TBAY:Imperious!Arthur was a VICTIM(new acronym) long!
m.bockermann at t-online.de
m.bockermann at t-online.de
Sat Oct 19 23:33:16 UTC 2002
No: HPFGUIDX 45578
*What a day,* Ethanol thougt as she crawled up the gangway of the
Imperius!Arthus trimaran. The first time she has visited the TBAY she gets
into a brawl, a mutiny, gets arrested and was dragged before the QWC. *Maybe
better luck next time,* she thought as her ethusiams returns. If she just
wasn't so tired. Standing in the corridor she realized that she never got
around to moving into a cabin. Her knees buckling under her, she just
collapsed onto the floor.
*Actually, not a bad position,* she realized after a moment. From where she
is crouching she can hear all kind of different conversations. That between
Cindy and Abigail, for example. Or that between Veronica and this newcomer,
Risti. Very interesting thoughts here, too. Feeling invigorated and
energetic again, she decides to add her humble thoughts to the discussions.
But where should she turn to - left or right.
Deciding to follow the easy way, she storms Cindy's cabin and drags her and
Abigail towards Risti and Veronica. Too stunned by surprise they fail to
resist until all are assembled in the captain's cabin.
Finally, Cindy demanded: "What are you doing?", but Ethanol silenced her
with a stern look.
"You said I was too bangy," she said, scowling. "You owe to hear me out."
Cindy looked dubious but fell silent.
"You said you coudn't see Unwilling Fillicide!Arthur.... maybe we should
talk about this a bit more."
"Talk about what?" Cindy asked and shrugged. "He wouldn't kill his child.
Neither would Molly. There's nothing to discuss."
"Well, I agree with you."
"What?" Cindy mouth hung open. "But you said directly..."
"Or indirectly responsible for the death, yes. I would place *killing* under
*directly* and I think both Molly and Arthur would rather die than harm a
child of theirs. Or any child. I allowed for *directly* because I did not
want to call down the wrath of the Fillicide!Arthur gang - if they are out
there. But me, personally, I believe in the Indirectly theory."
"And how would that look like?" Veronica said, finally breaking her silence.
"Well as Risti so nicely summarized, there is more to Arthur than meets the
eyes. I think we can all agree to that?" There were knots from the different
fractions. "Now I agree with Risti - actually I agree a lot with her - that
what Arthus exactly did, is not that important. Certainly, he was in a much
better positition once and thus better off financially. We know this,
because otherwise Lucius would have no reason to taunt: "How far can a
wizarding family sink? This is my canon for Risti's demotion theory." She
blushed, because the words are paraphrased but her English edition of the
books are currently out of reach. The others throw her dark looks, but
thankfully they refrain from tearing her apart. "So, whatever he did, it put
him in an important position. The kind of position where you have access to
delicate information. Information that a DE would die for. Or kill for. Or
certainly put somebody under Imperius for."
Cindy regarded her thoughtfully. "So you think that Arthur has been
imperioed to get some information out of him."
"That is a possibility," Ethanol said and smiled. "It might be information
that endangered other wizards and witches, including possibly his family.
Imperioed Arthur said something that resulted in Missing Weasley child's
death. That is one possiblity."
Cindy's eyes grew larger. "There is another one?"
Ethanol nodded. "The other is, that because he was imperioed, Arthur was at
the wrong place at the wrong time, thus failing to protect his family when
they were visited by the DEs."
But Veronica shook her head. "In both possibilties Arthur does not really
kill the Missing Weasly. He would have no reason for your dogmas, Guilt and
"Objectively speaking, you are right. It was not his fault. Otherwise, he
would have likely been thrown out. As Abigail pointed out, most if not all
wizards and witches are unable to fight off Imperius curse. But that might
not have stopped the MoM from demoting himm, asRisti suggested. I love this
demotion idea because a demotin is a source for my dogma Shame. As for the
dogma Guilt, objectively he might not be guilty, but would a grieving father
really think this way? I don't think so. I believe he would feel he has
failed and thus caused his child's death. The horror he feels about this is
really evident when he talks about the dark mark in the Dark Mark chapter in
GoF. The way he winces, how his voice becomes incoherent... I am willing to
be he speaks out of experience. This fits in nicely with both
Imperius!Arthur and VICTIM!Arthur."
"Well," said Risti, pleased that somebody liked her demotion theory. "Would
you agree that it was Lucius that put Arthur under the Imperius spell?" she
asked hopefully.
Ethanol pondered that for a moment. "Well, it is certainly possible. It
would certainly explain why Arthur is examining Lucius so closely." She
noted the blank stares in the other women's stares. "That is kind of the
point of the Nocturn episode in CoS, isn't it. We learn that Lucius keeps
some illegal enchanted objects. We also learn that he tries to get rid of
them - because of Arthur Weasley! No wonder he gets into a brawl with him
later. The law Arthur pushed trough is placing Lucius in trouble and he
tries to get rid of the most incrimating evidence in case his property is
searched. I imagine while he was brushing through his belongings, he found
the diary and decided to create havoc with it. Wether Harry was the intended
victim or not, the brawl at the book store enabled Lucius to plant it with
Ginny and there it ended. Both Lucius and Arthur's behaviour tend to a
history behind them that exeeds possible arguements in their school time.
But no matter how far their relationship goes back, I agree with you Risti,
that Lucius and Arthur have a bangy showdown coming."
After her long monologue, Ethanol came back to the present. She found
Veronica and Risti staring thoughtfully at her, but Cindy yawned openly.
"What I don't get about you Missing Weasley folks is what you all doing it
for: inventing name schemes, cooking up intrigues, some even step down to
fillicide.... yes, all right, so *you* don't. But what I want to know is
what it is all for. Is it even bangy."
Ethanol flinched, her eyes darting around. "Now," she whispered. "I don't
really have a canon there or even a theory, but... I have a very, very bad
feeling. Ever since I learned that the followers of Voldemort were called
death*eaters*. I haven't been able to come up with an interpretation of that
name except the one that came to my mind immediatly when I read it... ."
"What do you mean," Veronica asked with a stern look in her face and a
warning in her voice. "Surely you wouldn't suggest... "
"If the books were standing in the adult section, yes, I would suggest that
the deatheaters would actually eat death. As it is... I can't find an
alternative to it except *sacrifical killing*."
"All right, that's it," said Voldemort and lifted her paddle. "You are one
sick puppy. You are even to bad for FEATHERBOAS. Get out of here, now... ."
Ethanol lifted up her hands to defend herself from the blows. "It is a
serious were a youngster gets killed for being extra and Peter offhandedly
sacrifies his hands for his master. And we know that Voldemort was a least
after one specific baby. Waht if he was looking for other babies as well,
babies from old wizarding families? What else did these people do? I will
listen to your corrections, gladly, but please stop hitting me."
Overcome by a sudden attack of mercy, Veronica interupted her punishments
for a moment. "You have very little proof for such madness," she said.
Ethanol noded sadly. "Aye. Nothing but the DEs name, the events at the
cemetary in GoF."
Veronica fell silent, obviously pondering if she should keel-haul Ethanol or
simply kick her off the trimaran. Or maybe her Dumbledore instinct will win
out. Beside her Cindy was also thinking, probably about the decision Abigail
was trying to force on her. So Ethanol smiled at Abigail and Risti who were
looking quite confused and sat down, kneading her hurting legs.
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