[HPforGrownups] New Snape/Vodemort Musings

jazmyn jazmyn at pacificpuma.com
Mon Nov 25 16:59:49 UTC 2002

No: HPFGUIDX 47136

Janet Anderson wrote:
> The Polyjuice Potion only lasts one hour. Snape would have to either
> do his
> spying very quickly, or find a way to extend the Potion's effect.
> (Not that either of these is necessarily impossible.)
> Janet Anderson

Crouch/Moody had to drink it once an hour too and he pulled it off. 

I do not think DE meetings would run over an hour. Due to chances of
being noticed by the Aurors, I doubt the DE meetings last long.
Voldemort has to get the meetings over with quickly before the MOM
investigates all that magic use in one area. And this is a Muggle place
too, even more suspicious. What, you say?  How would the MOM know that??
If they know there is magic being used by 'students' somehow, mostly far
less complex magic then Apparation, then they would certainly detect a
load of people apparating to a graveyard for no clear reason and get
suspicious and want to send a few people to investigate... soon as they
can get the right people to approve the investigation, sign papers or
whatever keeps them from doing it that moment, but still presenting
enough of a pressure to get things over with quickly on Volde's part so
he doesn't get discovered and find himself up to his red eyes in

As for Voldemort locking up new DEs for an hour.. Why would he be that
paranoid?  Why risk alienating your new followers by locking them up. He
is too much an egomaniac to think that anyone willingly accepting the
dark mark would be working for the other side anyways.  Snape got his
dark mark before he turned spy.  He could easily switch places with some
other DE if he wanted to and the chance presented itself.  

Snape cannot show himself to Voldemort as himself, that is for sure.
"One, who I believe has left me forever ... he will be killed, of
course" We know Snape is not a coward. He didn't run, he stayed at
Hoggwarts. So there is no way Snape can  just pop in and say 'sorry I
missed the meeting, bit of traffic, you know. Can I just get a copy of
the 'minutes' from the secretary and get back to my potions?'  Volde
would toast his muffins on the spot.. and send him back to Hoggwarts in
a matchbox..

No, if he does go back to spying, he would HAVE to do it in disguise. 

What Dumbledore sent him to do may be a total surprise to all of us and
having nothing to do with any clues we have.

#1. Send back as a spy?  Difficult, unless its in disguise as Snape
can't very well pop back in as himself after 'leaving Volde forever'.
Volde knows darn well Snape turned spy now and there's no amount of
quick talking that could save Snape's bacon from that frying pan...

#2. Send to Azkaban to get rid of the dememtors?  Are you kidding? By
himself?  He is a powerful wizard, but it would take all the aurors in
the MOM to deal with the dementors, as there are a good number of them.
It not like he would have to deal with just one and Fudge would have his
head if he removed them after he said NO.  As to weither Snape can cast
a Patronus, we cannot be sure what his 'happy thoughts' are. Maybe he
pictures Sirious or Lockhart being beaten senseless?  Hard to say, but I
am sure he can cast it. 

#3. Assassin?  No, I can't see Dumbledore having Snape kill anyone. Its
not in character for Dumbledore at all to approve that sort of thing. 

#4. Send to warn the heads of the other magic schools since the MOM is
keeping things 'hushed'?  Maybe, but that doesn't seem that dangerous
that Dumbledore would look that worried.

#5. Send to plant magical 'bugs' to spy on Voldemort or his follower or
their homes to track their movements.. Well, just because Hermione
didn't find charms and such that allow spying/bugging, doesn't mean they
don't exist. They may not have books available to students on that sort
of thing.  Could be 'secret' magic that only aurors or the most powerful
wizards might know of.  Would allow Snape to spy without presenting
himself as a target, but would be dangerous to go out and plant the
magic 'bugs' as he could get caught and have to fight his way out.

#6. Send to speak with 'contacts'. Every good spy has contacts through
which they can get information 2nd hand. Maybe Dumbledore sent Snape to
Knockturn Alley to speak to a few 'contacts'. This is dangerous as
Knockturn Alley is dangerous to begin with, plus Snape might get singled
out by a DE who happens to be there and wants to win brownie points with
the boss...

Just a few ideas on what Snape might have been sent to do. Based
somewhat on both what we know from the books and how spies might work.
Snape 007?  Hello.. My name is Snape.. Severus Snape 007.  Now all he
needs is a broomstick that turns into a submarine...

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