[HPforGrownups] Re: SHIPS: Jumping on the Bandwagon

Mira anurim at yahoo.com
Fri Jul 8 16:29:18 UTC 2005

No: HPFGUIDX 132272

Let me start by saying that I have joined the fandom
discussions only last December; before this time, I
always took it as a matter of fact that Hermione likes
Harry. I do see the point in some arguments of the R/H
shippers, but when I refer back to the books, I still
find it natural to interpret them as I did at first.
But I am not a passionate shipper, one way or another.
And now to some specific answers to your objections:

--- heather the buzzard <tankgirl73 at sympatico.ca>

> Meh.  I first, second, and only saw that as Hermione
> getting an idea and 
> shouting out at that moment.  I also think she's
> over-acting it for 
> Umbridge's sake, so the 'cracked voice' and the
> whole exaggerated panic 
> over Harry is just part of the act. 
> And so Ginny is staring at her, like the others,
> because she knows her 
> quite while and would NOT have expected this
> behavious from her.  But it 
> is this precisely -- her behaving VERY
> out-of-character -- that is the 
> 'hint' to the others that she's up to something.

If this was the case then I would somehow expect Ginny
to catch on with Hermione's play much earlier. But the
way her reaction is described, I get the impression
that in fact Hermione is acting desperately to buy
time, while Ginny seems to get an idea...

> Well, I tend to think sort of the opposite.  I think
> she treats Harry 
> like a brother -- but not a younger,
> teased-and-tormented brother.  More 
> like the comfortable twin.

It could be true. On the other hand, Hermione doesn't
have brothers, or, as far as we know, other male
friends, and she didn't have more time to know Harry
than Ron. Why would she have feelings for the weakest
and most problematic of her friends, and not for the
one with whom she seems to feel more comfortable, the
one whom she perceives as her equal, as somebody whom
she can trust, as somebody fully formed already, in no
need for alterations? I don't know. If she had
tendencies to mother Ron, why would she not choose
Neville instead?

> Ron, on the other hand, she gets more frustrated
> with, more emotional 
> about.  If Harry goofs off, she rolls her eyes.  If
> Ron goofs off, she 
> throws a fit.

So she accepts Harry more than she accepts Ron. Harry
has more authority over her than Ron. She is a
rational girl, comfortable enough with herself, in no
particular need for drama. Why would she choose Ron,
then? And if she did, why wouldn't she try to treat
him more seriously, more respectfully, more
productively perhaps? She is not shy with Ron. This
would be a sure sign that she has feelings for him,
but no, she is bossy and impatient. She enjoys making
an impression on Harry (GoF), she is elated when Harry
proves worthy (CoS: You solved it! You solved it by
yourself!), she protects Harry's feelings
(everywhere), she worships Harry (PS, GoF, Triwizard
Tournament, Quiddich matches even...), while Ron, she
generally brushes aside, or falls back on when Harry
doesn't have time for her (OotP). Of course, she might
end up with Ron, at least for a while, and if she does
I am sure she will love him and be completely devoted
to him, but I would still say Ron is not Hermione's
first choice.

--- phoenixgod2000 <jmrazo at hotmail.com> wrote:

> I find it fascinating that so many people can read
> the same books 
> and get so many different things out of them.

Ditto :-)

> You think that Hermione treats Harry more like a
> man?

More like an adult and equal, I think.

> Would that be 
> the part she harps on him to do his homework like a
> frustrated 
> mother?

Not worse than she does on Ron. Actually, IIRC she
expects from Ron to be lazy, but seems to get almost
personally hurt when Harry shows the same lack of
responsibility (PoA, I think).

> Or the part where she agrees with his HoH
> when it comes to 
> punishments or goes behind his back when it comes to
> mysterious 
> packages?

She is fair more than she is biased, but she never
seems happy when Harry is punished, and it takes a lot
of heroism for her to do what she thinks is right
about the Firebolt, and risk losing Harry's friendship
in the process. IIRC.

> Maybe the part where she talks to him
> about the girl he 
> likes as if he was a dull witted five year old?  

She doesn't, she takes the time to spell out for him
what he did wrong. Not many girls do that, I think,
even for their best friends. I actually think she was
very selfless to do it.

> Now she and Ron on the other hand act like equals.

To this I don't agree. At most, I think, Hermione sees
Ron as equal with her unconfident ego. Indeed, the
only reason why she might choose Ron is, for me, the
fact that she is to insecure (or to realistic) to
imagine Harry might fancy her. But even then, she has
the Viktor alternative. She probably doesn't
rationalize it, she loves both boys for what they are
and doesn't judge them as such. It is all in the
behavior, not in the intention.

I don't think Ron and Hermione's relationship would be
'interesting' long-term. I think it would be
exhausting and leave both of them with quite a bitter
aftertaste and a lot of adjusting and catching up to
do with their lives. But this is just me. I am
probably wrong. I do like all of them, I like them
very much.

> One thing I will say in agreement is that I think
> Hermione respects 
> Harry more than she does Ron

This is probably what I meant to say, just better

--- Ehren <clehrenet_81 at yahoo.com> wrote:

> Ehren: IMO I am not convinced that there is a love
> triangle 
> developing between the trio.

I used to believe she does. I don't anymore, though.
There is not enough time for it, and perhaps not the
right place either. Perhaps the trio will stay friends
and nothing more, this is what I think I would prefer
for them, but it doesn't mean that the tendencies are
not there.

> I also think the whole scene where Umbridge is
> threatening to Crucio 
> Harry is simply Hermione reacting because she can't
> stand to see 
> anyone tortured. I believe she would have made up
> the story whether 
> it was Harry, Ron, Neville or Ginny about to be
> cursed.

It could be. But I am not sure she would have reacted
the same in all cases. I hope she would:)

> Ehren:
> I don't think Ginny will spill the beans because she
> seems to respect 
> her friendship with Hermione and keep her secrets,
> as she didn't tell 
> the boys who Hermione was going with to the ball
> because it wasn't 
> her place to tell.

Sometimes things need to be said. I'll trust Ginny on


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