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Catlady (Rita Prince Winston)
catlady at wicca.net
Mon Feb 28 06:07:37 UTC 2005
No: HPFGUIDX 125328
Fred Manawydan wrote in
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HPforGrownups/message/124898 :
<< Just by the bye, who used to preserve prophecies _before_ the
Ministry was formed? >>
Maybe no one.
Finwitch wrote in
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HPforGrownups/message/124925 :
<< He's nasty to Muggle-born Hermione, and Harry - whose dead father
he loathed and whose mother was Muggle-born. Neville-- well, I guess
he feels that a pureblood (who also just happened to be the other boy
for the prophecy) unable to properly control his magic etc. One who
shows a total lack in all things that Slytherin valued.. well, he's
disappointed. Indeed - between Harry, Hermione and Neville, his
ideology is practically questioned and proved faulty. And he doesn't
like it at all. >>
Snape has been teaching at Hogwarts for what, ten years, when PS/SS
begins. He must have had plenty of experience with idiot purebloods
and clever Muggleborns (and clever purebloods and idiot Muggleborns)
in that time.
Steve bboyminn wrote in
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HPforGrownups/message/124942 :
<< This does bring up another question though. Sirius left home when
he was young, and using the money he inherited from his Uncle, Sirius
got a place of his own. What happened to that place?
One could speculate it sat empty for 12 years while Sirius was in
prison, but even a living space that is paid for still requires
on-going payment for taxes and city services like sewer, water,
lights, gas, etc.... >>
Not if it's a wizarding cottage off the Muggle maps, off the Muggle
tax rolls, off the Muggle utilities, with a Muggle-repelling spell on
it. Using magic to bring in water and remove sewage, using magic to
make light and to make cooking/heating fires, using Floo and owls
instead of telephone and post, using brooms and Apparation instead of
It could be standing abandoned with all the glass knocked out of the
windows and the roof leaking. It could be standing snug and welcoming
because of a preservative spell or a House Elf. It could have been
confiscated and sold by the Ministry as part of the punishment for
Sirius's alleged crime. It could be what DD referred to in GoF as
Lupin's place ("Lie low at Lupin's"), young Sirius having willed it to
his penniless friend -- young Sirius would have made a will if one of
the requirements to join the Order of the Phoenix was to have a made a
Angie wrote in
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HPforGrownups/message/124949 :
<< But I would assume the Ministry doesn't keep any watch on who
purchases brooms and would keep some track of wand purchases. >>
Why assume that the Ministry keeps any track of either broom or wand
Richard Jones asked in
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HPforGrownups/message/124956 :
<< (1) Owl Post. The owls get from the Ministry and the Burrow to
Harry's house in Little Whinging within minutes faster than owls
can really fly. So how does owl post work exactly? >>
I personally like to believe that post owls travel fast and cannot be
followed or tracked because they move from our normal space universe
to another space, go through the other space, and return to our space
at their destination -- like Anne McCaffrey's dragons going "between".
Unfortunately, when JKR was asked why the PoA Ministry couldn't find
Sirius by sending him an owl post letter and following the owl, she
said because Sirius was Unplottable, not because post owls can't be
<< (2) Why wasn't Ginny affected by the music box that made everyone
else sleepy? (OOTP ch. 6, p. 115 US ed.) >>
I guess it was something to do with her having been possessed by
Valky wrote in
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HPforGrownups/message/124987 :
<< hmm quick calculation, Tom was born 1927 yes? then Grindelwald was
defeated the year after he graduated.... >>
It has been incorporated into some versions of the Possession theory.
That TMR left school and apprenticed himself to Dark Lord Grindelwald.
Then Dumbledore defeated Grindelwald (maybe he did it during school
holiday so he didn't have to take time off) and the Entity fled from
Grindy's dying corpse to live in TMR. With the side effect that LV
fears DD because of having so vividly seen DD defeat Grindy.
A_svirn wrote in
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HPforGrownups/message/125018 :
<< Something that makes Harry look similar to Tom Riddle? (A fact
Riddle had commented upon, which DD found interesting). >>
But Harry looks even more like his father than like TMR, so any theory
of why Tom and Harry look alike would have to explain why Tom, Harry,
and James look alike. As JKR has firmly stated that LV had no children
and Harry is not a descendent of Slytherin, it can't be that LV was
James's father. So any other claim that the resemblance is because
they're related would have to be so distant a relation as not to be
dramatic, e.g. LV's mother's non-Slytherin parent was the sibling of
one of James's great-grandparents.
Meri wrote in http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HPforG
rownups/message/125046 :
<< IIRC in the Ressurection scene in GoF LV says something to the
effect that Wormtail was able to do magic that returned him
to/created a temporary, rudimentary body, ie: the scaly baby thing.
So maybe Wormtail isn't as inept with a wand as we think. >>
One theory is that Wormtail dissected poor Bertha's body to use magic
and snake-venom potions to create a Frankenbaby body that Voldemort
could possess the way he possessed little animals. In that, Ugly
Baby!Voldemort would still be a haunted corpse rather than alive, but
at least able to hold a wand.
Another theory points that in addition to magic, Vapormort had a male
wizard (Peter) and a female witch (*poor* Bertha) available for his
use, so the new body might have started in a more natural manner. [It
couldn't have stayed natural for long; they must have used a lot of
magic to develop from conception to monsterbaby in about a month ==
figure Peter went looking for LV in mid-June, it must have taken
*some* time to find him, and then Harry 'dreamed' of LV back in the
Riddle House while still at the Dursleys...]
Del wrote in http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HPforGr
ownups/message/125050 :
<< And Neville is not so far from that kind of thinking, or he
wouldn't introduce himself as "nobody" in OoP. >>
"Hi, Harry," he panted. "Hi, Ginny ... everywhere's full ... I can't
find a seat ..."
"What are you talking about?" said Ginny, who had squeezed past
Neville to peer into the compartment behind him. "There's room in this
one, there's only Loony Lovegood in here --"
Neville mumbled something about not wanting to disturb anyone.
"Don't be silly," said Ginny, laughing, "she's all right."
[I think Ginny has quite accurately understood that Neville's real
objection is that he doesn't want to sit with Loony Luna.]
"You're Harry Potter," [Luna] added.
"I know I am," said Harry.
Neville chuckled. Luna turned her pale eyes on him instead.
"And I don't know who you are."
"I'm nobody," said Neville hurriedly.
[I see him trying to keep his name secret from Loony Luna so she can't
call out "Hi, Neville" to him in public so that people tease him about
knowing such an unpopular person.]
Irene wrote in
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HPforGrownups/message/125108 :
<< So far [Snape] seems to be a good teacher for certain kind of
students - those who are interested and capable. But if it turns out
that even these students think otherwise, I'll join the mob and
declare him bad teacher through and through. >>
Hermione is an interested and capable student. Is Snape a good teacher
for her? On the one hand, she learned enough that she could make
Polyjuice Potion in her second year. On the other hand, he's plenty
mean to her.
Marissa wrote in
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HPforGrownups/message/125276 :
<< In fact without the 1000 galleons that Harry won and gave them
would they have even been able to open a shop? >>
Probably, but it would have taken longer. They were able to get
ingredients to make stuff like Canary Creams before Harry gave them
the money, and they were able to sell their wares quite profitably to
their House mates in OoP, which would have provided more money for
more ingredients to make more product to sell ... they would have had
to start doing their manufacturing at home and selling by owl order,
or selling wholesale to the existing retail joke shops. But they
seemed pretty businesslike about re-investing their profits, so
eventually they would have earned enough to open their own shop.
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