[HPforGrownups]How conscious is JKR? (was: Deville's broked dose)

Ivan Vablatsky ibotsjfvxfst at yahoo.co.uk
Wed Sep 3 23:32:43 UTC 2003

No: HPFGUIDX 79736

>>Hans:  I loved your long post about HP, Occlumency matters and 
occult.  Very interesting.  Just wondering if Rowling put all this in 
her book consciously or not.<<

Hans' response:
Yes indeed! That's the 640 million dollar question! Just exactly what is
"Queen Joanne" really thinking? All we know is that she said she was
inspired at the age of 24 while sitting in a train. This tends to give the
impression that it was a "once only" experience she had; a sort of day-dream
that she recorded in an exercise book later that day and now uses as the
main plot outline. However this just doesn't seem right when one reads the
books. When I read them I have an experience like I'm wandering in a huge
palace with endless corridors full of doors and dressers with lots of
drawers. Every sentence JKR uses seems to have either a drawer full of
interesting objects you could do years of research on, or a door into a
great gallery full of books and more doors, doors, doors. Witness our
thousands of posts!

In other words JKR is just so very conscious of what she's doing. If she's
inspired then this is a continuous thing. It just seems impossible to me
that a mortal human being could have so much energy to write such powerful
books on such a sublime spiritual level, at the same time writing on so many
other levels, and in such a way that people of so many persuasions can see
their own philosophy reflected in the books. Even if she had an IQ of 200 it
still doesn't seem possible. So I'm afraid this question will have to go
unanswered. I really don't know.

However there are two possibilities that I can speculate on. 

The first possibility is that she is being guided in some way by entities
who have reached liberation. Such entities are not restricted in time and
space and have "direct knowledge". It is also possible that she herself is
one of those. She may have what Lao Tzu calls "The Mysterious Virtue". That
is a cosmic consciousness which some great writers have had throughout
history. I'm talking about people like Jacob Boehme, Dante, Rudolf Steiner,
Blavatsky and others.

I'm quite conscious of the fact that some of you will be shrugging your
shoulders and thinking, "here's Luna Lovegood talking again". Well so be it,
but I want to assure you that this Alchemical Path of Liberation I'm always
talking about wasn't invented by me! It can be read about in a treasure of
books written over many centuries. All I've done is studied the Path of
Liberation and, with that knowledge, read the HP books, only to find to my
great astonishment that the whole Path of Liberation from A to Z is hidden
in these books. At first I thought it was only a coincidence, but as I
continued reading the books over and over again I found so many obvious
clues and symbols of Alchemy. As I have repeatedly pointed out there are so
many similarities between HP and the Alchemical Wedding of Christian
Rosencreutz that it just CAN'T be coincidence. That doesn't mean in my
opinion that JKR has read the Alchemical Wedding. I'm saying that she and
the writers of the AW are drawing from the same source. 

What source? That is my second possibility.

To understand this we have to realise that this universe is a vast prison
for wayward entities who have "fallen" from the Divine Universe of the
Original Spirit. Read the parable of the Prodigal Son to find out more.

Just a warning before I go on. If you don't see this world as a prison
keeping us away from God then please don't read on. There is no point
whatsoever. We'll be talking in different languages and you won't understand
a word I'm saying. 

This prison is not a penitentiary but a self-made hell from which we can
escape. There is actually a detailed Plan of escape in existence. Where is
this Plan? It is in a plane of existence which esoteric people call
"reflecting ether". I guess it's a kind of morpho-genetic field which has
existed since the fall. Anyway, people who have a very pure and noble
spiritual mind can "read" this plan and tell about it. However this Plan is
not written in words but in symbols and archetypes. I think it's quite
likely that people like Shakespeare, Goethe, Victor Hugo, Mikhail Naimy
("The Book of Mirdad"), Emerson, etc. could read all or some of that Plan
and write about it. I guess that some people can read the Plan more clearly
and write more clearly than others. JK Rowling seems to be able to read that
Plan very clearly indeed and she also has the ability to express the symbols
in a narrative the genius of which is beyond comprehension as far as I'm

So just to summarise the two possibilities I can see:
a. JKR is either being guided by entities with a cosmic consciousness, or
has such a consciousness herself.
b. JKR has a mind that is open to the Plan of Liberation.

Anyway, all this is speculation, because I just don't know how she does it.
What I can say is that Harry Potter and the Alchemical Wedding are really
just the same story. Both these stories outline in symbolical form the
journey of the seeker from imprisonment to liberation from "Voldemort".

Once you see the pattern of liberation in the books so many things that
other members are wondering and arguing about become crystal clear. Take the
prophecy for example. There have been hundreds and hundreds of posts
exploring what could possibly be meant by the prophecy. The trouble is that
people are looking at the words literally without being able to see the
radiant archetype. Seen in the context of the Plan of Liberation the
prophecy becomes very clear and easy to understand. Harry Potter symbolises
the new soul that is born when a person becomes a seeker for the Kingdom of
Righteousness. He symbolises the Messiah of the Old and New Testaments.
Before Jesus was born there were prophecies about his coming: "Unto is a Son
is born, unto us a child is given." Herod, ruler of this prison, tries to
kill Jesus, Voldemort tries to kill Harry. The prophecy says that only one
of the two can survive. When the new soul is born in the seeker it will grow
in grace; it will spread its power and influence in the life of the prisoner
and it will go through seven stages of liberation as described in both the
AW and HP. Then there will come a stage where the new soul and the power of
this world face each other, just as Jesus faced Satan in the Wilderness.
There is nothing ambiguous or unclear about this. When Harry is fully grown
he will face Voldemort. When a person goes the Path his new soul will grow
daily if he is willing to "die daily" as Paul puts it. One day the new soul
will be mature and it and the Power of Lucifer that dwells in all of us will
have to face each other. There is no alternative. Then we have to make the
final choice. Voldemort/Lucifer will offer us power, wealth and life. If we
choose Harry, Voldemort will die for ever. If we choose Voldemort the new
soul will die. It will shrivel back to a seed. Quite simple. I quote again
the words from "The Voice of the Silence": "The Self of matter and the SELF
of Spirit can never meet. One of the twain must disappear; there is no place
for both."

Members may recall that I correctly predicted in April that in book 5 Harry
would achieve the liberation of the mental ego. I also predicted then that
in the next three books Harry would go through the Venus, Jupiter and Saturn
initiations. Jupiter was the leader of the Gods, and the Jupiter
(self-)initiation means leadership. Right on cue Harry became the leader of
Dumbledore's Army.

I predict that in book 6 Harry will go through the Venus initiation. As I
pointed out recently Harry's link to the secret room in the MoM is almost
identical to the Sepulchre of Venus in the Alchemical Wedding. (I'm not
making this up you know! Go and read the AW; it's on Internet). Just as CRC
went into Venus' room, so Harry at some stage will enter the Room of Love
and "suffer" the consequences like CRC. As Book 6 will deal with the
Liberation of the emotional ego this will all tie together very neatly. 

Book 7 will deal with the liberation of the consciousness ego and the Saturn
initiation. This initiation signifies "Passing through the Gate of Saturn".
In other words, overcoming death, triumphing over death. Well, dear friends,
we have already seen that gate in book 5! Sirius Black has passed through
it. It's even got a veil to add extra emphasis that this is the gate of
death. It all adds up. The whole story of Harry Potter makes perfect sense
when seen in this light. Just as Jesus triumphed over death so Harry will
triumph over death. Harry will pass through the Gate of Saturn, but it won't
mean a temporary sojourn in the hereafter in preparation for a next
incarnation, like it does for us unliberated mortals. It will mean Harry
Potter will be for ever liberated from death and suffering, and in an
imperishable body he will work for the liberation of humanity until the last
prodigal child has returned to the arms of the father.

And here's some very bad news for all you shippers: In the AW there is a
very amorous episode where CRC and the other liberated people are promised a
night in bed with some very attractive virgins. The chief virgin proposes
that the men get in a circle and the ladies distribute themselves randomly
among the men. The idea is that they start counting in sevens from this
chief virgin and every time the seventh person will partner with the next
seventh person and so on. However CRC finds to his great disappointment that
starting from the chief virgin, every seventh person ends up being a woman.
They realise they've been tricked and the ladies must have worked out
beforehand where to stand in the circle.

What this means for HP is no doubt that there will be no SHIPS for Harry,
Ron and Hermione. Maybe for a few minor characters.

What does this actually symbolise in spiritual terms? On the Alchemical Path
of Liberation there can be no intermarriage between things of the fallen
universe and the original divine universe. When a seeker goes the Path
everything of the old universe must be left behind. Divine things and
natural things cannot mix. Sorry about that.

However Harry, Ron and Hermione will stay together because they are all
aspects of the person going the Path. Harry is the heart, Hermione is the
head and Ron is the earthly personality. The earthly personality must be
prepared to sacrifice itself, as Ron did in the chess game.

Everybody has a right to read the books any way they please, and I certainly
wish all the members a lot of fun in their posting. However I believe that
as long as people take HP literally they won't understand the purpose of it,
just like people who interpret the Bible literally.

The Power be with you!

Hans in Holland 

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