Why Snape may know what he knows WAS Re: The Gleam Revisited
pipdowns at etchells0.demon.co.uk
Thu Oct 10 00:02:39 UTC 2002
No: HPFGUIDX 45148
Marina writes:
> Okay, we're using two different definitions of metathinking here.
> think I was confused by the fact that you seemed to be setting
> up "meta" and "canon-based" as opposing concepts, which I now see
> they're not. You're limiting your definition of "meta" to the "lit-
> crit" approach, while I was defining it in more general terms as
> extratextual thinking, in which the reader's interpretation of the
> text is filtered through considerations from outside the text. In
> the case of the DISHWASHER, the filter is your knowledge and
> understanding of the way anti-terrorist campaigns are conducted in
> real life. We can call it "external thinking," or some other
> suitable name to distinguish it from the lit-crit method. This is
> perfectly valid approach -- I think the DISHWASHER theory is very
> well thought-out, even if I disagree with it -- but it's no more
> canonically rigorous than the lit-crit approach, or the
> philosophical one, or any number of other methods people use to
> interpret the text.
Hmmm... unfortunately lit-crit tends to provoke strange growling
noises from me, but could you possibly explain how a reader is *not*
supposed to interpret a text through their own knowledge and
understanding? And why this is supposedly less canonically rigorous
than interpreting it through, say, Freudian psychology.
A reader has to be able to *read*, for a start, which is 'their own
knowledge and understanding'. Or if the book is being read to them,
they must have, of their own knowledge and understanding, a
sufficient vocabulary to understand it.
To say the readers interpretation of the text is filtered through
considerations outside the text is to basically say that 'this is a
book, people read the book, people will use their own experience to
understand what they read.' It's a given, it's the basis from which
we start.
For example: I support my reading of Snape's goading of Harry in PoA
Ch. 19 by making reference to his similar behaviour in Ch.14 (where
he also goads Harry into losing his temper) and argue that Snape in
Ch.19 knows from his previous experience in Ch.14 that insulting
Harry's parents will make him lose his temper. That is MORE
canonically rigorous than supporting a different reading of Snape's
goading of Harry by saying that at this point in the Story it is
essential that Harry take independent action and learn that
sometimes we have to defy those in authority.
The one points to what the characters have said and done in the
text. The other uses a theory of what the story is about as its
supporting evidence. They are not equally canonically rigorous nor
are they on the same level; I can never, however much I argue, say
that Snape in Ch.19 had *no* knowledge that insulting Harry's
parents would make Harry lose his temper; I *can* argue that Harry's
need for independent action is met earlier, or later, or is not
needed in PoA at all because the Story is about his growth to
manhood, and the independence will come later...
> I never said the universe revolved around Harry, I said the
> revolved around Harry. Now I suppose you're going to say that by
> bringing the concept of story into it I'm indulging in meta-
> thinking, but I think that attempting to analyze a literary text
> without ever acknowledging that it *is* a literary text is a
> artificial and pitfall-laden approach.
[Rant mode on]
Marina, of course I know it's a literary text. It has a cover, and
pages, and words printed on the pages; I bought it from
the 'fiction' section of the bookshop - these are some of the clues
which tell me that it is a literary text.
And I pay the entire list the compliment of assuming that I do not
*need* to acknowledge that it is a literary text, because they too
have picked up on these clues. Far from being 'artificial', assuming
that the fact that a literary text *is* a literary text is
understood by everyone (other than English Lit professors) and thus
requires no acknowledgement within a theory is the beginning point
of analysis.
[Rant mode off]
Of course, a lot of it has
> to do with what your goal is. If a theory is intended purely as
>an intellectual exercise, then anything goes.
Personally, my goal is fun. My secondary goal is to be able to
say 'I TOLD YOU SO!' when Book 5, 6 or possibly 7 comes out. [grin]
But if you're actually
> trying to predict where the story will go, then you have to deal
> with the fact that it is a story, not a news report or a
> historical chronicle, and examine the literary underpinnings.
You mean that stories follow certain rules, and that an examination
of which rules the author is following will allow you to predict
where the story will go.
Unfortunately, this mostly only works with second-rate writers. The
Rules say that Frodo either a)should have died heroically succeeding
in his task (theme of courage against certain death) or b)have
miraculously survived to a happy retirement (theme of grace) or c)
failed completely, with death and despair all round (theme of
despair). In fact, Tolkein is a good enough writer that none of
these happened - though there were a few chapters where the reader
was fooled into thinking it was going to be ending b).
> Example: if you were trying to predict the ending of a traditional
> cozy British mystery, you would not say "the killer will be the
> likely suspect" or "the killer will be an anonymous drifter with
> connection to anyone in town." That may happen all the time in
> real life, but that's not how it happens in cozy British
Of course, prior to Agatha Christie's cozy British mysteries you
would also have said 'the murderer cannot be a small child', 'the
murderer cannot be the detective', and so on. I think the only
reason she never used 'anonymous drifter' is because it's *so*
boring. That's not how it happens ... until a writer decides
> the HP series aren't quite as genre-bound, but I still don't
> you can just ignore the fact that Harry is the protagonist of the
> story, or that free choice, morality and the power of love have
>been established as major themes.
I'm not. I just think that another major theme is going to turn out
to be 'sometimes we have to do things we hate and consider immoral
because the alternative is even more evil than the things we have to
do'. Morality when it consists of choosing between good and evil is
one thing; choosing the 'lesser of two evils' another.
The Voldemort war as shown in the books is one where both sides shot
to kill, and the supposedly good side imprisoned without trial.
Dumbledore may not have had a shoot-to-kill policy, but he uses a
truth potion on Crouch Jr. (depriving *him* of free choice and of
the right to not incriminate himself) without a second
thought.'Lesser of two evils' - he needed that information and he
needed it *now*.
Many people have said that the final
> outcome of the Harry-Voldemort conflict will not depend on who's
>the more powerful wizard. I agree with this, and I also think
>that the outcome will not depend on which shadowy puppet-master
> does a better job of manipulating his pawns.
Actually, I'm also one of the people who's said the Harry-Voldemort
conflict will not depend on who has the more powerful magic. Nor is
Harry a pawn - the MAGIC DISHWASHER plan could have been back to
square one in PoA if Harry had decided to say 'kill Pettigrew. What
I want is revenge'.
Nor am I certain what is so wrong with a strategy that consistently
relies on its so-called 'pawns' to do what is brave, good, and
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