Ron & Hermione relationSHIP development (in book 5)

Przemyslaw Plaskowicki przepla at
Fri Aug 15 23:33:42 UTC 2003

No: HPFGUIDX 77466

Hi, it's me again ;-)

Having already discussed Ron's progress in magic skills, and Harry's 
catastrophic love life, I'll try in this post describe progress in 
Ron/Hermione relationship. While there was little progress in pair's 
romance, their friendship, I believe, reached unprecedented heights.

First thing I'd like to point out is that in OotP their bickering almost 
totally diminished. It is unbelievably, but true!

During two first days they argued twice:

1. After Tornadoes bashing:
 >>She walked away. Hermione waited until Cho was halfway across the 
courtyard before
rounding on Ron.
'You are so tactless!'
'What? I only asked her if -'
'Couldn't you tell she wanted to talk to Harry on her own?'
'So? She could've done, I wasn't stopping -'
'Why on earth were you attacking her about her Quidditch team?'
'Attacking? I wasn't attacking her, I was only -'
'Who cares if she supports the Tornadoes?'
'Oh, come on, half the people you see wearing those badges only bought 
them last season -'
'But what does it matter!'
'It means they're not real fans, they're just jumping on the bandwagon -'
That's the bell,' said Harry dully, because Ron and Hermione were 
bickering too loudly to
hear it. They did not stop arguing all the way down to Snape's dungeon, 
which gave Harry
plenty of time to reflect that between Neville and Ron he would be lucky 
ever to have two
minutes of conversation with Cho that he could look back on without 
wanting to leave the

2. Later they argued about Snape creditability, which caused:
 >>'Oh, shut up, the pair of you,' said Harry heavily, as Ron opened his 
mouth to argue back.
Hermione and Ron both froze, looking angry and offended. 'Can't you give 
it a rest?' said
Harry. 'You're always having a go at each other, it's driving me 
As a result Ron later said:
 >>Hermione and me have stopped arguing,'<<;

3. On that day they have last serious argument in the book:
 >>'Yes, but to employ someone who's actually refusing to let us do 
magic! What's Dumbledore
playing at?'
'And she's trying to get people to spy for her,' said Ron darkly.
'Remember when she said she wanted us to come and tell her if we hear 
anyone saying You-
Know-Who's back?'
'Of course she's here to spy on us all, that's obvious, why else would 
Fudge have wanted her
to come?' snapped Hermione.
'Don't start arguing again,' said Harry wearily, as Ron opened his mouth 
to retaliate. 'Can't we
just... let's just do that homework, get it out of the way...'<<

Correct me if I am wrong (with quotes!), but I found out that from that 
day, they were no more arguing. If one of them have different opinion 
than the other, they just exchange them without immersing themselves in 
pointless bickering: like here:

1. >>Hermione kept showing signs of wanting to talk about Sirius, but 
Ron tended to make hushing noises every time she mentioned his name.<<

or there:
2. >>Ron seemed determined to give neither his opinion nor his advice; 
he would not look at
Harry, though when Hermione opened her mouth to try dissuading Harry 
some more, he
said in a low voice, 'Give it a rest, OK? He can make up his own mind.'<<

Another change in Ron's behaviour during book 5 is the fact, that he was 
complimenting Hermione:

1. >>'Someone must have blabbed to her!' Ron said angrily. 'They can't 
have done,'
said Hermione in a low voice. 'You're so naive,' said Ron, 'you think 
just because
you're all honourable and trustworthy - '<<

2. >>'Hermione, you are honestly the most wonderful person I've ever 
met,' said
Ron weakly, 'and if I'm ever rude to you again - '<<

3. >>'You don't even try to listen to him, do you?' 'We do try,' said 
Ron. 'We
just haven't got your brains or your memory or your concentration - 
you're just
cleverer than we are - is it nice to rub it in?' 'Oh, don't give me that 
said Hermione, but she looked slightly mollified as she led the way out 
into the
damp courtyard.<<

4. >>Hermione, who seemed determined to be in a towering temper, and she 
swept off towards the girls' dormitories, banging the door behind her. 
'Such a lovely, sweet-tempered girl,' said Ron, very quietly [I know 
that wasn't exactly a compliment, but still...],<<

And another change in Ron's behaviour is the fact, that he actually was 
supporting (sort of -- he was no more negative) toward Hermione's SPEW. 
(I know how it sounds, but it's true -- see below).

1. Let's observe what Ron did when Hermione planted her knitted 'bladders':
 >>[Hermione:] 'Don't you dare touch those hats, Ron!'
She turned on her heel and left. Ron waited until she had disappeared 
through the door to the
girls' dormitories, then cleared the rubbish off the woolly hats.
'They should at least see what they're picking up,' he said firmly. '<<

2. Perhaps it was Xmas atmosphere, but when Hermione was caring her 
present to Kreacher, Ron doesn't say anything negative -- pre-5th-book 
Ron would surely said something. He even actively helped Hermione:
 >>"So, is this Kreacher's bedroom?' said Ron, strolling over to a dingy 
door in the corner opposite
the pantry. Harry had never seen it open.
'Yes,' said Hermione, now sounding a little nervous. 'Er... I think we'd 
better knock.'
Ron rapped on the door with his knuckles but there was no reply.
'He must be sneaking around upstairs,' he said, and without further ado 
pulled open the door.<<
[All Ron's, rather weak, rants about SPEW took place before leaving to 

On the other hand it appears that Hermione started being interested in 
Quidditch (or at least in certain keeper's progress).

1. Ron was accepted:
 >>Harry moved over to sit next to Hermione, who awoke with a jerk
as he put down his bag. 'Oh, Harry, it's you . . . good about Ron, isn't 
it?' she
said blearily. <<

2. First practice:
 >>'How was practice?' asked Hermione rather coolly half an hour later, 
as Harry and Ron
climbed through the portrait hole into the Gryffindor common room.
'It was -' Harry began.
'Completely lousy,' said Ron in a hollow voice, sinking into a chair 
beside Hermione. She
looked up at Ron and her frostiness seemed to melt.
'Well, it was only your first one,' she said consolingly, 'it's bound to 
take time to -'
'Who said it was me who made it lousy?' snapped Ron.
'No one,' said Hermione, looking taken aback, 'I thought -'
'You thought I was bound to be rubbish?'
'No, of course I didn't! Look, you said it was lousy so 1 just -'
'I'm going to get started on some homework,' said Ron angrily and 
stomped off to the
staircase to the boys' dormitories and vanished from sight. Hermione 
turned to Harry.
'Was he lousy?'
'No,' said Harry loyally.
Hermione raised her eyebrows.
'Well, I suppose he could've played better,' Harry muttered, 'but it was 
only the first training
session, like you said...'<<

3. After first match:
 >>'Have you seen Ron?' Hermione asked in a low voice.
Harry shook his head.
'I think he's avoiding us,' said Hermione. 'Where do you think he-?'
But at that precise moment, there was a creaking sound behind them as 
the Fat Lady swung
forwards and Ron came clambering through the portrait hole. He was very 
pale indeed and
there was snow in his hair. When he saw Harry and Hermione, he stopped 
dead in his tracks.
'Where have you been?' said Hermione anxiously, springing up.
'Walking,' Ron mumbled. He was still wearing his Quidditch things.
'You look frozen,' said Hermione. 'Come and sit down!'<<

3. The Monday after Valentine's (Ginny and Ron returned from Quidditch 
 >>'Has Ron saved a goal yet?' asked Hermione, peering over the top of 
Magical Hieroglyphs and

4. Some time during spring:
 >>[There is a discussion about merits of Quidditch]
'Well, it does!' she [Hermione] said impatiently. 'It's only a game, 
isn't it?'
'Hermione,' said Harry, shaking his head, 'you're good on feelings and 
stuff, but you just don't
understand about Quidditch.'
'Maybe not,' she said darkly, returning to her translation, 'but at 
least my happiness doesn't
depend on Ron's goalkeeping ability.'<< [I think however that it does, 
if it doesn't why she said so *darkly*?]

5. Before last match:
 >>'You know,' said Hermione, as she and Harry walked down to the pitch 
a little later in the
midst of a very excitable crowd, 'I think Ron might do better without 
Fred and George
around. They never exactly gave him a lot of confidence.'<<

6. And after last match:
 >>'Weasley is our King, Weasley is our King, He didn't let the Quaffle 
in, Weasley is our King..."
'And I wish they'd stop singing that stupid song,' said Hermione 
miserably, 'haven't they
gloated enough?'<<

7. Easter:
 >>Ron had been startled to discover there were only six weeks left 
until their exams.
'How can that come as a shock?' Hermione demanded, as she tapped each 
little square on
Ron's timetable with her wand so that it flashed a different colour 
according to its subject.
'I dunno,' said Ron, 'there's been a lot going on.'
'Well, there you are,' she said, handing him his timetable, 'if you 
follow that you should do
Ron looked down it gloomily, but then brightened.
'You've given me an evening off every week!'
That's for Quidditch practice,' said Hermione.<<

Let's quote another examples of R&H friendship.

Ron caring for Hermione and vice-versa:
0. Obligatory mention of Ron defending Hermione:
 >>Oh yeah, I forgot, you're a Mudblood, Granger, so ten off for that.'
Ron pulled out his wand, but Hermione pushed it away, whispering, 'Don't!'<<

1. Hermione at OWLs:
[The day before]>>Ron was just telling her that she ought to eat a 
decent meal or she would not
sleep that night, [...]<<

[Day one]>>'She'll be fine, remember she got a hundred and twelve per 
cent on one of our Charms tests?'
said Ron.<<

 >>On Friday, Harry and Ron had a day off while Hermione sat her Ancient 
Runes exam, [...] - when
the portrait hole opened and Hermione clambered in, looking thoroughly 
'How were the Runes?' said Ron, yawning and stretching.
'I mis-translated ehwaz,' said Hermione furiously. 'It means 
partnership, not defence; I mixed it
up with eihwaz.'
'Ah well,' said Ron lazily, 'that's only one mistake, isn't it, you'll 
still get -'
'Oh, shut up!' said Hermione angrily. 'It could be the one mistake that 
makes the difference
between a pass and a fail. [...]<<

 >>'Well, I think I've done all right in Arithmancy' she said, and Harry 
and Ron both sighed with

2. Hermione consoling Ron, after he learned that H&H didn't saw last match
 >>Well, actually... no, Ron,' said Hermione with a heavy sigh, putting 
down her book and
looking at him apologetically. 'As a matter of fact, the only bit of the 
match Harry and I saw
was Davies's first goal.'
Ron's carefully ruffled hair seemed to wilt with disappointment. 'You 
didn't watch?' he said
faintly, looking from one to the other. 'You didn't see me make any of 
those saves?'
'Well - no,' said Hermione, stretching out a placatory hand towards him. 
'But Ron, we didn't
want to leave -- we had to!'<<

3. Ron just received a letter from Percy:
 >>Hermione was looking at Ron with an odd expression on her face. 'Oh, 
give them here,' she said abruptly.<<

4. Ron is worrying about F&G:
 >>'If you want to worry about anyone, Hermione, worry about me!'
'You?' she said, [...]. 'Why should I be worried about you?'
'When Mum's next letter finally gets through Umbridge's screening 
process,' said Ron bitterly,
[...] 'I'm going to be in deep trouble. I wouldn't be surprised if she's 
sent another Howler.'
But -'
'It'll be my fault Fred and George left, you wait,' said Ron darkly. 
'She'll say I should've
stopped them leaving, I should've grabbed the ends of their brooms and 
hung on or
something... yeah, it'll be all my fault.'
'Well, if she does say that it'll be very unfair, you couldn't have done 
anything! But I'm sure
she won't, I mean, if it's really true they've got premises in Diagon 
Alley, they must have been
planning this for ages.'<<

Hermione & Ron cooperating for common goal:
1. Convincing Harry to teach DA:
 >>'Awful. You know, I was just saying to Ron when you came in . . . 
we've got to do something about her.' 'I suggested poison,' said Ron 
 >>Then he turned to Ron, ready to exchange the exasperated looks they 
sometimes shared when Hermione elaborated on far-fetched schemes like 
SPEW. To Harry's consternation, however, Ron did not look exasperated. 
He was frowning slightly, apparently thinking. Then he said, 'That's an 

2. For Harry's welfare:
 >>'You can't tell me you've stopped having funny dreams,' Hermione said 
now, 'because Ron told me you were muttering in your sleep again last 
Harry threw Ron a furious look. Ron had the grace to look ashamed of 

They spend time together without Harry:

1 . Harry just returned from Xmas snogging:
 >>He returned to the common room half an hour later to find Hermione 
and Ron in the best seats by the fire; nearly everybody else had gone to 
bed. Hermione was writing a very long letter; she had already filled 
half a roll of parchment, which was dangling from the edge of the table. 
Ron was lying on the hearthrug, trying to finish his Transfiguration 

2 After potions:
 >>When at long last the bell rang, Harry was first out of the dungeon 
and had already started his lunch by the time Ron and Hermione joined 
him in the Great Hall.<<

3 detention with Dolores:
 >>He expected the common room to be empty when he returned, but Ron and 
Hermione had sat up waiting for him.<<

4. After Occlumency:
 >>Harry found Ron and Hermione in the library, where they were working 
on Umbridge's most
recent ream of homework. (...) When he sat down opposite Ron and 

5. Leaving feast.

6. DA meetings (they were a pair here)

7. Various prefects duties.

Above, I have shown examples of mature friendship between Ron & 
Hermione. Kindly note Ron's development & Hermione softening: 'I think 
I'm feeling a bit...rebellious.' (see also parallel thread named: 
/Ron's/ /development/)

And what about romance between them? Well there is still no definite 
proofs, I'll just enumerate clues from book 5:

0. "Good Luck" kiss!

1. Ron gave Hermione perfumes for Xmas,

2. Whenever emerges topic of Harry's dating Cho, Hermione makes some 
comments about Ron:
 >>Ron,' said Hermione in a dignified voice, dipping the point of her 
quill into her inkpot, 'you
are the most insensitive wart I have ever had the misfortune to meet.'<<
 >>'Just because you've got the emotional range of a teaspoon doesn't 
mean we all have,' said Hermione nastily picking up her quill again.<<
 >>'Harry you're worse than Ron... well, no, you're not,' she sighed, as 
Ron himself came
stumping into the Hall[...]<<

3. Arthur & Molly comparison:
 >>'What do you think about this?' Hermione demanded of Ron, and Harry 
was reminded
irresistibly of Mrs Weasley appealing to her husband during Harry's 
first dinner in
Grimmauld Place.
'I dunno,' said Ron, looking alarmed at being asked to give an opinion. 
'If Harry wants to do
it, it's up to him, isn't it?'<<

4. Ron is still jealous about Krum.

R & H miscellany:
1. >>'Dragon claw does work!' said Ron. 'It's supposed to be incredible, 
really gives your brain a
boost, you come over all cunning for a few hours - Hermione, let me have 
a pinch, go on, it
can't hurt -'<< [It's like Arthur is asking Molly isn't it?]

2. >>'Hermione,' said Ron in a low and indignant voice, 'are you going 
to stop telling Harry off and
listen to Binns, or am I going to have to take my own notes?'
'You take notes for a change, it won't kill you!'<<

3. >>'Where are you going?' said Ron, startled.
To send a letter,' said Hermione, swinging her bag on to her shoulder. 
'It... well, I don't know
whether... but it's worth trying... and I'm the only one who can.'
'I hate it when she does that,' grumbled Ron, as he and Harry got up 
from the table and made
their own, slower way out of the Great Hall. 'Would it kill her to tell 
us what she's up to for
once? It'd take her about ten more seconds (...)<<

4. >>'You should write a book,' Ron told Hermione as he cut up his 
potatoes, 'translating mad
things girls do so boys can understand them.'<<

5. >>`Yeah, she shows signs of life if you do this,' said Ron, and with 
his tongue he made soft clipclopping
noises. Umbridge sat bolt upright, looking around wildly.
`Anything wrong, Professor?' called Madam Pomfrey, poking her head 
around her office door.
`No... no...' said Umbridge, sinking back into her pillows. `No, I must 
have been dreaming...'
Hermione and Ginny muffled their laughter in the bedclothes.
`Speaking of centaurs,' said Hermione, when she had recovered a little, 

I tried here showing how deep is Ron/Hermione friendship, and how their 
development is making them more similar.
If Ron/Hermione ship come true, it won't be a romance of bossy Hermione 
and lazy Ron, but a romance of two people who have met in the middle of 
their differences and who had learned from each other how to overcome them.

When responding to this post please remember to snip all you can. This 
post is huge.


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