Moody,Hagrid, Sinistra, Perkins, and whatnot
Kadoo96801 at
Kadoo96801 at
Wed Jun 11 18:30:09 UTC 2003
No: HPFGUIDX 60042
Hi everyone! I haven't posted here at all yet, but i've been collecting some
recent thoughts i have on all of the HP banter going on around here...and I
can see everyone's becoming ohh-so-excited and anxious for bear with
----Pertaining to GoF...Someone posted very recently about keeping the real
Moody alive, because the Polyjuice Potion would not have worked for Barty
Crouch Jr....but this got me thinking and the question i have is
Why couldn't the real Moody fight the Imperius Curse?
"I packed up Moody's clothes and Dark detectors, put them in the trunk with
Moody, and
set off for Hogwarts. I kept him alive, under the Imperius Curse."
-Barty Crouch Jr. (U.S. edition, pg. 689)
In other instances where we hear about the Imperius curse, it seems that it
is not that incredibly difficult to fight off for a powerful wizard. Isn't
Moody a powerful wizard?
Obviously, we know Harry as a youngin' learned to fight the curse after three
or four tries, and Barty Crouch Jr. was able to fight off the curse. It
seems to me that Mad-eye Moody, being the incredible Auror that he is, should have
been able to fight off one of the three Unforgivable Curses the DEs used so
often. I just think it's odd that he couldn't escape the very thing he wanted
to fight, as well as not being able to get out of his own magical trunk. I
don't really know if it's significant or not, but possibly Alastor Moody is not
really as powerful as we think he is.
----Pertaining to CoS...A question I've always had when reading the books is
Can anyone explain why Hagrid was in Knockturn Alley in
Chapter Four?
Hagrid says he was there for flesh-eating slug repellant, but i still find
such a dark and evil place like Knockturn Alleysuspicious. Perhaps Dumbledore
knew Harry would end up in Knockturn Aller, and sent Hagrid to rescue him or
something...this would prove that Dumbledore truly is always watching Harry and
basically knows of everything that goes on around the wizarding world. Any
other thoughts on this, because for some reason I don't trust Hagrid's excuse.
----Pertaining to GoF...In Chapter 33, Voldemort says to Harry,
"My father lived there. My mother, a witch who lived
here in this village, fell in love with him. But he abandoned her when she told
him what she was...He didn't like magic, my father...He left her and returned
to his Muggle parents before I was ever born."
Well, according to this quote, Tom Riddle Sr. sounds an awful lot like Aunt
Petunia. But the question that truly bugs me and that I think will become
significant is
What happened in those years after Tom Riddle Sr. had
left his wife and son?
I don't know how it all connects, but I bet there is some way that
Dumbledore, Petunia, Tom Riddle Sr., Tom Riddle Jr., James, Lilly, and of course Harry
are all connected!? We know Dumbledore and Lilly have the same type of auburn
hair (I beleive the Weasley red hair is one of JKR's red herrings), Tom Riddle
Jr had crazy black hair like Harry, which means their fathers looked alike
(or were they the same person?????? Voldemort did seek revenge and killed James
as well as his father! AHHHH! What? No, nevermind...Tom Sr. was a wizard
-hater), we still no nothing about Harry's MIA family from the Mirror of Erised,
and I think there's much to learn in particular about Harry's grandparents,
Tom Sr. has the same feelings about wizards as Petunia Dursley, and there are
still those all-important green eyes (Salazar Slytherin eyes??) along with "Is
Harry related to Godric Gryffindor??" do all of these connections tie
together? It's mind-boggling!
Also, is there some way that Harry can be a descendent of both Salazar
Slytherin AND Godric Gryffindor (I still beleive that both Lilly and James have
prominant wizarding blood in both of their ancestries)? Is the boy wizard the
all-powerful culmination of two of the most powerful wizards ever? This would
explain why Voldemort needs Harry dead...because he is not only the direct
descendent of Gryffindor, but he is also to succeed Slytherin. He power would not
only rival Voldemorts, it would completely destroy Voldemort and dethrone him
as the reigning heir. If this is true, Harry would have sooo many incredible
powers inherited form both Slytherin and Gryffindor. And the sorting hat
second guessing Harry's house would be explained, along with other things.
Perhaps Harry will have to choose between Salazar's Evil tendencies and Gryffindor's
Goodness...this would be the ultimate and final battle of good versus evil.
Voldemort would be destroyed and good would prevail. What if, deep inside of
his powers, Harry has the ability to choose Good and wipe out all evil in the
wizarding world??? Wow...that is spine-tingling. Any other thoughts (sorry
to have brought up Harry's ancestry AGAIN)???
Also, Sorry to break it to you, but James and Lilly are dead. Get over it.
They're not coming back. Everyone knows they're dead. No, Lilly is not
Petunia or Mrs. Figg. No, James is not Snape or Lupin or Sirius or whomever. They
are both dead and gone. They came out of Voldemort's wand like Cedric and
Frank Bryce. The end. They are dead.
----Pertaining to OoP and beyond...Right now I'm starting to place every
character into the "good" or "evil" categories, who will be beneficial to the dark
side and who will fight alongside Dumbledore. I Think that Snape will remain
faithful to Dumbledore, because who really wants to be on Dumbledore's bad
side anyways? I agree with so many people that Percy will be forced to go
against his family, and support the MoM, whether it be Fudge or L.Malfoy or
whomever. Fudge will definately turn out to be an evil wizard, for SOO MANY obvious
reasons (wait, no, He Is probably NOT a DE, but maybe he'll just end up
helping the dark side in the end, or just stand as a barrier for Dumbledore's
side...). The Dark Force Defense League, as well as a recupperated Gilderoy
Lockhart will stand firm right beside a hifalutin politiky Fudge in not trusting
Harry and Dumbledore. Karkaroff will be back in book 5, and possibly take up his
rank as DE once again. Oliver Wood will be back, and still a true Gryffindor,
although he plays for a possibly bad news quidditch team. Draco may not be
necessarily evil...he seems like a woosey anyways. The giants will go with
Hagrid and Madam Malkin, and the Dementors will help the Dark arts. Krum will
probably, in his best interest, stick with Hermione and denounce Karkaroff. If
Hermione releases Rita Skeeter like she said she would, that could end horribly
because Rita will want revenge on those at Hogwarts like Hermione, Harry,
Dumbledore...and we all know about the power of the press. And of
course,St.Mungo's is bad news. Anyone important I missed? OK, well that was fun...those
are just all of my predictions for the forthcoming war. Anyone care to disagree
or agree?
-----Pertaining to OoP and beyond... What's the deal with Professor
Sinistra???? We don't know too much about her, but her name does sound an awful lot
like "SINISTER". As Professor of astronomy, it seems that she probably has seen
exactly the same things the centaurs are reading in the stars. Although
McGonnagall doesn't beleive in "fortune telling" (could not trusting the wisdom of
others be McGonnagall's dire weakness?), Sinistra could be a valuable key for
either Dumbledore or Voldemort in predicting the future, and figuring out
what to watch for. She would have somewhat inside information for the
forthcoming wizard war based on the stars. Just like the centaurs know an awful lot but
decide to not mess with fate and keep to themselves, Sinistra could be just
as informed about the future but choose to share her knowledge.
So which side will she take? I predict she may be evil. Although she works
at Hogwarts, she is rarely seen in company with the rest of the staff.
According to her name, maybe she has Sinister intentions. Also, in GoF when
McGonagall and Snape and others think Crouch/Moody is a bit wacko, Sinistra is the
witch to befriend him and dance with him at the Yule Ball. Could Sinistra have
known that Mad-eye was really Barty Crouch Jr. in disguise? And could she
have been helping him? AND, Perhaps Professor Sinistra is the very person
Voldemort has planted at Hogwarts to do his dirty work. Uhh-ohh. The evidence is
there. Interpret it however you wish. I'm certain that Sinistra will become a
much more important character in the books to come. Anyone know anything
else about this mysterious teacher??
-----Pertaining to Neville...He owns Trevor, an amphibian, his uncle's name
is Uncle Algie- like Algae, and Crouch/Moody gives him a book on water plants.
Coincidences? I think not.
----Pertaining to animagi...We all know that Dumbledore is most likely an
animagi. Also, Snape is constantly described as batlike and living in a dungeon
and whatnot. Could Snape be a bat animagus or even a vampire? (Also, could
someone explain to me what MAGIC DISHWASHER means...people keep saying it
around here...I think it has something to do with Snape, but otherwise, I am
clueless) I highly doubt that Mrs.Figg is Crookshanks because she is not with
Hermione in the summer, instead, she acts as a Muggle and watches over Harr (also,
i really dont think there is cross-gender transfiguration). BUT, I think
Crookshanks is indeed an animagus. Isn't it possible that Perkins,. the guy that
works in the department of Muggle Artifacts or whatever-its-called with Arthur
Weasley is Crookshanks? First, both Crookshanks and Perkins are described as
old and kind of gruff. Also, as we know, there really arent a such thing as
coincidences is these books, but it is ironic that the tent that Perkins lends
Mr.Weasley for the QWC does in fact smell and look like Mrs.Figg's house.
What if Mrs. Figg and Perkins live together, as in, he is one of her cats during
the summer to watch Harry. Work in Perkin's and Arthur's department at the
ministry has never been that exciting or urgent or busy at all, so what if
Perkins decided to keep watch on Mr.Weasley's own son Ron, Hermione, and Harry at
Hogwarts because the Weasleys and Arabella Figg were worried about Sirius
Black's escape (but then the cat would have learned Sirius is good, Pettigrew is
bad, and continued to help Dumbledore and Harry and everyone). If Crookshanks
is in fact Perkins, Arthur and Mollly Weasley know that he is just extra
protection for Harry. Also, I could bet loads of galleons that Perkins is part of
"the old crowd" Dumbledore refers to in GoF along with Perkins' obvious friend
Arabella Figg, Mundungus fletcher, and Lupin. I think we'll be learning more
about this group of people very shortly.
If Crookshanks is not Perkins, who else could be this cat- possibly a new
charcter we havent met yet? Is Crookshanks really an animagus (YES...I know he
is part kneazle!)?
********************If a wizard is an animagus, do they have to transform
into a muggle animal...or could this particular wizard's animagus be indeed A
KNEAZLE? yet another aspect of the animagus...wizards may be able to turn into
magical animals (as in anything from FBAWTFT)!!!!!!!!!!!
OK, I'm done.....sorry to take up sooo much space (i've just had a lot of
ideas). I hope I havent been too repetetive or annoying or completely
unrealistic. Finally, I'd really like to know what you think about these
predictions/questions/random thoughts.
Ohh, and if you want a good quick review of the four HP books and everything
to watch in Book 5 before June 21, go get The Ultimate Unofficial Guide to the
Mysteries of Harry Potter. It should be at the book store....and it
discusses in detail all/most of the stuff discussed on this board plus's
great...I read it in a day!
And, ALDREA...are you out there? You'll be at a Swim Meet on June 21! I'm a
hardcore swimmer too! Have fun and good sorry to hear you'll be
missing the first day of OoP!
PoPo from Ravenclaw
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