Leading Into Temptation (TBAY style)
Malady579 at hotmail.com
Sat Nov 30 16:58:58 UTC 2002
No: HPFGUIDX 47475
"Now, any questions? Since I've managed to get chalk all over my
paws?" Grey Wolf said as he banged his paws together causing a thick
cloud of chalk dust to fill the air.
::cough, cough:: "Yes, of course I do," Melody smiled. "The chalk
please Grey."
Handing the chalk over and giving the girl a rather appraising look,
Grey returned to his chair and said, "Alright then."
"First," Melody began, "I want to fix an error I made that I did not
mean to imply. When I said:
> "Yes, but by saying Dumbledore wants Harry to go after the stone to
> see where his loyalties lie, you were speaking under the presumption
> that:
> (a) Voldie *would* get the stone
> (b) Dumbledore knew this and wanted him too
I meant that Dumbledore knew and wanted Voldie to get to the mirror
room, not to the stone. I was *thinking* mirror room and *wrote*
stone. Sorry about that. Dumbledore needed Voldemort in that room,
so Harry could show that moral fiber. So the above *should* read.
(a) Voldie *would* eventually get to the mirror
(b) Dumbledore knew this and wanted him too
That is why I said Dumbledore baited Voldemort. Bet you thought I
completely lost my mind there with Voldie getting the stone, didn't
you?" Melody smiled.
"I was beginning to wonder if you had too much turkey for
Thanksgiving," Grey laughed.
"So, having fixed that little error on my part, I do want to move on,"
Melody said looking back at the circles and loops Grey had drawn about
morality, life debts, and flaws. "You do realize, I completely agree
with all this, right?"
"I would hope so," said Grey leaning back in his chair.
"Good, then I will erase it. I have no problem with saying that
Dumbledore needs to know Harry's prerogative since so much is riding
on him. T'would be foolish if he just assumed so much anyway," Melody
said erasing the board.
"Now, the reason I pulled you over here, was not to say 'hey, you are
dallying near my patch'. I was just saying that within three
interpretations of event, <<chalked them up on the board again>> the
idea of Dumbledore judging Harry's compass only works in two of them.
<<circle bait version A & B>> Now, you say MD does not really adhere
to the non-bait one, which I did not know that by the way," Melody
said turning around and pointing the chalk at Grey and turning back
and erased the 'non-bait'. "Since I did not know that, then that is
why I dragged you back here. So you do believe Dumbledore baited
Voldie into the room, but for different reasons that I expanded." said
"Yes," Grey agreed. "If it was just Harry in the room, he would of
just seen his parents, but with Voldemort there, Harry's greatest
desire was for Voldie to *not* get the stone. Then, Dumbledore
*knows* that Harry is good, and Voldie is kept from the stone and even
removed from his host body."
Melody looked down at her chalk. "You know that makes sense. I like it."
"Thank you," Grey nodded.
"Doesn't completely convince me, of course, but I like it," Melody
said glancing up. "Few points then."
"Shoot," Grey said.
"One. you said:
>The moral compass of Harry is checked when he decides to make a go
>for it, not by passing the obstacles. The fact of being able to
>overcome those obstacles is no proof of morality at all, really.
Do you really think a moral decision was not made on Ron's part in the
chess room? Do you not think a moral decision was not made by Harry
when he left Ron there? Or how about when Hermione told Harry he is
the one to go on and not her? It is purely from their convictions
that they are making these decisions. Given that we are saying
Dumbledore set up the obstacles to remove Ron and Hermione, then it
seems to me that at those points a moral decision must be made. Maybe
each obstacle was not set up especially for that moral point at that
time, but it is implied that the decisions would be coming. Really, I
think Dumbledore wanted to know what Harry's best friends' compasses
were too.
And Two. You said:
>I have to point that Harry is more than an instrument in MD, Mel, and
>you should know that. Harry is being trained, more than anyone else
>in the school, and we are left to wander what has Dumbledore planned.
>If he is just another student, he should receive the same education.
>No, Dumbledore has surely something else in mind.
You see, really, Harry's part is still vague. All his education so
far does seem to cumulate around preparing Harry to make that moral
decision and protect himself from the adversary that is * bent* to
come after him. Can we really say Dumbledore is preparing Harry any
further than this? I mean, all preparation really can just apply to
Dumbledore needing this one decision and Harry's eventual giving of
his blood," Melody asked.
"Examples please," Grey requested with his paw doing that open palm,
bended fingers beckoning motion that I can not remember the name of
right now.
"Ok, first if we are to say Dumbledore is preparing Harry especially
then he has to do three things. <<chalk writing>>
(a)Prepare him morally: educate Harry of why all this is important and
why he should be on the side of good.
(b)Prepare him physically in defense: if Harry is going to be around
bad people then he needs to be prepared.
(c)Prepare him mentally: good old plain education of knowledge and facts
Book 1. Basic training really. We have the mirror exercise (a: learn
moral fiber to make decisions). Team work (c: they help Harry prepare
himself for adversity). Obstacles to over come (b: any good army has
that). Harry learns he has the ability to blister Quirrelmort (b:
ingrain defense). Given picture book to become acquainted with
parents so that later he can put a loving face with a cause (a&c).
Oh, and his speed and sight is exercised (b: search and strategy).
Book 2. Getting more specific. Dueling (b: if in fact Harry needs it
when in bad people's presence when giving blood). Fawkes (a: loyalty
proof). Basilisk of death (a: bravery against really big enemies).
Sword and hat (c: the choice determines self lesson). Continuing
education with speed and sight (b: Quidditch). Continue teakwork (c).
Book 3. Game day now for life debt part. Dementor problem fixed (b:
patronus if needed). Learn of father's friends and parents' death (c:
motivation for decision to be made). Learns of Azkaban and
punishments (c). Learns Dumbledore trust the person not their
circumstances (a: Lupin). Quidditch training continues (b). Continue
teamwork (c).
Book 4. Has life debt now needs blood meaning bad guy is going to be
in close proximity. Three curses (bit of b&c to protect himself from
them if possible). WW multi-cultural love (a&c: future plans?).
Trial pensive and what life was like with Voldemort around (a&c: rally
against the cause of evil). Training for TriWiz (b&c: advantage of
situation really). Task #1 (b: work to strengths think outside the
box). Task #2 (a&c: loyalty, friendship, learn other cultures) Task
#3 (b: another obstacle course). No quidditch but teamwork is shining
Now I am *sure* there are some I missed, but really, all this training
does just culminate to Harry having the frame of mind and morals to
want to be for Dumbledore's side, cause a life debt to be issued, and
to be in the presence of Voldie to give blood."
Melody stepped back and looked at the board covered in her writting.
"Hmmm, though it does seem to imply that if the life debt is issued
then it is Harry that is the one that would receive the benefits from
it. Harry *must* have more to do with this then since it was so
important that *he* be the one that gets the life debt. Did I just
disprove my original intent?" Melody asked.
"I think so," Grey said.
"Hmmm, oh well. I'm not set in stone with it anyway. I will always
ask 'Why Harry?' until it is proven to me why he is so important.
>From what I can tell it is just because he is fortunate (or
unfortunate depending on the view) to have this love protection, an
evil overlord bent on pursuing him, and the ability to bring about
this 'flawed potion' in a way that can remove the threat of Voldemort
forever. That was what I was getting at before Grey. Not that after
GoF, Harry is unimportant to the plot, but as to *why* he has been the
focus so far. I have greatly deviated from your original point with
Eileen, haven't I?" Melody asked.
"Yes," Grey agreed, "But I think you feel a little better now getting
all this out."
"Yes, I do. It is Harry's basic earned life circumstances that make
him special, and nothing else. Dumbledore need *him* because of this
fact," Melody said more to herself than to Grey.
"Now, where did I go wrong? I know you are dying to tell me," she
smiled at the wolf.
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