Books 6 & 7 - Post 106899 revised
Hans Andréa
ibotsjfvxfst at
Sun Dec 19 21:13:14 UTC 2004
No: HPFGUIDX 120125
Dear Friends,
I have been posting occasionally to this group since April 2003 (post
55793). I rarely get many responses, and of those many are negative. However
I do occasionally get very appreciative reactions sent to me privately,
which I find very encouraging.
Recently I sent 119524 containing my predictions for books 6 & 7 and as far
as I know no one responded on the board, but I did receive a very
encouraging email from cerebella316. Unfortunately my reply to her has not
arrived as her email address has been disabled. I would therefore like to
send my reply to the group, as I think others could be interested in her
comments and my responses to them.
I find her reaction and that of a few others so encouraging that I have
decided to start sending a series of posts dealing with all the main
characters of Harry Potter. This is a series being posted to another Yahoo
group, Harry Potter for Seekers. I want to warn you that these posts are
quite controversial, and people who suffer anguish from reading spiritual
ideas that are different from their own should delete all posts with my name
at the top before reading the contents. For those new to the group: my
theory is that Harry Potter is a symbolical road map to complete human
liberation through alchemical transformation.
This week I will post the introduction to the series and then I will start
with the discussion on Lily.
If I am doing anything contrary to the rules of the group, please moderators
let me know and I'll go sit in the corner and eat humble pie.
Now here's my response to cerebella's email:
I want to thank you profoundly for your very encouraging email. As you
may have noticed I seldom get reactions and to get such an enthusiastic
response makes it all worthwhile. I guess even if only one person really
likes my posts it's be worth all the effort.
> HansI would just like to begin by saying that I always get so
> excited to see that you have posted. Whether or not my head believes
> your theories are what JKR has in mind, my heart loves them (so does
> this make me one of the people "living in inner conflict"?) I think
> most of your theories are just beautiful. I especially love the idea
> of Harry taking over as Keeper of the Keys of Hogwarts.
Are you aware that I formed a group where I post very frequently?
You're welcome to join or just read the posts, which are public.
> Bella:
> I remember many posts in the summer talking about the two-way
> mirrors helping Harry find Sirius if Harry chooses to go through the
> veil. But we're not sure Sirius had his mirror when he fell
> through, right? So what if the Trio find Sirius's mirror and fix
> Harry's, and
> then Harry takes a mirror with him through the veil and uses it to
> contact this side of the veil to help him return from the other
> side? What I mean is...I feel that if Harry were to pass through the
> veil to the other side to find his parents and Sirius, etc., it may
> be hard for him to leave. But, by looking into his mirror and seeing
> Hermione and Ron on the other side, Harry has the strength to return
> to them. It's a tough decision for him because he has ones he loves
> on both sides. But, when it comes down to it, Ron and Hermione are
> more *family* to him than anyone else--his surrogate family, but
> those he loves the most nonetheless. (His time with his parents and
> Sirius were so short in comparison.)
Yes that would be a painful decision to have to make. Glass and mirrors seem
to be important in Harry Potter, but I don't know exactly what they
symbolise. But I keep making more discoveries, so who knows?
> Bella:
> I know you and others have reasoned that the beheading of Ron (and
> quite possibly Hermione) may just be a symbolic beheading. With this
> in mind, I thought of the clich "lose his/her head" when
> someone
> loses his or her *mind*. Maybe something will happen to Ron (and
> possibly Hermione) to make him go crazy, and Harry has to do
> something to restore/save/resurrect him. (Maybe this has already
> begun with the whole brain incidence at the end of OoP and its
> lasting scars.)
Mmmm, good thinking.
> Bella (commenting on Harry entering the "Temple of Venus", which I say is
equivalent to the "Room of Love" in Harry Potter"):
> "Love it." Not only would Harry be
> entering a forbidden room, but would also be so greatly affected by
> what he sees. Could this be what drives him to go through the veil?
> What is the chronological order of these 2 events in the AC?
In "The Alchemical Wedding" Christian Rosycross enters the Sepulchre of
Venus on the fifth day and he goes through the Gate of Saturn on the
sixth. I don't think Harry will go through the veil to see his mother, but
to be with Sirius.
> 8. Voldemort will dissipate like an expired Patronus through an act
> of love or compassion by Harry.
> Bella:
> How? Do you have any speculations? The mind connection? A spell?
> I'm just curious as to what you have in mind
As you probably know I'm saying that Harry Potter is not fiction but a
symbolic representation of what really happens when you go through the
process of alchemical transformation leading to total human liberation.
Voldemort personifies the astral power-field that has accumulated around
us through all our incarnations. When we go the Path of Liberation,
Voldemort opposes us and we have to break through his power-field. We do
this by absorbing light of a higher vibration than Voldemort. This forms a
new soul inside us. That is Harry. At the same time a new power-field forms
around us but inside the old one. That new power-field is Sirius. Harry, the
new soul, is made of divine light which is not able to engage in any kind of
conflict or battle. God is Love and any kind of fighting or conflict is
destructive and against the Divine Law of love. What really happens in a
person undergoing the alchemical process is that the apprentice alchemist
surrenders himself to the new soul (Harry) in his thoughts, desires and
actions. If he really longs for the power of God, he is symbolically calling
the stag with his patronus. Calling the stag means your heart thirsts for
the divine light, which always comes when you truly long for it. If you do
that often and let the new soul make decisions for you, the new power-field
(Sirius) inside the old one (Voldemort) will get stronger and stronger,
while the old one gets thinner and thinner and weaker and weaker. When
things get to a final battle, the Voldemort power-field stages three final
attempts to take control of the new soul. We have seen the first one in Book
5. We will see the next two in books 6 and 7. By book 7 Voldemort will
actually be very weak, but he will put up a final desperate fight in book 7.
I think this will be just like the last temptation of Jesus against Satan in
the desert. Voldemort will then be so thin and powerless that the new
power-field will just grow and take his place.
I just don't know how Jo will weave this into her story, but I think
you'll find that the way I've described it above will fit Jo's story more or
> Bella (commenting on my prediction No. 13 that Dobby will accompany Harry
on his final journey):
> Again, left this in because I love itespecially the letters in
> Dobby being flip-flopped to become "Bbody." So interesting! I know
> JKR says the storyline is set in stone, but I would be quite happy
> if she stumbled upon some of your posts and incorporated the ideas
> into the books.
Well I'm very flattered, but I really think Jo is much better at
writing than I am, and I don't think she needs my ideas. As I said above,
all I'm doing is telling what I recognise in Harry Potter, and that is the
alchemical process of total liberation. That process is taught in Mystery
Schools and can be read in books. I know all this sounds incredible, and
sometimes I have to pinch myself to believe it, but time and again I
recognise the ancient symbols which are found in old liberating texts, like
the Greek legends, the New Testament, fairy tales, etc. If my predictions
come true it won't be because Jo has seen my ravings, but because Jo and I
are on the same road, which neither of us have invented.
> Keep gracing us with your beliefsthey are often enlightening.
Thanks again, Bella, you've helped me decide I'll start posting my character
series to HPfGU. I'll do it slowly so I can cope with the reactions. I want
to do it properly!
Hans Rieuwers
see you at Harry Potter for Seekers
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