SHIP: Harry/Ginny the Pinocchio effect
Agent_Maxine_is at
Mon Jun 7 15:37:21 UTC 2004
No: HPFGUIDX 100285
>>>>> I was looking at the site to learn more about
the Harry-Ginny love for the future, and it actually turned me down
to my hopes that they would get together in the future. What are
your comments?
I read the essay forementioned online.. and I must say, I COMPLETELY
agree with it (you guys should all take a look at it)! I really
really believe and hope that Harry and Ginny end up together, heehee.
I like the arguments and evidence presented in the essay.. just a
tiny little thing: I wish that someone had mentioned how Harry kept
being "impressed" by Ginny in the Order of Phoenix.
1. He was impressed with Ginny after the first Quidditch practice
(after his Quidditch ban).. Speakin' of impressive Ginny, George
was "mildly impressed" when he learned that Ginny had been using her
brothers' brooms to practice Quidditch since 6.. and the Weasley
twins were impressed with her Bat-Bogey hex.. and the twins are..
well.. being the "Troublemakers-in-Chief".. hard to be amused/
impressed.. hehe
2. At the first DA meeting, Harry noticed that Ginny was "very good"
at Disarming..
That's all I have for the impressive stuff, although I am certain
there are more if we look closer.. Also, I believe there are a
couple of other reasons for Harry-Ginny possibility..
(1) I absolutely do NOT believe that Ginny had given up on Harry. I
know from personal experience (and many of my gal pals' experience)
that a strong yet not-achieved crush does not simply go away,
especially if you are around the guy often. Surely, Ginny does not
worship Harry the same way anymore, but I guarantee you, she still
holds very deep feelings for HArry. Perhaps she had realized that
making goo-goo eyes at him and turning into a flaming-statue
everytime she sees him is probably not the best way to win his
heart. However, by dating many guys --Neville, Michael, Dean-- she
is proving herself to be a very sought-out, eligible Bachelorette..
If Harry keeps hearing about Ginny's long list of boyfriends, *maybe*
Harry will wonder what guys see in her and what he had missed out?
I'm not saying Ginny is playing these guys to make Harry jealous --
she is just experimenting (a LOT of desirable/ lovable girls do that
in early age, heehee). However, I do not for a second believe that
Ginny actually "loved" any of her ex'es as much as she does Harry,
and if Harry does ask her out in the 6th book I think her heart will
burst even more red than her hair!
(2) This is just a feeling I got..
>>> Harry, whose head had been full of Cho's parting wave, did not
find this subject as interesting as Ron, who was positively quivering
with indignation, but it did bring something home to him that until
now he had not really registered. "So that's why she talks now?" he
asked Hermione."She never used to talk in front of me." (Order of
Phoenix, 349. US)
Is it just me.. or wishful thinking.. but does Harry sound somewhat
disappointed to you? Haha, I HOPE he was disappointed.. hehee
And I keep hearing people talking about the possibility of HArry-
Luna.. I personally think that's CRAZY.. haha.. Ginny will conquer..
Something else I have noticed: J.K. Rowling has been very cautious
and (somewhat) political about wizard beauties and talented
- Pavarti/ Padma Patil (" 'I still can't work out how you two got the
best-looking girls in the year,' muttered Dean. 'Animal magnetism,'
said Ron... " Goblet of Fire, 358. UK) -- they are BROWN (perhaps
- Cho Chang (as we all know, very pretty, popular and athletic) --
KOREAN (judging by her name, I highly doubt that she is Chinese..
although to be honest, no one I've ever known/heard of is named Cho;
both Cho & Chang are very common Korean last names.. I thought her
name was very odd, but my Canadian friend thought it was cute)
- Fleur Delacour (part Veela, tall & lean, gorgeous Silver hair, the
wizarding "Blonde Bombshell"-equivalent) -- non other than FRENCH,
hahahha. Even Madame Maxime is said to have "a handsome, olive-
skinned face" and dressed elegantly in "black satin, and many
magnificent opals" (Goblet of Fire, 214. UK)
- Angelina Johnson (Lee Jordan mentions how attractive she is at
every single Gryffindor Quidditch game, also very atheltic) -- BLACK
- Bellatrix Lestrange (Black family seemed to possess the lucky gene
for great-looks and eloquent black hair) -- she is BRITISH, married
French, but of course, she had to be EVIL, hahahahha. And there is
her sister, Narcissa Malfoy, who seem to share many of the same
qualities with Bella.
- Lucius/ Draco Malfoy -- tall, lean, sleak Blonde hair, well-
dressed.. sounds to me like a typical British Aristocrat, and of
course, deadly evil. Maybe it was just movie's portrayal?
Viktor Krum (internationally-renowned Seeker, a young rising-star) --
is.. Bulgarian
- Hassan Mostafa ("acclaimed Chairwizard of the International
Association of Quidditch". Goblet of Fire, 96. UK) -- Egyptian
- Igor Karkaroff (a Death Eater who BETRAYED many of his fellow DEs) -
- East European, although I cannot tell Russian? Serbian?
I just thought it was interesting.. Wow, this is much longer than
I'd anticipated. But I hope you enjoyed my little rant!!
Oh, also on Hermione-Ron coupling, you can also mention how Ron went
absolutely nuts/ jealous/ obssessed over Viktor-Hermione starting in
Goblet of Fire... ever since he found out that she was going to the
Yule Ball with someone else. And of course, she snapped at
him, "Next time there's a ball, ask me before someone else does, and
not as a last resort!" (GoF, 376. UK) -- she obviously wanted to go
with Ron, haha. Oh, and how Hermione gave unpleasant looks to Fleur
Delacour everytime Ron started going goo-goo on Fleur? Hehehe.
Brenda (who really should get back to her Physiology test tomorrow)
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