TBAY: PINE-ing for Superfluous Characters
Cindy C.
cindysphynx at comcast.net
Wed Oct 2 12:19:48 UTC 2002
No: HPFGUIDX 44792
Cindy surveyed Theory Bay through her spy glass, her heart heavy.
Everywhere she looked, vessels lay lifeless in the calm waters. The
Fourth Man Hovercraft was beached at the shoreline, its hull shining
with a thick layer of a curious mossy substance. LOLLIPOPS, the
greatest vessel of them all, had been left to drift, its mighty sail
in tatters. Oh, there was still an assortment of smaller vessels
cheerfully buzzing each other, and bleary-eyed tour groups filed
listlessly through the canon museum, but there hadn't been any
activity in the Bay in quite some time.
Suddenly, Cindy spied something unusual on the GARBAGESCOW. It,
like so many other vessels in the Bay, seemed to be going nowhere,
but as best Cindy could make out from her awkward vantage point,
something seemed different aboard the SCOW. Something seemed . . .
wrong . . . . terribly wrong.
Cindy apparated to the deck of the GARBAGESCOW, seeking its Captain,
Dicentra. What Cindy saw shocked her. Dicentra was there all
right. But just barely. She lay sprawled across the Captain's
chair, her long platinum hair askew, her usually soaking wet uniform
dirty, disheveled and - bone dry! An empty family-size bag of corn
chips lay crumpled at her feet.
"What's going on here, Sailor?" Cindy asked disdainfully, pulling
Dicentra upright. "Why aren't you maintaining your vessel?"
"I " Dicentra began. She suddenly pitched forward, and Cindy
caught her quickly. "I can't seem to generate any interest in the
GARBAGESCOW these days. When was the last time Eileen or Elkins
dropped by? *Never,* that's when. I figured they'd give me
something - anything. I'd even take some bullying behavior or a
train stomp -- I'm flexible here. But no. No one has brought me a
canon in *months!*"
"You have to pull yourself *together*!" Cindy snapped. "There's no
time to waste. If you're going to dump all of the superfluous canon
into the Theory Bay landfill before OoP comes out, you have to get a
move on!"
"Before OoP comes out?" Dicentra rolled her eyes. "Oh, we've got
*years* then," she said sarcastically. "Besides, why should I even
get out of bed in the morning if no one comes here any more?" She
narrowed her eyes. "Not even you, Cindy. And I expected better
from you."
Cindy shrugged. "Hey, don't look at me. Nobody's banging in the
Bay either."
"Well, what can we do about it? 'Cause we gotta do something. I
can't go on like this!" Dicentra moaned, clutching her head in her
"Hmmm," Cindy mused. "I think you need better PR. You should run a
little contest, that's what you should do. You know, boost morale
around here. You should challenge everyone in the Bay to bring you
the biggest canons they can find for the GARBAGESCOW. Not only
that, you should tell them to bring any kind of canon. They can
bring sub-plots, red herrings, chapters, paragraphs or entire
books. And best of all, they can bring *characters*!"
"Oh, that'll never work," Dicentra sighed. "Canon is *filled* with
dozens of minor characters, many of whom could be dumped right on
the GARBAGESCOW without so much as a hollow thud."
"Ah, but that's my point. The challenge would be to find the
*biggest* character who could possibly be dumped on the SCOW. Oh,
anyone could dump students who don't even have whole *names* on the
SCOW. Like Stebbins or Summers that's easy. Heck, you could
practically dump all of Ravensclaw on the SCOW and hardly anyone
would miss it.
"But is it possible to find a major character for the SCOW? Or a
character who appears in multiple books. Or " Cindy grinned a
toothy smile. "Or a *beloved* character, a character with an actual
fan club with an acronym and everything?"
"No way," Dicentra said flatly.
"Look, I have the perfect canon right here. He's been in all four
books, so he's hefty. Yet he's one-dimensional, so he won't take up
much space. His main role has been to be a red herring in CoS, but
I'll bet most readers didn't even take the bait."
"You don't mean . . . you *can't* . . . I won't"
"That's right!" Cindy cried. "*Percy Weasley* is going to take a
little trip. A trip *straight* to the landfill!"
"I dunno," Dicentra said thoughtfully. "Percy has a lot to do in
the books."
"Does he now?" Cindy asked, her hands on her hips. "OK, let's walk
through Percy's Big Moments in the plots of the four books. This
shouldn't take long, I'm thinking," she added with a smirk.
"First up is PS/SS. What does Percy *do* in PS/SS?"
"Uh," Dicentra rubbed her chin. "Well . . . I can't think of
anything important, really."
"That's right," Cindy said, nodding. "Now in CoS, Percy has a bit
of a role there. He catches Ron outside Myrtle's bathroom or
something. And Percy kisses his girlfriend, and we're supposed to
buy Percy as the villain in CoS. But I really doubt anyone fell for
"What about PoA?" Dicentra asked, her eyes suddenly wide. "Percy
had a lot to do in PoA. He had a conversation with Dumbledore and
Snape after Black broke into the castle."
"Well, how superfluous can you be if you're the third wheel in a
conversation?" Cindy replied.
Dicentra folded her arms defiantly. "Well, Percy does quite a lot
in GoF. Surely that counts for something."
"Well, let's take stock." Cindy said "Percy apparates, attends the
QWC, talks about his job, fixes tea for Mr. Crouch, splashes out
into the Lake at the second task and answers an owl from Ron. He
wasn't even attending Hogwarts, for heaven's sake. None of these
things had much to do with the plot.
"No, I'm afraid I'll have to offer up Percy as the most superfluous
major character in the series so far. He's a Weasley - the brother
of the hero's best friend. He's a prefect, so he is in a position
of authority. Given how many opportunities Percy has had to become
involved in the central plots of the books, he somehow never does,
does he? So he's superfluous.
"You want more proof? Have a look at the Lexicon. The chapter-by-
chapter summaries for PS/SS, CoS and GoF, don't even *mention*
Percy. How superfluous can you get when the Master Guide For LOON-
acy doesn't even acknowledge your role in the plot."
"Nah, I'm not buying it," Dicentra replied. "Hagrid has been in all
four books, and he doesn't factor into the plot either. But no one
would say Hagrid was superfluous."
"Well, as much as I'd *love* to drag Hagrid aboard the SCOW, I just
can't," Cindy said, sighing heavily. "Hagrid rescued Harry from the
Dursleys, and he later leaked key information in PS/SS. Harry
confides in Hagrid. Hagrid provides all manner of useful background
information. Hagrid bred the screwts, and without Hagrid there
would be no Buckbeak and no Sirius's escape. No, Hagrid isn't
superfluous, I'm sorry to say."
Dicentra paused, saying nothing, shaking her head slowly from side
to side.
"I know this is hard." Cindy patted Dicentra awkwardly on the
shoulder. "We've never thrown a character on the SCOW before. But
I think you're ready to take this next step."
"Mmmm, I'll think about it," Dicentra said, standing slowly. She
brushed her hair out of her eyes and marched to the deck rail.
"Hey, where are you going? You owe me a ruling on Percy!" Cindy
shouted after her.
Dicentra climbed the deck rail, straddling it. "I'm going for a
swim. It's the only way I can really think," she said, as she flung
herself overboard and dived gracefully into the Bay.
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