Character Discussion: Voldemort
Hans Andréa
ibotsjfvxfst at
Mon Dec 27 17:50:20 UTC 2004
No: HPFGUIDX 120641
Imagine the human microcosm: in the centre the divine
thought-spark created millions of years ago in another
universe where time does not exist. It's a four
dimensional universe consisting of length, breadth,
height and infinity. There is no such thing as good
and evil there. There's only the plan of the One
Architect and everyone in that universe works in
accordance with that Plan and thereby increases his
own glory and eternal joy. But where the Spirit is
there is freedom, and eons ago groups of entities
decided to develop a plan that deviated from the
Divine Plan. They descended into a three dimensional
universe and "fell in love with their own image"
(see: the legend of Noarcissus).
Spirit and matter cannot mix and so they entered a
process of crystallisation. The spirit withdrew and
the soul was left without its guide. Thus death became
the wages of sin and suffering a familiar experience.
The microcosm consists of a higher self and a lower
self. In the divine microcosm these two form one
single divine Son of the Potter of the Universe. Such
a perfect microcosm is truly a Temple in which the
Spirit lives. The fulfilment of the Plan is that the
Divine Human Being be able to manifest himself in the
total Divine Septenary. Just like the Creation itself,
the microcosm has seven planes of existence in which
the human being should become fully conscious. Because
of the Fall, both the higher self and the lower self
became "kindled in wrath" as Jacob Boehme puts it. The
lower and higher self are reflections of each other
and if the lower self transgresses the divine laws,
the higher self shares the consequences.
When the microcosm "fell" in vibration rate and so
entered this universe of time and space, the higher
self kept losing its counterpart, the lower self,
through death. By the process of human reproduction
the higher self was given the opportunity of
recreating the lower self. After a baby has been
conceived somewhere, the higher self of a microcosm
infuses its life into the spinal column of the foetus
and so the new lower self can continue the journey
where the previous one was broken off through death.
All the previous experiences, talents, fears, desires
and faults are poured back into the foetus. The new
baby about to be born is a faithful replica of the
higher self, which itself is a faithful replica of the
previous person inhabiting the microcosm. And so the
cycle of reincarnation turns endlessly, the lower self
changing the higher self through life, then dying, and
the higher self projecting itself into a new foetus
and thus creating a new lower self.
Meanwhile Lily is asleep in the heart of the lower
self. She is like the sphinx under the desert sand.
Like Pier Gynt the lower self wanders through the
endless deserts until one day he realises the total
futility of it all, and he finds the buried sphinx. He
uncovers the sphinx and Lily wakes up.
As I said previously, the structure of a microcosm is
like that of a cosmos.
Just as the earth has a zodiac of twelve
constellations surrounding it, so does the lower self.
The microcosm has a spherical "shell" around it with
twelve concentrations of energy and numerous smaller
"stars". These "stars" are electromagnetic fields
which contain all the person's interests, ambitions,
phobias, desires. Naturally they differ for every
The microcosm has seven shells, each of which
corresponds to one of the seven cosmic planes that
comprise the universal House of God. As the human
beings we are live in the Seventh Cosmic Plane, the
seventh shell of the microcosm is active and the
twelve constellations of the microcosmic zodiac burn
brightly and control our lives as the puppet master
controls his puppets.
Before the Fall it was the twelve constellations of
eternal beauty and harmony in the sixth shell that
governed the microcosm. As the twelve wise fairies
bestowed their divine gifts upon the young princess in
"Briar Rose", so the twelve stars in the original
microcosm shone with unbelievable glory on the lower
self, providing it with twelve faculties to carry the
Divine Plan to its spectacular fulfilment. This was
"when the morning stars sang together, and all the
sons of God shouted for joy". (Job 38:7)
However the Fall resulted in the extinguishing of the
twelve Stars of Eternal Life and twelve new lights
were lit. Lucifer, the bright morning star, fell from
heaven and the whole microcosm was kindled in unholy
fire. Man had eaten of the tree of the knowledge of
good and evil.
That is Lucifer: Voldemort - a mixture of good and
evil. This is why Quirrell says, expressing
Voldemort's philosophy: "There is no good and evil,
there is only power, and those too weak to seek
And the lower self, as a creation of Lucifer, is
likewise a mixture of good and evil. However no matter
how good, we still live outside of the Divine Plan.
Until the twelve stars shine in the sixth shell of the
microcosm, we exist as creatures of Voldemort and will
remain subject to death and suffering. Voldemort is
not our enemy. He is our personal god, our creator,
the provider of our life energy, albeit a temporary
life. Until Harry is born.
James kisses Lily, the sleeping princess of eternal
beauty, and she wakes up. Their union results in the
birth of a baby boy whose coming was foretold eons
"For to us a child is born,
to us a son is given;
and the government will be upon his shoulder,
and his name will be called
'Wonderful Counsellor, Mighty God,
Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.'" (Isaiah 9:6)
A new soul is born in the lower self and this is
destined to drive Lucifer from his throne. At the
birth of the Boy the ancient, long extinguished
morning star begins to glimmer in the sixth
microcosmic shell. Sirius, the bright new morning
star, is visible again for the first time in
innumerable millennia.
Voldemort knows that a power greater than he has been
born in his realm and he sets out to kill it before it
can grow beyond his control. Like Herod he attempts to
kill the power not of this world, but, like Herod, he
fails. He has become Satan, the "adversary", and will
fight Harry to the last breath.
This same story appears in the Alchemical Wedding of
Christian Rosycross. On the fourth day a play is
performed and begins thus:
"A very ancient King came on, with some servants;
before his throne was brought a little chest, with
mention being made that it was found upon the water.
Now it being opened, there appeared in it a lovely
baby, together with some jewels, and a small letter of
parchment sealed and superscribed to the King, which
the King therefore opened; and having read it, wept,
and then declared to his servants how injuriously the
King of the Moors had deprived his aunt of her
country, and had extinguished all the royal seed
except this infant, with the daughter of which country
he had now the intention of matching his son." The
King of the Moors here is Voldemort. There was no
worry about racial discrimination in those days and
with apologies to any black people reading this, black
was used as a symbol of the power of darkness.
Now that I've introduced Voldemort I think we can
introduce Harry next time. Voldemort will come up
again of course, as Harry constantly defeats him.
Voldemort is also discussed in eastern spiritual
traditions, for example in Buddhism he is called Mara,
bitterness. It is my hope that people of other
spiritual backgrounds will extend my discussions
beyond my limited knowledge of these things.
Hans Rieuwers
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