Voldemorts plan (related to: Pre-MAGICAL DISHWASHER Plan
Christopher Nuttall
christopher_g_nuttall at hotmail.com
Sun Oct 13 19:49:52 UTC 2002
No: HPFGUIDX 45285
Voldemort has to hide for a few years at least. As he says, the aurors are searching for him and, as a ghost, he cannot defend himself. Therefore, he must remain hidden from view until the WW returns to being complatent.
----- Original Message -----
From: Melody
To: HPforGrownups at yahoogroups.com
Sent: Sunday, October 13, 2002 8:17 PM
Subject: [HPforGrownups] Pre-MAGICAL DISHWASHER Plan
Tip-toeing into the discussing, I gingerly place this post on the
doorstep of Mr. Grey Wolf's and Mrs. Pip-Squeak's respective houses...
While I have no problem with the logic of MAGICAL DISHWASHER and
greatly admire the tremendous research and swift defense you both have
on your theory, I do want to continue with your train of thought if I may.
It is obvious that Voldemort and Dumbledore are being very tactical
and methodical. Dumbledore does not join the jubilee that Voldemort
is finally dead. He *knows* that Voldemort is still alive out there.
How he *knows* this is not said in the books directly. We assume it
because Dumbledore still feels it is necessary to protect Harry and
keep his guard up thus knowing that Voldemort is after the stone.
Now pushing aside the pre-Halloween night War, we can wonder what
happened between November 2nd and June 10 years later. I really doubt
Dumbledore kicked his heels up and ate lemon drops. And I also doubt
Voldemort just amused himself in the woods for 10 years just waiting.
Neither man seems that complacent.
Now Grey commented:
>>>However, Voldemort is consumed by his desire of power, and
patience, I'd imagine, tends to wear a bit thin after 10 years of
possesing bunnies. So, he spends his time remembering ways of
achieving an inmortality that would also allow him to use a wand.<<<
Possibly, possibly, I cannot refute you there. The only canon
evidence to what Voldie is doing during those 10 years is by his own
words in the graveyard, and you yourself do not believe he was telling
the whole truth.
Voldemort was definitely scheming like a man in solitary confinement.
All you have is yourself and your mind, and Voldie only *had* the
later. Frankly he seems more bent on getting back to a body, and then
his own body, than immortality. Why Voldemort did not make his own
Sorcerer's Stone long before is beyond me. Seems a brilliant man like
him, or Dumbledore, could manage it.
But I digress, VaporMort in the woods wants to succeed. Being bested
by a one year old baby is poison for the ego. And has been said
earlier, ego is the driving motivator of a Slytherin...Voldemort must
show the present WW and himself that he is most powerful and is
capable of being the greatest. The way he chooses to show them is by
being immortal and by destroy who he wishes.
Voldemort felt threatened before he went after the Potters and still
does. He believes that someone or something is standing between him
and his goals. (immortality, king over all kings, ability to torture
those bunnies...) How he knows that something is standing in his way
is not stated in the canon...yet. Many muse here that it is
Trelawney's prediction or something to do with Potter's lineage.
Which it is does not really matter to this post, so we'll just say
that there is evident that Voldemort has *reason* to fear the
existence of a Potter.
Now Dumbledore feels it necessary to protect Harry. He goes to great
lengths to do so. Under this assumption, we can deduce that
Dumbledore believes Voldemort is still a threat and that Harry is
still in danger. (I know, I know, did not take a lot of logic to
figure that one out. Calm down.) Now, having Harry *securely*
protected by relatives and Mrs. Figg for 10 years and able to watch
Harry by his wizard watch, <g> , Dumbledore can relax just a bit. He,
nor anyone else, i.e. Snape, does not go after Voldemort nor does he
try to convince the MoM that Voldemort is still a threat. Dumbledore
does not seem to believe that Voldemort will come around for a while.
I am tap-dancing around to say that Dumbledore knows that Voldemort's
mind is bent to destroying Harry. As if Harry is the one thing
standing between Voldie and all his goals. Voldemort, somehow, knows
that Harry is well protected and knows he cannot get to him. I do not
believe Voldemort when he said that "Surely, one of my faithful Death
Eaters would try and find me...but I waited in vain" (GoF ch 33). He
knows too much to be completely alone for 10 whole years.
Now it could be coincident that Voldie remerged at the same time
Potter left his safety net, or it could be that Voldie might as well
wait for 10 long years until he could get himself a body and get to
Harry. Voldemort knew Harry would be going to school in 10 years and
would be out of his air-tight protection. Even Hogwarts, as protected
as it is, is more vulnerable than Privet Drive.
Dumbledore, knowing Voldemort's desires, uses this to bring Voldemort
to his playing field. Dumbledore seems to be taunting Voldemort by
saying, "Look, I have the two things you want. I dare you." After
all, Dumbledore has also had 10 years to plan this showdown. If they
manage to capture Voldemort and force upon him a way to destroy him
then the war is over. Obviously they cannot kill the body Voldie
possess, as learned in PS/SS. The question is whether Dumbledore knew
this before PS/SS?
Dumbledore places the pieces to destroy Voldemort into the scene. A
lone Harry facing the present form of Voldemort. With the many
blocking spells and enchantment by the teachers, Harry and Co. do not
believe they were meant to do what they were doing. The tasks also
removed Ron and Hermione leaving Harry to face QuirrelMort alone.
Maybe the same magic that protected Harry before can help him
here...which it does. It blisters Quirrel away. So, Harry does
thwart the stone scheme, but doesn't kill Voldemort this time.
Dumbledore now knows that Voldie can only be killed in his own body.
So after the stone and mirror, Dumbledore has to change his plan.
This is where MAGICAL DISHWASHER comes into play. Dumbledore knows
that it must be lone Harry and a physical Voldemort now. So all
Dumbledore has to do is prepare and school Harry and set up a
situation where he can help control the possible variables. How
Dumbledore knows that it must be this combination falls back on to the
question of predictions and lineage.
I hope I explained this well. Basically this theory as well as MD is
based on the fact that there is always more going on that what a child
perceives, and adults always knows more than a child gives them credit.
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