[HPforGrownups] Ron's big moment? (WAS: Why Ron Loves Hermione)

Iggy McSnurd coyoteschild at peoplepc.com
Thu Sep 25 17:42:19 UTC 2003

No: HPFGUIDX 81561

Ok... Quoting Granny here:

> Uranus rules the sign Aquarius (anyone know Ron's Sign?) and is the planet
of surprise and all that is unexpected. It also
>rules the future and all new technology -- all that has just been invented
and all that is yet to come.
> Innovative, unpredictable, resourceful and experimental.  This planet also
rules the breaking up of any established patterns
>or structures, creating sudden -- even radical  change.
> Uranus can turn over anything traditional, conventional or orthodox in its
path, which it deems no longer of value or having
>outlived its usefulness. This planet produces quick, liberating results.
Uranus is strongly objective, rather than emotional.
>Since Uranus also holds sway over social change, it also regulates the
global brotherhood of man and all humanitarian

Now, aside from my earlier comments about Ron's joke about seeing Uranus...
one that has proven to be unfounded in being the sole explanation... My
goof, of course.   (The joke based reference, in PoA, may have been an
elaborite joke setup by JKR for the OotP... After all, she DOES supposedly
have the entire general outlines of the entire series done, yet open to
revision.  If she sets up elaborite back-grounding and obscure references,
might she not do the same with the occasional joke? *grin*) I have an idea
or two based on what Granny wrote above, along with other group

Here goes:

The influence of Uranus instituting radical change over the established
order is an interesting one... If Ron saw Uranus up close, he MAY have seen
(in some odd way, once the insight hits him) that the MoM is due for a
massive overhaul and upheaval in both its staffing, and its methodology.

Fudge has just seen proof that LV is still alive and kicking, which has
completely shaken his stubbornly held to convictions.

A number of members of the Ministry are now probably aware of the existence
of the OotP, and might wish to begin joining them... especially Aurors and
Unspeakables... thus causing a shift in balance of the Trinity... (which I
shall call the fundamental struggle between the MoM, LV and his team, and
the OotP...)  Even if they do not join the OotP, I can see a decent number
of the MoM beginning to work more towards the ideals of the OotP, rather
than the strict definitions of the MoM.

Much like the effects of the Tower card of the Tarot, Uranus can lead to a
shattering of the illusions a person, or group of people, form about
themselves.  In essence, their Ivory Tower crashes to the ground.  By the
fact that the WW now knows the truth of LV's return, many will also begin to
figure out how the MoM duped them and suppressed that information.  This
would seriously jeopardize the MoM as it currently stands.  People in the WW
are likely to begin demanding that the entire workings, and administration,
of the MoM be reviewed and evaluated.  They may even begin demanding that
Fudge is replaced.

Ok... taking something a little further...  Luna blew up Pluto (not
Jupiter.. OotP, ch 35, pg 796, "Beyond the Veil").  Looking up the aspect of
Pluto, I found the following:  (Please realize that I will be doing some
EXTREME editing of what they have there.  If you want to read more in depth,
visit the site.)

>From - www.dominantstar.com

Core meaning:

Pluto is considered the Great Transformer of the cosmos and is epitomized by
Einstein's idea that energy can neither be created nor destroyed. While the
organization of energy is altered, metamorphosed, and transformed into new
forms, the actual essence of energy does not perish. Pluto rules both this
transformative alteration and the constant process that determines such
far-reaching and profound change.

Pluto also symbolizes the in-depth transformation processes that occur
within the human psyche. While such processes have an enduring effect on the
personality and the structure of consciousness they originate at a level far
removed from the ego-complex and its ordinary functions and concerns. Pluto
thus symbolizes the archetypal world of the collective unconscious (a
terrain first brought to the attention of the contemporary world through the
research of Carl Jung).


Improper manifestation of the energy:

The attempt to transform another person against his or her will.

Destructive mass-transformation that affects large numbers of people,
places, or things and the psychic inflation that results in channeling such
massively destructive energy.


Keynote phrases for Pluto:

Wisdom gained through in-depth metamorphosis and transformation, a process
sometimes experienced as horrifying, annihilating, or ego fracturing.
The tripartite archetypal process of: complete breakdown into constituent
elements; realignment and metamorphosis; transformation, regeneration, and
The process whereby the personal ego or will (Sun) undergoes an thorough
transformation through the intercession of the transpersonal Self -- also
referred to as the Divine Will; the Cosmic Will; the imago Dei; or the god
in man.
The experience of God as a terrifying and insurmountable obstacle upon
which the identity is smashed apart and -- ultimately -- reborn.
The deus absconditus -- the "hidden" or "concealed God" -- whose presence
is manifested particularly during experiences of profound, irrevocable
The final planetary form of yang consciousness in the symbolic solar
The yang energy experienced as a transpersonal cosmic identity or spirit.

That should be enough...

Looking at the above information, one can see that while the positive aspect
of Uranus promotes social and organizational change if an established
organization (mass of people), Pluto's positive aspect promotes a
metamorphosis and rebirth of the self on a spiritual or psychic level.

We can also see that LV can easily be recognized as a negative aspect of
Pluto... causing mass destruction, controlling or changing others against
their wills, etc.

LV was seen as being almost a dark god among the WW, with the fear and awe
in which he was held... People feared to even whisper his name much like the
manner in which many fear to even speak any of the names for the Devil or
other "dark entities."  He was trying to change the world into what he
wished it to be, and to do so from complete concealment.

Soon after Luna shattered Pluto, the hidden aspect of LV's activities was
shattered in LV having to show up at the MoM himself... thus revealing his
presence and rebirth.

Harry experienced a horrible and terrifying experience in being dominated
and possessed by LV.  In turn, this ultimately led to increased knowledge of
what is expected of him, and the wisdom that comes with the knowledge of who
you are in side, and what you truly care about.

Which all takes me to my most profound theory both about the astrology
influence, and the nature of Harry's destiny:

LV has also undergone a wide variety of changes in his physical construction
(or lack thereof...) yet he has never truly been destroyed.  Pluto, here,
exercises its strongest influence.

Now, assuming that astrology plays as much of a role in things as this group
feels it does, then Harry (ultimately) CANNOT kill LV, only change him.

The prophecy states that the Dark Lord must die... It doesn't say that Tom
Riddle must be slain, or even LV himself... The Dark Lord is an ASPECT of
who LV is.

It might be possible for Harry to "kill" the Dark Lord by making him cease
to exist... doing this not through destroying LV's body, mind, or spirit,
but by "redeeming" him and teaching him those things... somehow... that LV
does not understand:  Love, Compassion, Empathy, and the ability to look
beyond your own desires to the greater good.

In essence, he "kills" the Dark Lord, but not Tom Riddle.


Iggy McSnurd
the Prankster

"Gaze not only upon the one Aspect, that you forget the others."
  - Iggy McSnurd

Oh, one last thought... since we're talking Astrology here...

"Mars is unusually bright..."

Firenze and the other Centaurs were saying this in PS/SS...  He explains the
meaning in OotP...

For those of you who don't know... Mars is currently the closest it has been
to Earth in a few hundred years.  So close that not only can you see it with
the naked eye easily, but it shows up with a reddish orange color.

I wonder if she knew that Mars would be unusually bright in the RW as well
when she wrote this.

Just a thought.

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