[HPforGrownups] A Conspiracy Theory: answers to questions
Hans Andréa
ibotsjfvxfst at yahoo.co.uk
Thu Sep 2 00:12:26 UTC 2004
No: HPFGUIDX 111826
--- caspenzoe <cruthw at earthlink.net> wrote:
O.K. Hans (glad to see you here again, by the way!) - have it your
way: you're insane!
Thank you, Caspen, for your confirmation. I've long suspected it myself and
now I'm certain.
But I don't understand some of your finer points - which don't, it
seems to me, entirely add up.
Before I go into your questions in detail I'd like to make a few points.
My conspiracy theory should be read in conjunction with my essay, "Harry
Potter - Christian Rosycross in Jeans", which is filed under essays in the
group's files. That should fill in quite a few gaps.
Once again I feel compelled to point out that my theory is based on
RECOGNITION. I recognise the spiritual-alchemical processes which are
symbolically represented in the Alchemical Wedding and in the teachings of
the Mystery Schools of the past. Please read again my post 107405 which I
wrote in response to you.
Fascinating, but at the point where your analogy begins to fall
apart, seems it would be smarter to accept that the finely chisled
peg you're trying so hard to drive, doesn't quite fit this hole.
Rather than insist on such a fundamentalist approach (one size fits
all, and if it doesn't, I'll make it fit), maybe you should consider
that JKR's work has it's own unique shape afterall?
Do I detect a slight note of sarcasm there, Caspen? Surely not!
Well I forgive you your scepticism because I realise that my theory does
sound totally bizarre to the uninitiated. However how I experience it from
my point of view is that I feel like someone who's won the highest lottery
prize and just can't believe it. Sometimes I wake up in the morning and I
ask myself, "Is this really happening? Are these teachings which are known
by only a handful of people in the world now being revealed to millions of
people in 61 languages?" And, as I've done so often in the last few years, I
go through the various events in HP and yes, once again I see clearly the
alchemical processes outlined, without a shadow of doubt. Desperate times
need desperate measures, and in this post 9/11 world I see HP as the big
divine impulse to bring spiritual renewal to humanity. I bring 9/11 into it,
because the great Pyramid of Cheops predicted that in September 2001 the old
order would come to an end and a new one would begin. The pyramid was built
by the same people who inspired JK Rowling and that's why Harry Potter is
being published at this time.
Surely you all know that Harry Potter is something totally unprecedented?
Never before has anything like this happened. For such a record-breaking
event there has to be a very special explanation, and mine is that JK
Rowling was inspired by the Masters of Compassion, as I call them, who knew
what would happen on 9/11 and, as a new spiritual impulse, opened a new
spiritual door for humanity.
My only concern is whether I'm doing the right thing in revealing these
things. I'll be writing another post in a few days in response to someone
who said they knew from the first book where Jo is heading. Jo herself has
said that she's glad people haven't dug too deeply into her belief in God,
otherwise they'd know how Harry Potter would end. See the posts under the
subject, "Help!". So, Jo if you ever read this post and I'm telling people
more than you want me to, let me know and I'll stop.
It's just that I'm so thrilled, exhilarated and excited about my recognition
I HAVE to shout it from the rooftops. Harry Potter is so beautiful because
it's the TRUTH! Harry Potter is so powerful because it shows the WAY. Harry
Potter is so popular because it shows the way to the LIFE!
Now to your questions in detail.
Why is it that the self-sacrifice of the immortal soul as
hypothesized in your theory (paragraph 8) "He [Voldemort] knows that
the new soul [Harry, the immortal soul] will liberate the human
being and take him into the real world, where Voldemort can't exist,
and so Voldemort has no choice but to kill the new soul. However he
can't if the person [Harry, the immortal soul] is willing to
sacrifice his temporary life in hell for the real life in the real
world...." has somehow become (paragraph 19, step? you seem to have
lost track of the steps at this point) "The old mortal soul (Ron)
and the intellect (Hermione) know that the only way Harry can enter
the real world is for them to sacrifice themselves. They die for
him, knowing that they will live on in him when he enters the real
I mean, isn't the immortal soul's sacrifice enough? It is in all of
the other similar major allegories/conspiracy theories I'm aware of.
Since when is it ok to sacrifice your friends, even in the cause of
liberation? And what exactly becomes of the "old mortal soul" and
the intellect when our heroe travels to the "real world?" Do they go
with him? Do they come back with him when he returns?
Where you're going wrong is what you're inserting in square brackets:
"However he can't if the person [Harry, the immortal soul] is willing to
sacrifice his temporary life in hell for the real life in the real
world...." Not that I blame you; as I said, the whole thing is
oversimplified. By "person" here I mean the human being going the alchemical
path of liberation, and not Harry, the immortal soul.
What JK Rowling is doing, in succession to all the ancient gospel writers,
is to personalise aspects of the human being. This is what Shakespeare and
Dante did too. That means that an aspect of the human personality is given a
human name and given human characteristics. To make it sound believable they
are given a childhood, a birthday, etc. and a character more or less in
accordance with that aspect of the human being that is being personalised.
What I'm saying in the sentence above is: "However he can't if the person
[the candidate on the alchemical path of liberation] is willing to
sacrifice his temporary life in hell for the real life in the real
To put this in practical terms: You, Caspen, have decided to go the Path.
Your longing for liberation is rewarded by the divine spark in your heart
bursting into flames. Your purity of heart gives the fire oxygen. This
divine fire in your heart is the new, immortal soul that is born. REborn in
fact, because it existed before the Fall. That's your Harry potter.
Voldemort, your higher self, which existed before you were born, knows this
divine fire in your heart will mean his end, and so he tries to put this
fire out. In practical terms he tries to drown your new soul with doubt and
with distractions. He whispers into your heart that the new soul doesn't
exist and that liberation is impossible. He tries every possible way to
distract you with the glories of this world. If you pay attention to this,
your new soul will die, i.e. the fire will die and only the divine spark
will be left.
Now comes the bit you have trouble with: If YOU, Caspen, are willing to
surrender all your interests in this world, if you are willing to go the
path no matter what, if you are willing to give up your earthly life for the
life of the new soul, then you will protect your new soul. Then Harry will
survive Voldemort's attack. His mother, Lilly, and his father, James, will
live on in the new soul as purity and longing for liberation. I hope that's
clear. At that stage you're not actually sacrificing yourself; you're only
demonstrating a willingness to do so. You're making Harry your first
priority in your life. It's your attitude that counts at this stage. Harry's
only a baby. Your job is to protect him now.
Much, much later, when Harry is mature, there comes a time when you must go
through the Gate of Saturn. The best way to understand this is to read the
Alchemical Wedding. When we have Book 7 we'll all understand better. In the
A.W. there are six kings and queens who sacrifice themselves for the rebirth
of one king and queen. These represent three aspects of your consciousness.
1. The subjective consciousness. 2. The objective consciousness. 3. the New
Consciousness. Each aspect has a positive and negative aspect, making 6.
Of course I may have designated these aspects wrongly, but I see Harry, Ron
and Hermione as the equivalent of the six monarchs. In the Alchemical
Wedding all six are beheaded, and after the alchemical processes in the
Tower of Olympus, they are reborn as the young king and queen.
You're asking why Ron and Hermione have to die. "I mean, isn't the immortal
soul's sacrifice enough?" you ask. Why do all the aspects of the person have
to die before there can be a rebirth?
The reason is that the human being living on earth today is not in
accordance with God's plan. Totally not. We are mortal creatures with short
lives. Our only job here is to bring to life the divine spark in the heart.
In doing so we have to be prepared to end our mortal lives in sacrifice to
Him who is reborn from the spark. We have to sacrifice our whole self to the
new soul. We have to sacrifice our heart and mind. The new soul also
sacrifices itself. Only when the earthly soul plus the new soul die can the
omniscient, divine consciousness be born. That is what the Bible calls the
As I said, Harry's death will obviously be told as going through the arch
with the veil, which I call the Gate of Saturn. He'll follow Sirius. The
deaths of Ron and Hermione are less clear to me at this stage. Please read
my post No. 106899, where I listed my predictions.
May I humbly say at this stage that my understanding is evolving, and I
can't be sure exactly how Jo is going to express the alchemical processes in
story form. However I want to express emphatically that the death which
faces us in the alchemical wedding is TOTALLY devoid of suffering. It is a
golden death, a neutralisation of our mortal consciousness which is like the
extinguishing of a candle flame that is replaced by a sun. As I said in post
107007 the path of liberation doesn't culminate in suffering, but in holy
Since when is it ok to sacrifice your friends, even in the cause of
It isn't OK to sacrifice your friends. Of course not. But there are 2
mistakes in your statement:
1. Harry's friends Ron and Hermione are aspects of ourselves that have been
personalised. They are not real people.
2. Jo would never write the story in such a way that Harry would ask
Hermione and Ron to sacrifice themselves. They would do it without Harry's
knowledge or ability to prevent it.
And what exactly becomes of the "old mortal soul" and the intellect when our
heroe travels to the "real world?" Do they go with him? Do they come back
with him when he returns?
The old mortal personality dies completely and dissolves into the new divine
human being. This is what Jesus meant when he said, "I say to you today you
shall be with me in heaven." (also 3 people dying! coincidence? No.) The
mortal personality is gone forever as a separate entity but lives on in the
new, reborn human being. How Jo will describe that in her story I don't
I can't be absolutely sure Harry will return to earth after the
resurrection. In post 106899 I gave it 75%. It depends on the strength of
his compassion. Not all liberated beings return to earth. Some work for the
liberation of humanity in the Real World (heaven/nirvana). But the
exceptionally compassionate entity returns to become gatekeeper. I hope
Harry will.
And a few other things are bothering me: since when was fear ever
overcome by "longing?"
Not normally, but this is a special longing. I'm talking about Harry's
patronus, the stag, being able to drive off 100 dementors. The stag is the
symbol for a special power that the new soul has: the longing for God. In
Psalm 42 you get the idea of what this longing is: "As a hart longs for the
streams, so does my heart long for Thee, o God." Read Also Grimm's tale:
"The Glass Coffin".
The dementors symbolise the astral forces which attack the new soul. Fear is
the most destructive astral power of all. If you fear the dementors they
will succeed in sucking your new soul out. However the new soul has a
special power: it can long for God. In the astral plane longing or desire
results in attracting astral forces in accordance with the quality of the
desire. If you long for base, selfish things, you'll attract astral forces
of a low vibration rate. The highest desire there is, is the longing for
God. This is the soul sending out a call for God's Love. God will always
answer this call with a stream of divine Love. There simply isn't anything
that has a higher vibration rate than God's Love. This power surrounds the
soul with a protection that is absolutely impenetrable. Hence the dementors
can't attack the soul. This is why I said that longing drives away fear. OK?
Why does the immortal soul's (Harry's) mental plan for development (Sirius)
get sent on ahead? Seems to me it'd be smarter for the immortal soul (Harry)
to keep the plan (Sirius) handy on the journey.
I don't blame you for ridiculing this. As I said it's oversimplified and
it's natural for us to laugh at things we don't understand immediately. I
take the blame for this.
The mental plan for development was created by God originally. Take an
example. Our body is built up from a recipe in our genes. That's the plan
for the development of our body and of future generations. That plan even
decides how old our bodies can become. But of course that's a physical plan.
A mental plan is a thought-form that holds a position in our aura. It is
visible to people with refined spiritual sight. It emanates from the divine
spark that we have in the heart. As soon as Harry is born Sirius becomes his
God-Father. That means that the development of the new soul is according to
the matrix or though-form in the aura. It shines there like the bright
morning star. That's how it's referred to in the Bible.
As Harry matures, the mental plan grows. The only way that Harry can reach
the Real World is to go through the Gate of Saturn. This is the way God
wrote his plan - in the laws of the spirit. If you want a tree you have to
let a seed die in the ground. If you want eternal life you have to die to
enable the original divine human being to resurge. That's the law. Simple
Sirius isn't dead. He's gone through the Gate of Saturn because Harry has to
go through it. Harry will meet Sirius there. It's simply the next step in
the alchemical process. OK?
And how does a plan (Sirius) become a life-giving sun? Isn't it basically
just a set of directions?
The divine microcosm consists of a higher self and a lower self. That's the
way God created it. I'm not capable at my stage of development to explain
why. The higher self completely surrounds the lower self and feeds it and
maintains it with spiritual energy. In the case of a fallen microcosm the
higher self is called Voldemort in Harry Potter. Voldemort was originally
the divine plan for the human being. The Fall is the result of the human
being NOT following the divine plan. The original human soul gradually died
and was reduced to a spark in the heart. The higher self does not ever die
but continues to live on in reaction to and in support of the lower self.
When the lower self started to reject God's plan, this plan was gradually
replaced with the undivine plan of earthly human development that has turned
our world into a hell. The higher self became demonic and is now called
Lucifer. Lucifer USED to be the bright morning star. If you think about the
legend of Lucifer you'll see the connection (if you don't take it
When Harry now follows the divine plan as symbolised by Sirius, the NEW
morning star, both Harry and Sirius will develop according to the divine
plan for the human microcosm. Seen as a star in the aura, Sirius will grow
in brightness and size. There will come a time, when Harry has triumphed
over Voldemort, that he will dissipate, together with Peter, like a column
of smoke. In other words the human microcosm is now rid of the old higher
self, Lucifer, and the new Higher Self, Sirius, takes his place. He now
fills the whole aura and so in that sense becomes bright and big like the
sun. Don't forget that Sirius and the sun are both stars! I'm not making
this up, you know! The Bible refers to the new higher self as the woman of
the Apocalypse, wearing the Sun, and with her feet on the moon. She has a
crown of 12 stars, symbolising the new zodiac which gives 12 divine powers
to the new divine man. (I doubt if Sirius will be pregnant though)
Does the plan/sun (Sirius) direct or guide the immortal soul (Harry) back to
Well done! You've asked a question I can't answer. That's way beyond my
development. Where does the compassion for suffering humanity come from? Who
knows. Every microcosm is different. Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there
is freedom. Freedom to sacrifice life in heaven to become a lowly
gate-keeper at Hogwarts maybe? Well, thinking about it, probably the human
being who has suffered the most has the most compassion. What do you think?
Does the plan/sun (Sirius) get to accompany the immortal soul (Harry) back
to hell?
Well after my long ramble you can probably answer that yourself. As Sirius
and Harry are in the same microcosm they can't be separated. The higher self
surrounds the lower self and bathes it continuously with spiritual light and
energy. Harry and Sirius will be together for ever!
And if not, in what sense does the plan/sun (Sirius) remain a "sun?" And
isn't that "sun" (Sirius) going to end up lonely, once again, in the "real"
world? That really bites Hans!
As I say, Harry and Sirius will never be parted, and together they will rise
from power to power and from glory to glory.
Hans Rieuwers
see you at Harry Potter for Seekers
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