[HPforGrownups] The prophecy - my 'we are the world' theory

Sally Unchester salsal19 at yahoo.com
Tue Aug 5 02:04:52 UTC 2003

No: HPFGUIDX 75372

ok QoE,
You just put an idea in my head.  Remember as children when all of us were taught there were selfish people and selfless people?  The selfish people seemed to not get anywhere in the world but the selfless always got anywhere they wanted to in the world.  So here's my theory:  JKR purpsoefully gives us characters such as Harry,Ron,Hermione,Dumbledore,Hagrid et al. who are all selfless and fight their battles the "pure way".  They don't like to fight with swords,fists,or anything but they do when something stands in there way.  The selfish people want to fight with fists and swords because nothing is in their way and it only matters what they want not what others feel or want.  It's good that you notice that Harry's power that Voldemort doesn't have is bringing people together.  As for Harry and Snape, I believe Snape will be the one saving him in the end since we will have no Dumbledore (or at least that is what many people believes,who knows maybe JKR will throw us off and keep DD
 alive?) The last few years at Hogwarts are the teenage years for the trio so there are going to flying hormones here and there...I believe you are right with the battle within himself, he will have to decide if he would like to be selfish like Voldemort and the DEs or if he wants to stay selfless.  I believe personally that Neville's true heroism is going to show throughout the last three books (yes,I said three,didn't anyone notice how he became even MORE brave in book five?) Mrs.Dursley will acknowledge her sister but it'll be a "You blink and you miss it" deal.  She actually already does acknowledge her in other books just not say that she loves her or anything like that, I would like her to say that she did love her sister at one point,that would be more special to me.  Any way,thats my rant for the moment.  Feel free to disagree or agree if you chose,it's a free country ;).  

queenofeverythang <queenofeverythang at yahoo.com> wrote:
The prophecy:  "The one with the power to vanquish the Dark 
Lord approaches...born to those who have thrice defied him, 
born as the seventh month dies...and the Dark Lord will mark 
him as his equal, but he will have power the Dark Lord knows 
not...and either must die at the hand of the other for neither can 
live while the other survives...the one with the power to vanquish 
the Dark Lord will be born as the seventh month dies..."

After agonizing over the 'either' line and the whole Harry/Neville 
thing for a long time, I started to pay a little more attention to
the "he will have power the Dark Lord knows not" line. My thought 
is the power Harry has that Voldy knows not is his ability to bring 
people together. 

Voldy is a powerful dark wizard and he has loyal subjects in his 
DEs, but Voldy is a selfish *beep* and so are his followers. They 
only come together in an attempt to take power for themselves. 
They are very nazi-esque and have built a sense of entitlement 
around putting down/contolling everyone else. DEs are loyal only 
to themselves and Voldy, being the biggest bully in the 
playground, is just a means to an end. I believe this selfishness 
may be their downfall - this is where harry may come in.

Harry lives because of selflessness. His mother sacrificed her 
life to save him and now her love protects him. I suggest that this 
love is not just around him but inside of him as well. Harry 
obviously has his father's rebellious nature but he also has his 
mother in him as well (he looks like his father but has his 
mother's eyes). His mother stood up for Snape (who called her 
mudblood) because james'  treatment of him was wrong. This is 
only a small glimpse of lily's character and her compassion for 
others, but i think it says a lot about her.

Two of harry's biggest mentors also have this quality. 
Dumbledore is a kind of magic-ambassador  and Hagrid has 
this ability with monsters/magical creatures. Both of their 
influences on Harry may be exactly what harry needs.

Harry has also never won a battle without help/support from 
people who cared for him - directly or indirectly. The themes of 
loyalty and trust also seem to come up in all of the books. V was 
only able to get to the Potter's because of disloyalty. Hermione 
and Ron's trust and loyalty when it comes to Harry has been 
invaluable to him.  

I also thought about the fountain in the MoM. Harry realized it was 
a false rerpresentation of the magic world - I think Harry has the 
ability to make that image a reality through his alliances 
(Dumbledore, Dobby, Firenze, Hagrid,Fleur?, (dare i say the 
Dursley's?)...) and his friendships (D's army, especially the 5 
who risked their lives to help him at the end of OotP). I don't think 
either Harry or Voldy will see this 'power' as a strength. Voldy 
doesn't put a value on any life other than his own and Harry, with 
his newly developed hero-complex, is convinced he must face 
Voldy alone - this i believe may be a huge mistake and lead him 
right into Voldy's hands.I believe the real final battle perhaps 
won't  be a huge violent bloodbath but instead a battle within 

I see harry becoming more of a loner in book 6 and that puts him 
in real danger.

Speaking of hands, i think the line "and either must die at the 
hand of the other..." may not mean that one has to kill the other 
directly. I think that Harry's action may be what defeats the Dark 
Lord - bringing everyone together to defeat him is the action I'm 
thinking of.  I doubt those that love and support him will let him 
face Voldy alone. All will come to save Harry and thus save 

If their is any truth to this theory, I'd love to see Harry bring the 
true hero out of neville, see Mrs. Dursley finally acknowledge her 
sister, and see what will finally make Snape and 
Harry see eye-to-eye.

I don't have any specifics or details to support or enhance this 
theory - I am only now rereading the books for the 1st time and 
some of the details are still a little hazy - I appologize for this 
(and the length of this post).
I  just wanted to put the idea out there and see what other people 
thought. The whole idea is not original and it is very 'we are the 
world' cheesy, but I have to admit I love that song. Bring on the 


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