaster.' What is it going to take to talk you all into this?"
"You know what you have to do." George said quietly. "Go on. Show
us the canon, Cindy." He pulled the box of yellow flags toward
himself and passed one to each theorist, some of whom wadded them
into tight balls so their aim would be true.
Cindy gulped audibly and began flipping through her tattered copy of
GoF. She waited a full minute before looking up and beginning to
"For a long time, I bought this whole Grandfatherly Dumbledore
routine that Albus likes to do. You know, the beard, the twinkle,
the eccentricities. But the fact is that Dumbledore *will* use
others to accomplish his ends - even if it creates risk for them.
And as we shall see, certain events in GoF all but sealed
Karkaroff's fate at the hand of Snape and Dumbledore.
"First of all, we already know that Dumbledore will have others do
his dirty work. Oh, he has no problem with that idea at all.
Dumbledore sent a wand-less Hagrid to recover Harry from Godric's
Hollow, even though the place could have been swarming with
murderous DEs. Dumbledore sent Hagrid to the Giants, and I think we
all know how that little mission is going to turn out. Dumbledore
let the trio face barriers like Devil's Snare and a vicious Three-
Headed dog to safeguard the Stone. But the clearest example of all
is how Dumbledore told Hermione and Harry to use the Timeturner
rather than use it to do the deed himself.
"Were these things risky? Yes, although some were more risky than
others. But we know for an absolute fact that Hermione and Harry
were at risk when they used the Timeturner -- had they blown it,
they might have attacked themselves. Now, none of those things is
anywhere close to ordering the assassination of Karkaroff. But I
certainly detect a pattern - Dumbledore will ask others to do
dangerous and unsavory things when circumstances require it."
"Nope," George interrupted. "I'm not buying it. You still haven't
given any canon for why Dumbledore would target Karkaroff. For all
we know, Dumbledore might feel quite charitably toward Karkaroff.
International wizarding relations and all."
"Oh, I have a *monster* canon for that," Cindy shot back. "Take a
look at GoF 'The Madness of Mr. Crouch.'"
"I smell double-dealing and corruption in this whole affair, and
you, Dumbledore, you, with your talk of closer international
wizarding links, of rebuilding old ties, of forgetting old
differences - here's what I think of *you*!
Karkaroff spat onto the ground at Dumbledore's feet.
"Yup, it was the spit, Cindy said. "You hawk one at a man's feet,
and he is not inclined to be charitable with you. From that point
forward, he's not going to go out of his way to find a way to spare
you. I say Karkaroff made himself expendable when he let loose with
that loogie.
"Now don't get me wrong. Dumbledore wouldn't allow Karkaroff to be
killed out of revenge over a bit of phlegm. That *would* be out of
character. Hagrid's retaliation against Karkaroff happens for a
reason, though: JKR wants to make crystal clear that what Karkaroff
did was *awful* -- even by wizarding world standards. Karkaroff's
little error in judgment there made Dumbledore see that Karkaroff
would *never* be on Dumbledore's team.
"And that makes a big difference. Look at it this way. If Snape
approaches Voldemort and does his very best song and dance to deny
being Dumbledore's spy, it might work. It also might *not* work.
And if it doesn't work, then Snape isn't getting out of Voldemort's
lair alive, is he? So is there anyone in this room who is 100% sure
that if Snape showed up, Voldemort would definitely let him live?"
No one stirred or met Cindy's gaze.
"Didn't think so. Dumbledore's not completely sure, either. If
there's one thing you can count on from an Evil Overlord, it's
unpredictability. So when Dumbledore authorized Snape to kill
Karkaroff to save Snape's hide, Dumbledore is doing the right
thing. Karkaroff is a dead man anyway. At least this way,
Karkaroff's death will accomplish two positive things - the
infiltration of Voldemort's inner circle and the survival of Severus
Snape. Forced to choose between Snape's life or Karkaroff's,
Dumbledore will pick Snape every time."
There was a stony silence as the theorists contemplated these harsh
words. That was when the high-pitched click of Faith's stiletto
heels on the hardwood floor could first be heard. All eyes were
upon her as she tottered forward to confront Cindy.
"You're going to need more than a little spitball to convince me of
Assassin!Snape, Cindy. You've never established that Dumbledore and
Snape ever had any kind of conversation about Karkaroff, let alone a
conversation about killing him."
The heads of the bystanders whipped back around to stare expectantly
at Cindy. Some of them grimaced and prepared to launch their flags,
hoping to *nail* her with a severe canon violation.
"Oh, but Faith, I have canon," Cindy replied quietly, trying not to
flinch at the dozens of weighted yellow flags in the cocked arms of
the bystanders. "Canon you'll like very much, I think. Check out
GoF 'The Pensieve;'"
Harry saw his own face change smoothly into Snape's, who opened his
mouth and spoke to the ceiling, his voice echoing slightly.
"It's coming back . . . Karkaroff's too . . stronger and clearer
than ever . . . "
"A connection I could have made without assistance," Dumbledore
sighed, "but never mind."
"Why, what do you make of *that!*" Cindy cried, jabbing her index
finger at Faith. "Dumbledore and Snape *did* have a conversation
about Karkaroff, didn't they? A conversation important enough to
make it into the Pensieve. A conversation that also involved the
Dark Mark. Now, if the only thing they talked about in that
conversation was Voldemort's imminent return, there was no reason at
all to bring Karkaroff into it, was there? If the Dark Mark was
getting stronger on Snape's arm, then that tells Dumbledore all he
needs to know - Voldemort is returning. No, I think they talked
about Karkaroff for a reason, all right. That meeting is when they
first discussed Karkaroff's future - or more accurately, his lack
of one.
"Not only that, what is up with Dumbledore's statement that he could
have made the connection without assistance? What connection could
he possibly be talking about there? That dialogue is highly
suspicious, don't you think? Surely Dumbledore doesn't mean he
could have connected Snape's Dark Mark with Voldemort's return if
Snape kept quiet about the Mark getting stronger. No, Dumbledore
means that he could have made the connection between Snape and
Karkaroff all by himself. And that connection is that Dumbledore is
willing to sacrifice Karkaroff to save Snape."
A grim cloud of silence hung in the air once more, even as the first
shimmer of daylight pierced the grimy windows. After a moment's
hesitation, George picked up the box that once held the yellow flags
and passed it among the bystanders, who each slowly laid their flag
in the box without speaking. Most of them wore expressions of
unease, their brows knitted as they considered what to make of these
latest canons. When the flags were collected, Cindy abruptly rose
from the table and made her way to the door.
"Wait!" Amanda cried, catching her by the arm. "Where are you
going? What about PlanB!Snape? You can't leave now!"
"Oh, don't worry," Cindy said, smiling vaguely. "I'm going out for
a bit of fresh air. I'm taking your advice Amanda.
"This time, I'm spreading out my Bangs."
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