Harry's parents - was it in the stars?
jsummerill at summerillj.freeserve.co.uk
Fri Jun 24 21:53:11 UTC 2005
No: HPFGUIDX 131385
Even before JKR started posting the dates on her web site, many fans
enjoyed playing guessing games about various characters' birthdays.
This wasn't just because of a liking for as much "factual"
information as possible but because fans were trying to match
characterisations to western astrological star or sun signs. Each
sign of the zodiac describes an archetypal personality. Now,
sceptics point out that there can't be any validity in this system of
classifying personality types, as how can one-twelfth of the people
in the world be the same just because they were born between
particular dates? Astrologers counter this by arguing that the sun
sign descriptions are broad-brush generalisations, and to assess an
individual they would draw up a birth chart, which would be modified
by unique factors like the exact time of birth and the angles between
Whether astrology is true in the real world is however irrelevant in
the Harry Potter universe. What matters is that it is a well-known
source of personality typing and I think that JKR has drawn on it in
creating her characters. For instance, Virgos are supposed to be
perfectionists and worriers, and this can certainly be applied to
Hermione whose birthday is 12 September. Sagittarians allegedly
like the outdoors and are blunt-spoken, which fits December-born
Hagrid. Snape believes in enforcing rules and is the head of
Slytherin House, associated with ambition. These traits are typical
for Capricorn, which is Snape's sign.
Another influence on JKR is alchemy. Although I do not interpret the
Harry Potter series solely as an alchemical allegory, there are
references to alchemy throughout. For example, alchemy features
animal symbolism, like the stag and the phoenix, that are familiar to
JKR's readers. The different stages of the alchemical process are
referred to as different colours, such as the albedo (white) and
rubedo (red) stage. These are echoed in the names Albus Dumbledore
and Rubeus Hagrid.
So, working from the premises that JKR has used astrological and
alchemical stereotypes I'm going to attempt to guess the star signs
of Harry's parents.
Starting with James, we know that on the day of the DADA Owl on which
he tormented and humiliated Snape, that James was 15. In the British
examination system, on which Hogwarts is modelled, the public exams
are taken at the end of May and the beginning of June. As in the
real world, pupils take their fifth year exams in the academic year
in which they turn 16. An academic year in England runs from 1st
September until 31st August in the following calendar year. From
this we can deduce that as James was still only 15, he can only
logically have been born under one of the following signs:
Gemini c 22 May - 21 June,
Cancer c 22 June - 22 July,
Leo c 23 July - 23 August,
or in the earliest part of Virgo c 24 August - 31 August.
(Please note that the start and end dates of signs are sometimes
given slightly differently by astrologers. This is because the time
when the sun leaves one sign and enters the next varies slightly each
year. However, for my purposes in this essay, the precise changeover
does not matter. Virgo, of course, continues till c 22 September, but
this is not relevant to this theory either.)
Out of all these signs I think Leo fits James best. The negative
stereotype for Leo is that they are arrogant and they love being the
centre of attention. This certainly describes James as portrayed in
Snape's Worst Memory. He's convinced that he's gained an Outstanding
grade in the DADA Owl. He's a big headed show-off. Firstly, he is
playing with the Snitch and lapping up Peter's adulation. Then he
begins publicly bullying Snape, culminating in claiming he's going to
take off Snape's underpants in front of his audience.
Of course, Leos have positive qualities associated with them too.
They are described as charming and likeable. James was the height of
cool among his peers and Madam Rosmerta thought he was amusing. He
was well liked by Sirius, Remus, Dumbledore and Hagrid, who all speak
highly of him.
Leos are also supposed to be brave. James was sorted into
Gryffindor, the House where courage is valued. As an adult he fought
for the Order of the Phoenix and defied Voldemort three times, which
suggests that he possessed, as well as admired, courage. To refer to
somebody as lion-hearted means they are brave, and the lion is the
symbol that represents Leo, and which JKR may have borrowed for
Gryffindor. Leos are often said to behave irresponsibly in their
youth but to take on responsibility and leadership as they grow up.
This fits James, who went from school bully to head Boy.
Leo is traditionally the sign of Fatherhood. Its ruling planet, the
sun, is associated with fatherhood too. James' primary role in canon
is to be the father of the hero.
Thus timing, personality type and symbolism all point to James being
a Leo.
When Lily's birthday falls is not implicit in canon, as it was for
James. Harry and the reader are not told whether she was still 15 or
had turned 16 in Snape's Worst Memory. However I think her character
and plot function do give clues to her star sign. From this, I
suspect that Lily may have been a Cancerian.
Cancer is the archetypal sign of motherhood. The moon, its ruler, is
also linked with feminine traits, including motherhood. Obviously
Lily is the hero's mother. As is often pointed out, Harry only
survived Voldemort's killing curse because Lily loved him so much
that she sacrificed herself for him.
Cancerians are also supposed to be protective in general. This fits
with Lily defending Snape when he was being bullied.
There is a whole system of underlying correspondences between
different objects that are considered to share a similar quality in
astrology and indeed in the theory of magic generally. Moon-ruled
Cancer has things that are silver and white associated with it. Many
books about astrology state that white flowers are associated with
Cancer, particularly the lily. This could be a co-incidence, but
knowing how much effort JKR puts into choosing names for characters
that reflect their personality and role in the plot it may well be
deliberate and significant.
So, for me, there are hints that imply Lily was born under Cancer.
However, what about the fact that Lily was a Gryffindor? For James I
argued that the symbol of the house correlated with Leo. Also the
characteristic of bravery equally applies to Lily. She was the only
one who stood up to the popular, cool kids when they were bullying an
isolated, unpopular student. Lily was a member of the Order who
personally defied Voldemort thrice.
I agree that Leo could be an alternative for Harry's mother,
especially if you subscribe to the theory that James and Lily equals
Harry and Ginny. The latter pair are both Leos and they physically
resemble the Potters. However the Harry is like James argument took
a battering in OOP. Harry has never bullied anyone and was appalled
to witness his father doing so. He was more like Lily in that he had
compassion at the end for Luna. Also the dynamics of the James/Lily
ship and the potential for a Harry/Ginny ship are completely
different. James liked Lily but she initially disliked him. She
only started going out with him in seventh year after he had deflated
his head a bit. Ginny had a crush on a famous boy who never really
noticed her, which she has now grown out of. Harry, so far, has only
had a romantic interest in Cho, and is only friendlier with Ginny now
because she can now speak to him and she is part of his surrogate
family, the Weasleys.
The Cancerian and Leonine traits in Lily could be reconciled. If
someone is born on the cusp i.e. near to the date of the change of
signs, it is often believed that they are a mixture or both signs.
Astrologers usually say that this isn't possible because you are
either one sign or the other. However JKR is probably not an expert
astrologer so perhaps Lily is a Cancerian who was born on the
Cancer/Leo cusp.
If James was a Leo and Lily's sign was Cancer then this would fit
with a major source of symbolism within canon: alchemy. The sun and
the moon are the respective rulers of Leo and Cancer. Sun and moon
are often mentioned in alchemical texts. Often they represent a
union of opposites. For example, there is an illustration from an
alchemical manuscript, Splendor Solis by Trismosin, called The Sacred
Marriage. This shows a King and Queen, with sun and moon shining
over their heads. In alchemy, often a divine child was born of the
marriage of King and Queen. Sometimes this child was identified with
the Stone itself, as described in another alchemical text, The
Emerald Tablet, that stated, "the said stone is born of First
matter. The sun is its father, the Moon its mother."
Although alchemy in Harry Potter is described in traditional magical
terms as the quest to turn base metal into gold and to make the
elixir of life that confers immortality, it is often interpreted in
psychological and spiritual terms. While some alchemists
concentrated on trying to achieve physical transmutations, other
alchemical adepts interpreted it as a code that gave secret
information about a spiritual quest. In this reading the
moon/Queen/mother represented intuition and feeling and the
sun/King/father symbolised reason and intellect. Both modes of
perception had to be in harmonious balance in the alchemist so that
his soul (or in psychological language, his consciousness) could
develop and gain true wisdom.
I'm not one of those people who interpret every character and event
in Harry Potter as part of an alchemical allegory but I think the
idea that the plot is about the protagonist's spiritual growth is
partly true. In this case, then the marriage of James and Lily
represents the union of the solar and lunar principles. The child of
this union, Harry, represents the soul/consciousness that seeks
To reiterate my conclusions, I predict that James was a Leo and Lily
was born under Cancer. If only JKR would tell us when their
birthdays were. I hope I have guessed right, but if JKR had
something different in mind I'd stand corrected. After all, remember
how most of fandom thought Snape was a Scorpio
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