TBAY- Cindy Crouch and the Pensieve Four (Re: TBAY: Operative!Arthur Attacks)
lucky_kari at yahoo.ca
Fri Oct 18 16:24:22 UTC 2002
No: HPFGUIDX 45520
The Department of Creative Theorizing vs. Veronica, Abigail, Ethanol,
and Eileen.
Prosecutor: Captain Cindy
"The evidence against these four is clear," said Cindy. "I've already
covered their dog-piling, but I think we still need to adress
parallelism before we go to a recess. "PARALLELISM IS NOT CANON!" she
shouts, her eyes bulging.
The defendants and half the people in the courtroom gasp.
"Objection!" cries Veronica.
"I didn't mean that," Cindy said quickly. "I don't know what got into
me there. *Of course* something is canon if Elkins says it is."Cindy
shook her head sharply. "I must still be in shock or something to say
such a thing. Still.... Objection Overruled!"
"Why?" shrieks Veronica.
"This is justice TBAY-style, not that soft sappy American variety.
And, yes, I am going to attack Elkins' parallelism. She's an evil
Overlord, after all, and have I not shown countless times that I
detest the subversive arts and all those who practice them?"
*Oh, that's why she's been seen sailing a vessel called Toadkeeper*
thinks Eileen. *Quite a hypocrite Captain Cindy is.* Eileen, though,
is hoping that Cindy will let her off. After all, Eileen is a
(comparatively) loyal crew member of the BIG BANG Destroyer. And she
believes in Bloody Ambushes. And thinks Rookwood is cool. Plus, they
both dislike Draco Malfoy. And Eileen's expressed measured supporter
for Operative!Arthur. There is no way that Cindy won't try to get her
"Let's look at the evidence," says Cindy coldly. "Eileen said.
>"Nah, I'm not buying it. Crouch Jr. would have blown
> his cover big-time if it got out that Moody was exposing Ministry
> operatives to a bunch of 14 year old students. Twisted he was, but
> stupid he was not."
"Uh, gee. Fake Moody uses Imperius on students right there in the
classroom in front of God and everyone over Hermione's objections,
and you think he is the least bit worried about blowing his cover?"
"Before God? No," says Eileen timidly.
"Answer the question," says Cindy sharply.
"Do you really believe, Cap'n Cindy Ma'am, that Dumbledore didn't
authorize Moody to use Imperius on the students?"
"Why would Dumbledore do that?" asks Cindy.
"For the reasons Crouch Jr. gives in the text. I think it's obvious
that Crouch Jr. isn't risking his position by doing things Dumbledore
is totally against. The Ministry might object a little, but
Dumbledore's in control of that relationship. He gets away with his
educational methods. If, however, Crouch Jr. had exposed a top-secret
operative, I think there would have been hell to pay. I'm not going to
take an Operative!Arthur that Crouch Jr. feels comfortable chatting to
the class about."
"What?!?" Cindy cried. "Where exactly in canon does Crouch Jr. feel
comfortable chatting to the class about Operative!Arthur? None of the
kids works out this parallelism at all. They never put the
parallelism thing together."
"But Captain, I was only responding to your saying you had a new
hidden meaning to the chapter. You said Crouch Jr. was referring to
Operative!Arthur! I didn't."
"Don't even try to look innocent," says Cindy coldly. "You attacked me
viciously with that Parallelism paddle."
"I did not. I only asked you for your opinion. I said "Find me another
Crouch Jr. line in the book where there isn't something else going on.
Why would he suddenly be so sincere in acknowledging Ron Weasley's
question, especially since in that scene he is already engaged in
angling for Harry's and Neville's reactions. If he isn't referring to
Imperio'ed!Arthur, what is he talking about?" I wasn't attacking you.
I was quite sure you'd have answer for me, Cap'n. And C-C-Cap'n, I
l-l-liked your attacks on Auror!Arthur. I k-k-quite agreed with them."
Cindy ignores her. "Anything else before we go to a recess?"
"Yes," Ethanol said. "I must make a confession. I'm an ambassador from
"You're asserting *diplomatic immunity* now?" Cindy scowled. "Oh,
this is too much!"
"Yep," Ethanol replied. "Elkins sent me here on a mission to
salvage Filicide!Arthur. We say Auror!Arthur was imperioed,
causing directly or (more likely) indirectly Missing Weasley child's
death. That would be more guilt and shame than anyone can ask for."
"You know what you and Elkins have there, Ethanol?" Cindy asked
Ethanal stood frozen, her gaze fixed on Cindy.
"You have a theory that is *too* Bangy. I never thought I'd hear
myself say that, but it is true. That Filicide!Arthur theory is Way
Over The Top. It's not just Bangy in the normal sense of the word ?-
it's like a Neutron Bomb of Creative Theorizing. You wanna know
why? Because if Arthur killed his son, Imperius or no Imperius, he
wouldn't behave the way he does when the Dark Mark is discussed.
Any parent who has suffered the death of a child for any reason is
*devastated.* And if the parent somehow *killed* the child, that
parent wouldn't be able to function very well when the subject comes
up, even 10 years later. Yet look at Arthur's discussion of the
Dark Mark: 'Mr. Weasley winced.' That's it. Sorry, but that
reaction just isn't convincing enough for someone who killed his own
"You're right!" shrieks Eileen. "Absolutely right. There's no way
Arthur Weasley killed his son. It's just way too Bangy!"
"I didn't ask your opinion," says Cindy cooly.
"So, yeah. We can toss a memory charm into the cargo hold of
Imperius!Arthur to fix that up, but I don't see how the thing can stay
afloat with all of this *baggage* it requires. Oh, Imperius!Arthur
does not travel light, does he? Not at all!"
"Mine does," says Eileen. "I don't subscribe to Seventh Son or Filicide."
"Find me something for Arthur to have done then," says Cindy with a
sneer. "Really, Imperio'ed Arthur is heading for the SCOW. If Arthur
was under Imperius, he had to do something connected with the plot.
Something big. Your non-Filicide version has nothing to do."
"I know," sobs Eileen. "But you're not going to hold that against me,
are you? Are you?"
"We will go to recess," says Cindy ignoring Eileen's weeping. "In an
hour, we will return and hear the verdict of the jury."
An hour later:
The door in the corner opened yet again. Six Dementors entered this
time, flanking a group of four people. Stoned!Harry saw the people in
the crowd turn to look up at Captain Cindy. A few of them whispered to
each other.
The Dementors placed each of the four people in the four chairs with
chained arms which now stood on the dungeon floor. There was a woman
who stared blankly up at Cindy, a more nervous-looking woman, whose
eyes were darting around the ground, a woman with thick, shining
hair,who was sitting in the chained chair as if it was a throne, and a
girl in her late teens, who looked nothing short of petrified. She was
shivering, her curly, maple sugar coloured hair all over her face, her
freckled skin milk-white. Avery sitting beside Cindy began to rock
backwards and forwards in his seat, whimpering into his handkerchief.
Cindy stood up. She looked down upon the four in front of her, and
there was pure hatred in her face.
"You have been brought here before the Council of TBAY Law," she said
clearly. "so that we may pass judgement on you, for a crime so heinous -'
"Captain," said the girl with the maple sugar-coloured hair.
"Captain... please..."
"-that we have rarely heard the like of it within this court," said
Cindy, speaking more loudly, drowing out Eileen's voice. "We have
heard the evidence against you. The four of you stand accused of
ambushing a theorizer - myself, to speak plainly - and then dogpiling
her, believing her to be suceptible to your arguments through
overwhelming force."
"Captain, I didn't!" shrieked the girl in chains below. "I didn't. I
swear it, Captain, don't send me back to the Dementors -"
"You are further accused," bellowed Captain Cindy, "of using dishonest
and convoluted arguments to advanced Imperio'ed!Arthur, when I would
not budge from my position. You planned to restore Elkins to power,
and to resume the lives of violence you presumably led while she was
strong. I now ask the jury -"
"Avery!" screamed the girl below, and the wizard beside Cindy began to
sob, rocking backwards and forwards. "Avery, stop her. Avery, I didn't
do it. It wasn't me!"
"I now ask the jury," shouted Cindy, "to raise their hands if they
believe, as I do, that these crimes deserve a life sentence in Azkaban."
In unison, the witches and wizards along the right-hand side of the
dungeon raised their hands. The crowd along the walls began to clap,
their faces full of savage triumph. The girl began to scream.
"No! Avery, no! I didn't do it. I didn't do it. I didn't know! Don't
send me there, don't let her!"
The Dementors were gliding back into the room. The girl's three
companions rose quietly from their seats: the woman named Veronica
looked up at Cindy and called, "Elkins will rise again, Cindy! Throw
us into Azkaban, we will wait! She will rise again and will come for
us, she will reward us beyond any of her other supporters! We alone
were faithful to Imperio'ed Arthur! We alone tried to defend her!"
But the girl was trying to fight the Dementors off, even though
Stoned!Harry could see their cold, draining power starting to affect
her. The crowd were jeering, some of them on their feet, as the woman
swept out of the dungeon, and the girl continued to struggle.
"I'm your supporter! I like Operative!Arthur!" she screamed up at
Cindy. "I'm your supporter!"
"You are no supporter of mine!" bellowed Captain Cindy, her eyes
bulging suddenly. "I have no supporters!"
Avery gave a great gasp, and slumped in his seat. He had fainted.
Cindy appeared not to have noticed.
"Take them away!" Cindy roared at the Dementors, spit flying from her
mouth. "Take them away and may they rot there!"
"Captain, Captain, I wasn't involved! No! No! Captain, please!"
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