TBAY: The Return of the Trimaran
abigailnus at yahoo.com
Sun Aug 17 14:44:41 UTC 2003
No: HPFGUIDX 77654
It's a beautiful TBAY morning. Gentle waves lap rhythmically
against the shore, and a cool breeze makes the heat bearable.
On the pier at the back of the Royal George Tavern
(sometimes known as the Pink Flamingo), George the barman
surveys the bay with satisfaction. The beaches seem to have
been cleared of the driftwood of splintered theories, and are
pristine once again. Even Stoned!Harry's amputated leg,
which washed ashore a few days ago and had been causing
quite a stink, seems to have been carried off by a passing
seagull. George sighs contentedly and gets on with sweeping
the pier when he hears the unmistakable sound of oars in the
water, followed shortly by a cheerful cry.
"George! Over here, George! Throw me a rope, would ya?"
"Abigail?" George cries in astonishment, for it is indeed
Abigail, rowing towards him in George's very own dingy,
which he lent her right before Hurricane Jo hit. George has
had, in the intervening weeks, quite a few second thoughts
about lending Abigail the boat. She had set out in search of
the Imperius!Arthur trimaran, which hadn't been heard from
since the storm hit.
"You're alive!" He exclaims. "I thought you were a goner when
you didn't reappear right after the hurricane. And the trimaran
hasn't been spotted..."
The words die in George's mouth as he gazes in the direction
from which Abigail has been sailing. The Imperius!Arthur
trimaran looms impressively on the horizon. Its triple canon
gleaming in the sunlight. In fact, the entire ship seems to gleam,
although George notices a few patches on one of its sides. One
of the cabins appears to have undergone a serious renovation.
Wordlessly, George helps Abigail climb the ladder up to the pier.
She is sunburnt, and wears a gaudy Hawaiian shirt. Her
many-pocketed overcoat is slung over one arm, and the other
bears a black armband with the letters SB written on it. Joyfully,
she flings herself in George's arms.
"Sweet George!" She cries. "I knew you were canonically sound!"
"Nah, I was just lucky." George says with deprecating smile.
"You should have seen that Hurricane Jo, Abigail. The way it
passed one theory completely untouched and devastated another
one. There was no rhyme or reason to it."
"Tell me about it." Abigail replies. "We were all of a panic on
the trimaran. Triple canon or not, that was one scary storm.
But we made it." She beams, "And with new canon!"
"Come inside and tell me all about it." Making sure that his
dingy is firmly tied to the pier, George guides Abigail into the
cool, dark interior of the inn. He gets behind the bar and pours
Abigail a drink while she climbs a barstool.
"Well," She begins. "As you well know, the Imperius!Arthur
trimaran, home of the theory that Arthur was placed under an
Imperius curse during the first war with Voldemort, is based
on the irrefutable triple canon of the Unforgivable Curses
lesson, as laid out by Elkins in message #37121." Abigail clears
her throat and recites:
>>I also see a certain symmetry emerging in [The Unforgivable
Curses] chapter if we accept as our hypothesis that Ron's father
was indeed, at one time, a victim of the Imperius Curse. Crouch
calls on Ron to volunteer the name of the Imperius. He calls on
Neville to volunteer the name of the Cruciatus. I feel absolutely
certain that he was just *dying* for Harry to raise his hand, so
that he could force him to speak the name of the Avada Kedavra.
Alas for Crouch, though, Harry was an ignoramus, and so he
was forced to call on Hermione instead; all the same, he *did* go
out of his way to draw the class' attention to Harry after his
demonstration of the curse. Crouch is just like that. He's a sadist,
and he has some...well, let's just say some parental issues.>>
"Elkins further suggested that Arthur's weakness to the Imperius
curse is genetic, and may have been passed on to Ron, in support
of which she offered Ron's prolonged reaction to the Imperius
curse when cast by Fake!Moody, and his violent reactions to
another kind of mind-control magic - Veelas."
"Well, I'm here to tell you that OOP offers us yet another glimpse
of this alleged weakness of Ron's. During the fight in the
Department of Mysteries, all of the rescue party are injured except
for Harry. Neville is hit with a Jelly-Legs curse and his nose is
broken. Ginny suffers a broken ankle. Hermione and Luna are
knocked out, each by a different curse. Ron is also incapacitated,
but unlike every other member of the team, his incapacitation is
mental rather than physical. In fact, he is still capable of casting
magic spells, and casts one that ends up causing him harm."
Abigail smiles widely. "Don't you see? JKR is trying to reinforce
the perception of Ron as mentally vulnerable, and reminding us
that when one's mind is addled, even a capable wizard can cause
destruction to himself or others."
"Hardly something we needed a reminder of." George points
out as he sets out a bowl of pretzels. "Besides, Ron's condition
in the DoM is not a result of lack of volition - he chooses to
summon one of the brains."
"True, but with as with the Veelas - whose magic is a far cry
from an Imperius curse - this is a spell that prevents Ron from
acting on his own desires and replaces them with others. The
fact that these desires can't be controlled, and are in fact the
desires of some infantile version of Ron is secondary. After all,
there's no doubt that Ron is attracted to Fleur Delacouer - her
controlling magic only causes him to ask her out when his own
intelligence might tell him to do otherwise." Abigail grabs a
handful of pretzels. "Anyway, I've got some more canon from
OOP. Do you remember Harry's trial and the full names listed
for everyone?"
"Don't tell me." George cuts her off. "You think Percy was
named for Dumbledore. People have suggested that already,
you know."
"I know." Abigail nods. "But they haven't suggested this reason
for it. I believe that Dumbledore helped break the Imperius curse
on Arthur, or testified that Arthur had been under Imperius when
he did whatever he did. In gratitude, Molly and Arthur named
their next child after him."
"Percy's name is stated as Percy, not Percival." George points out.
"And that's also been dealt with already." Abigail replies. "Percy
is trying to distance himself from Dumbledore - and his father.
He'd hardly like to remind Fudge, or anyone else who might be
listening, just how much of a debt he and his family bear to
George cleans glasses in silence for a few minutes. Then he
says, in a gentle voice, "They're nice canons, I admit, but hardly
something to get worked up about, are they? I mean, OOP didn't
really change Imperius!Arthur's status as a theory."
Abigail says nothing.
"But there's another theory, isn't there?" George insists. "One a
lot closer to your heart?"
"I don't know what..." Abigail starts to say.
"Abigail," George says, "I saw the repairs on the trimaran."
Abigail flushes. "It's not completely dead, you know." She says
"Of course not." George agrees quickly.
"I just had to... tweak it a little." Abigail offers a brave smile.
"I mean, I thought everything was over when we met all those
Aurors, and then we saw the Auror department, and no one there
seemed to so much as know Arthur's name! The lynchpin of
Auror!Arthur is that after the first Voldemort war ended the
Auror department was disbanded. There was no further use for
them, and Arthur was shunted off to Misuse of Muggle Artifacts.
But if there's an active division..."
"It does sound rather hopeless." George says.
"Oh, but is isn't!" Abigail answers brightly. "All I had to do
was make Auror!Arthur an offshoot of Imperius!Arthur. You
know I was always a little awkward about admitting that those
two theories *had* to go together."
"I remember you very nearly scuttled the trimaran once
because of that." George answers sardonically.
"Yes, well." Abigail smirks, "Now it seems I have no choice in
the matter. If Arthur had never been placed under Imperius,
there would be no reason for him not be an Auror to this day.
Oh, I suppose we might say that Molly had wanted him to quit
and take a less dangerous job, but we'd still have to explain the
complete non-reaction the other Aurors we meet have to him.
What I now suggest happened is that, following his Imperius
experience, Arthur was put to pasture. Cindy once asked me
how I could believe that the MoM might hire as an Auror a man
with a weakness for the Imperius curse. Well, now I agree with
her. Once Arthur's weakness was discovered, he was shunted
off to another job. The old Aurors don't talk about him. The
new Aurors don't know anything about him. He's the skeleton
in the closet, the Auror gone sour. And you know what else?"
Abigail gives George an evil smile. "I think Percy knows. I
think that was one of the things he threw in his father's face
when he and Arthur had their falling out, and I think he found
out from Fudge."
"Careful now." George says. "You don't want a Yellow Flag,
do you?"
"Oh, come on, George!" Abigail cries. "Arthur can't hear
Percy's name without breaking anything! Molly bursts into
tears whenever his name is mentioned! There's got to be
more to it then the fact that the Weasleys are poor! Elkins
herself said that Molly's rush to assure Dumbledore that
Arthur's lack of advancement in the Ministry is due to his love
of Muggles at the end of GoF is her attempt to forestall the
suggestion that it was his Imperius experience that caused
his career to stall. What if Arthur Weasley's name is
whispered in the corridors of power as a man who can't be
trusted completely? What if this is the legacy that Percy has
been struggling against? Isn't it entirely typical of Fudge to
reveal this dark chapter of Arthur's past to Percy, and isn't
Percy's horrified reaction understandable, if not excusable?"
Abigail stops to take breath. George starts cleaning
glasses again, but stops when he realizes that Abigail is
collecting her things. "Where are you going?"
"You didn't think I came back just to defend the trimaran,
did you?" Abigail asks. "I've got quite a bit to do before I
leave again. I plan to visit quite a bit of the 'BAY before I'm
done. Wanna come along?"
Imperius!Arthur and Auror!Arthur are rather self-explanatory,
but if anyone is interested in reading more about them, you
can do so in the following messages.
Elkins' original Imperius!Arthur manifesto:
and the extended version
And my original Auror!Arthur extrapolation:
And, of course, Elkins' dedication of the Imperius!Arthur trimaran
and the sundry discussions stemming from it:
More information about the HPforGrownups