[HPforGrownups] Re: uniforms

Cristina Rebelo Ângelo cristina_angelo at yahoo.com
Wed Nov 12 02:49:03 UTC 2003

No: HPFGUIDX 84724

Yolanda wrote:
They don't wear house specific markings.  Remember in CoS when 
Harry and Ron disguised as Slytherins asked a girl where the 
Slytherin common room was and she said she was in Ravenclaw.  They 
never could have mistaken a student from one house for another if 
they wore markings.  They wouldn't have had to guess who was a 
Slytherin in the first place.  House markings would have solved that 
problem easily.

sachmet96 wrote:
I just reread the passage and she sounded to me that she thought they 
were stupid to even assume she was Slytherin which implies to me that 
it must have been obvious she was a Ravenclaw.

Actually, it could also just be that she took offense at being 
mistaken as a Slytherin.  (*gasp*!!!  what an awful thing to accuse 
someone to be!!!)  Not to mention the fact that she might have been 
offended that other students didn't know the name of a Prefect.  
(Maybe she and PErcy bonded because of mutual bigheadedness.  Hmmm, I 
wonder if Perce is still seeing that muggleborn...)

I think it's important to specify that they weren't disguised as Slytherins,
they "were" Crabbe and Goyle. Percy "recognizes" Crabbe, after that
encounter with the girl. They must have been pretty recognizable by most
people at Hogwarts (IMO), and recognized even if in full Gryffindor
Quidditch apparel.... 
Let me quote the passage:
"Excuse me, " said Ron, hurrying up to her. "We've forgotten the way to our
common room"
"I beg your pardon?" said the girl stiffly. "Our common room? I'm a
CoS, USA p 219
Even if Ron has just said "the Slytherins always come up to breakfast from
over there", she may or may not have heard that, she had just "emerged from
the entrance" (I don't know if we can establish their exact distance, and
that Ron hurried to her means little)  but that sentence alone doesn't
necessarily identifies them as Slytherins. The exchange doesn't mention the
boys' house. So, she knows they are not in her house, and some way she knows
who they are or which house they belong to. I always read that passage as
the girl recognizing them for Crabbe and Goyle, knowing they were
Slytherins, plus, indeed, taking offense at being identified as one of them.
I always pictured her going away shaking her head at another proof of the
boys' stupidity. I know there are other opinions, but I always assumed that,
house being important, they all have a pretty good idea who belongs to their
house, even if they don't know the names, at least the faces  - okay, maybe
if not all, but there's always people who know this sort of stuff, and it
gets around with conversation in the common room. Slytherins, in particular,
and oh so especially anybody close to Draco, would have a very strong sense
of the house, and know who was and who wasn't (and despise those who
weren't, and be able to point them out). Draco would know every single one
of them; Crabbe and Goyle might mistake themselves for a Ravenclaw,
Gryffindor or Hufflepuff if not always together...  Similarly, Ravenclaws
would have known who their Prefect was... They all have the same common room
after all, Prefects are easy to single out, and a "wise old" "ready mind"
Ravenclaw would certainly be expected to have that knowledge (as well as
knowing who is who in the entire Hogwarts student and teacher
population...). Now, how come she identified them as "not of her own"?
Either, like Percy, she knew, like, everybody, or they had markings, or she
did identify them as Crabbe and Goyle because they would be easy to identify
Notice, however, how Harmione gets hold of the robes... US, p 215 : "And I
sneaked these spare robes out of the laundry (...) you'll need bigger sizes
once you're Crabbe and Goyle". She doesn't mention Slyhterins robes. She
just says "bigger". Now, if there was some sort of marking... Hermione,
being Hermione, would probably have said something like "these spare
Slytherin robes" or something.
She doesn't mention difference of size between herself and Millicent, but
Harry later says that she's "no pixie" because of lack of space in the
bathroom cubicle. Hermione doesn't reply. Somehow, I think she also needed
bigger robes, but that's my opinion.
On how the girl perceived it, notice the italics (doubt my quote comes out
with formatting): "our", "I'm". I'd say that's taking offense...
Cristina Rebelo Ângelo
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