SHIP Why I Hate H/G Attn: Lilac

Fred Waldrop fredwaldrop at
Sat Mar 29 21:15:22 UTC 2003

No: HPFGUIDX 54532

 "Keith Mascarenhas" <keithmascarenhas at h...> wrote:
<Huge snip>
 Now let's get back to Ginny's crush - what's her crush all about - 
it's all about meeting/knowing the famous "Boy Who Lived". Do you 
think Harry's comfortable with this ? Do you think Harry would want 
to go out or have a relationship with someone who has a crush on him 
solely because he's famous ? And that's the cornerstone of Ginny's 
crush, isnt it? 
 There's a lovely little paragraph in UKPB GOF C22 PG339
'Hermione's words about Krum kept coming back to him.'They only like 
him because he's famous!" Harry doubted very much  if any of the 
girls who had asked to be his partner so far would have wanted to go 
to the ball with him if he hadn't been school champion. Then he 
wondered if this would bother him if Cho asked him.'

 Think about Hermione's lines about the Krum's fans and Krum 'They 
only like him because he is famous' - now what's the cornerstone of 
Ginny's crush on Harry ?

Hello all, Fred Waldrop here;
Keith askes a very good question here, "now what is the cornerstone 
of Ginny's crush on Harry?"
I would think it would be better asked 1)"as of NOW, what would be 
the REASON of Ginny's crush on Harry?" Meaning, AFTER ther first 
meeting, why does Ginny, as of the 4th book, STILL have a crush on 
Also, 2)"what makes Ginny's crush differant from all the girls that 
follow Krum around school?", a pretty good question also, IMHO.
But, instead of asking these questions;

Keith asks:
1a)So can you ever picture Harry asking Ginny out, willingly, knowing 
that the basis of her crush is his fame? 
Back to UKPB GOF C22 PG345 Harry and Ron are getting increasingly 
worried about finding dates to the ball:

"And still Harry Hadn't asked Cho to the ball. He and Ron were 
getting a little nervous now, though as Harry Pointed out, Ron would 
look much less stupid than he wouldwithout a partner; Harry was 
supposed to be starting out the dancing with the other champions.

 'I suppose there's always Moaning Myrtle,' he said gloomily, 
referring to the ghost who haunted the girl's toilet  on the second 

2a) It is strange that Harry does not even consider asking Ginny out 
at this point especially since both Ron and Harry openly know that 
she, Ginny like Myrtle fancies him! Proof : UKPB COS C17 P240

Me again;
As I stated above, if the right question is asked, a better answer 
might be found. And instead of this being "proof" of anything, it 
might just be another statement found in a book of over 730 pages.
Let me start answering some of my questions.
1)"As of NOW, what is the reason...?" Maybe after knowing Harry for 3 
years, she has come to know him a little, and she sorta likes what 
she sees.
2)"What makes Ginny's crush differert?" Humm, as I stated above, 
maybe because she knew him for going on 3 years while not only going 
to school with him, but also being in the same house, Gryffindor 
together. Or, maybe because he has stayed in her house over 2 summers.
(Between PS/SS and PoA &GoF) 

Now to answer one of Keiths questions, of which I numbered: 
1a)"can you ever picture Harry asking Ginny out, willingly, knowing 
that the basis of her crush is his fame?" Not on those basis, but if 
it was because they have become friends, yes. If it was because he 
had gotten over the very first statement, that he,  Harry ever heard 
come out of a 10 year olds mouth, yes. And as fot that, you must not 
think much of Harry if you think that he would hold a statment 
against someone who is 10 years old for 4 years. A statement that 
EVERYONE, basicly, has made. Can you tell me who hasn't made one 
statement about Harry and his fame? 
2a)"Proof"?, proof of what? That Harry nor Ron thought of asking 
Hermione OR Ginny to the Ball? If this was you question I would have 
to say Yes. But that was not the point of your question, was it? I 
guess you were meaning that both Ron and Harry thought of Ginny as "a 
girl", but only thought of Herione as a "?" what? other? If they had 
not realised that Hermione was a "girl", knowing she was a girl, what 
makes you think they would think of Ginny any different? 
Keith goes on tho say:
To further prove my point, I take you to the conversation Ron has 
with Hermione and Ginny asking them to go with Harry and him to the 
Yule Ball - Notice one thing - Harry's stony silence (and he's not 
shocked by the girl's attitude, not one bit bothered mind you; even 
though Ron is) during the conversation and after - Harry seems 
totally indifferent towards the whole incident, even though it seems 
evident that Ginny regrets having accepted Neville's invitation! UKPB 
GOF C22 PGS 348-349. (read it for yourself)
 To me it seems evident that he'd rather go out with a ghost or 
entertain scorpions than go out on a date with someone who has a 
crush on him just because he's "The Boy Who Lived" - Need I say more ?
Me again, "need I say more?", To be honest, yes. I read the same 
statement and think that instead of Harry wanting to go out with MM, 
then it being as much in a sort of shock. Something like "Oh no, who 
am I going out with? I'll be the only champion at the ball without a 
date." After all, on page 399 of GoF, US, it says "This is mad, said 
Ron. We're the only ones left that hasn't got anyone." 
Right after this, all the other stuff you talk about happens, about 
Ron asking Hermione to the ball, then Ginny. So, if you consider the 
fact that they are pretty much running out of time, that everyone 
they had asked to the dance has said "sorry, but no" (not that they 
had asked that many, but everyone they had asked did say no), it 
would not be to far fetched that Harry was being quite because he was 
in a sort of shock or trying to figure a way out of his and Rons 
After all, as soon as he came to, so to speak, on page 401, he is 
asked "What's got into them? he demanded. But Harry had just seen 
Parvati and Lavender come through...<snip> Wait here, he said to Ron, 
and he stood up, walked straight up to Parvari..." Sort of like 
the "What got into them" that was "demanded" by Ron woke him out of 
his little stooper and got Harry into action once more. Not that he, 
Harry was praying that Ginny would say no.  

And finally, Keith askes;
Of course, the next question that one might be tempted to ask is - if 
he dislikes Ginny so much, why save her life? Well, he saved 
Wormtail's life too, didn't he? Fact is, Harry is a do gooder, he 
likes saving lives - he'd save Snaps and no Malfoy's life too (no 
matter what he thinks of them), if it came to it!

Me finally also; 
I agree, Harry is a "do gooder" and would save anyone he could. But 
this still is not why he saved Ginny's life, IMO. I think he saved 
Ginny because SHE, Ginny, was Harry's friend. Maybe not "girlfriend", 
but most surely a friend.

> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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