Readng the Runes: Literary Patterns in the Potterverse
cassyvablatsky at
Fri Mar 23 18:24:56 UTC 2007
No: HPFGUIDX 166399
Ok, there comes a moment when the waiting gets too much ... and the
urge to start *writing* takes hold...
In one sense, it's clearly a futile (though enjoyable!) excercise,
but having obsessively re-read Books 1-6 and paid attention to such
useful resources as:
list.html and, I began
to wonder how far it is possible to anticipate any of the 'plot
structure' for DH based on some sort of JKR-inspired 'template' for
a Potter novel? Which, if it ever existed (honesty compels me to
add), will no doubt be completely revised for Book 7. Ah, well... :-
Not an exact science, obviously - still, I thought I'd share mine
with you and see what you think(!):
Cassy V.
IMHO, based on the series so far, we might hope to see
An overlap between the ending of one book and the beginning of
another; this has grown more pronounced as the series has developed,
IMHO (no more cozy introductions to Harry's world!): Wormtail's
escape to rejoin his master (prophesied in POA16) is recounted
in `The Riddle House' (GOF1); the results of Dumbledore
alerting `the old crowd' (GOF36) are seen in `The Order of the
Phoenix' (OOtP5); the Ministry of Magic is dealing with the
political fallout from the Battle of the Department of Mysteries in
OOtP38 and HBP1; Lucius Malfoy's failure to secure the Prophecy
(OOtP35) has had repercussions for his family in `Spinner's End'
(HBP2). I anticipate that the opening chapters of DH will reveal
Voldemort's reaction to Dumbledore's death & possibly the Ministry's
as well. At the end of Book 6, Harry speculates on the current
whereabouts of Snape & Draco Malfoy (HBP30) so I'm hoping that this
will be resolved at the beginning of DH. In fact, I predict that DH
might actually begin *prior* to Dumbledore's funeral, on the night
of the murder itself
Some connection to the wider wizarding world providing the
context for Harry's story (usually given in the first few chapters):
for example, we learn of Voldemort's downfall in `The Boy Who Lived'
(PS/SS1); a plot at Hogwarts in `Dobby's Warning' (COS2); an escaped
prisoner in `Aunt Marge's Big Mistake' (POA2) and `The Knight Bus'
(POA3); Voldemort's device to regain power in `The Riddle House'
(GOF1); a phony war unknown to Muggles in `Dudley Demented' (OOtP1);
MOM reaction to Voldemort's atrocities in `The Other Minister'
(HBP1) and a conspiracy of Death Eaters `Spinner's End' (HBP2).
Extracts from the Daily Prophet are often used to provide background
very much hope that we gain some idea of the scope of Voldemort's
ambitions & the direction of his future plans in the opening
chapters of DH and
The intrusion of magic into the Muggle world, while Harry is
staying with the Dursleys: Harry speaks Parseltongue in `The
Vanishing Glass' (PS/SS2); a House Elf visits Privet Drive
in `Dobby's Warning' (COS2); Harry lose control and performs magic
in `Aunt Marge's Big Mistake' (POA2); Harry's connection to
Voldemort is manifest in `The Scar' (GOF2); Harry & Dudley are
attacked in `Dudley Demented' (OOtP1); Dumbledore brings Kreacher to
the house in `Will and Won't' (HBP3). Certainly, the Dursleys cannot
expect a quiet life with Harry around, as Vernon complains: `Owls
treating this place like a rest home, puddings exploding, half the
lounge destroyed, Dudley's tail, Marge bobbing around on the ceiling
and that flying Ford Anglia
You're not staying here if some
loony's after you, you're not endangering my wife and son, you're
not bringing trouble down on us.' (OOtP2) In DH, they'll be two
adult wizards at Privet Drive (Ron & Hermione) who are allowed to
perform magic outside school (`We'll be there, Harry' says Ron in
HBP30); plus, I'm expecting some revelations about Petunia's past
dealings with wizards (foreshadowed in OOtP2 and HBP3). Furthermore,
the final breach in `the great, invisible wall that divided the
relentlessly non-magical world of Privet Drive and the world beyond'
(OOtP2) might well prove permanent, with the destruction of number
four, Privet Drive. `And come back and find the house in ruins?' she
snarled.' (PS2)
An unexpected reason to leave Privet Drive: Vernon's panic
in `The Letters from No One' (PS/SS3); the Weasley brothers escapade
in `The Burrow' (COS3); Harry's desperate decision to run away
in `Aunt Marge's Big Mistake' (POA2); the arrival of the Order
members in `The Advance Guard' (OotP3); Dumbledore's night time
surprise in `Will and Won't' (HBP3) the Dursleys are more
surprised than Harry. (In GOF, Harry's departure though not
without transport difficulties (GOF4) is positively civilized in
that the Weasleys and the Dursleys have agreed to the holiday in
advance.) We are told explicitly in GOF33, OOtP37 and HBP3 that the
only reason the Death Eaters haven't yet attacked Harry at Privet
Drive is the `ancient magic' that Dumbledore invoked `to ensure the
boy's protection as long as he is in his relations' care'; sadly,
this magic has an expiry date. So I'm predicting a midnight attack
on Privet Drive in DH when Harry turns seventeen
An extended visit to a familiar location: `The Burrow' (COS3),
(GOF5) & (HBP5); `The Leaky Cauldron' (POA4); `Number Twelve,
Grimmauld Place' (OOtP4). I'm anticipating a flight to Grimmauld
Place in DH in which Harry brings (at least) two of the Dursleys
with him for their own protection. My reason for thinking that
Petunia & Dudley might well end up at Grimmauld Place (without
Vernon, who abandons them), is that the now dead Secret Keeper of
the Order, Albus Dumbledore, was careful to speak the name of the
place in their hearing in HBP3 (`He's been left a house?' said Uncle
Vernon greedily). Surely Dumbledore did this for a reason?
Harry acquires/inherits a new skill/artifact, which will help
him during the climax: his father's Invisibility Cloak (PS12);
Riddle's diary (COS13) and the Disarming Charm (COS10); the
Marauders Map (POA10) and the Patronus Charm (POA12); the Summoning
Charm (GOF20), which enables him to grab the Cup Portkey in GOF34;
Apparition (HBP18). (Incidentally, I wonder if `Sectumsempra', the
spell described as being `for enemies' (HBP24) might one day help
Harry against Voldemort?) In DH, Harry has to learn how to destroy a
Horcrux; I also wonder if Neville's Mimbulus mimbletonia might turn
out to have special properties. And might Harry's Patronus change to
symbolize his coming of age? In any case, I suspect that Harry will
have the opportunity to read his parents' will (POA20) and will
inherit a Time Turner from his mother at the beginning of DH; Ron
already has the watch (HBP18)
Information is given about significant events that have
happened `off-stage' during Harry's temporary absence from the
wizarding world: for example, the Triwizard Tournament is arranged
during the holidays (GOF5); Percy breaks with his family (OOtP4) and
Dumbledore makes a speech to the International Confederation of
Wizards announcing Voldemort's return (OOtP5); Dumbledore finds and
destroys the ring Horcrux, damaging his hand (HBP2); Sirius's will
is discovered and proved and the Order of the Phoenix temporarily
vacates Grimmauld Place (HBP3). In DH, we can expect to hear the
result of the governors' meeting to decide whether or not Hogwarts
should remain open (HBP29); also, the Order of the Phoenix will
require a new leader and possibly a new spy as well
An early encounter with a character or location of (potential)
significance for the future, briefly referenced in an earlier book
or books: examples of minor characters who reoccur include Cedric
Diggory (POA9 & GOF6), Arabella Figg (PS2 & OOtP2), Dedalus Diggle
(PS2, PS5 & OOtP3) & Mundungus Fletcher (GOF10 & OOtP5). JKR's books
contain plenty of filler but it (almost) always a mistake to assume
that a particular place or person is *not* significant to the story
(*cough* Mark Evans *cough*). Locations mentioned repeatedly before
they appear include: the Ministry of Magic (mentioned PS5, COS3 &
GOF10 etc., visited OOtP7), the Room of Requirement (mentioned
GOF23, visited OOtP18) & St. Mungo's Hospital (mentioned GOF8,
visited OOtP22). I think it is quite likely that Harry will meet up
with a hidden Emmeline Vance early in DH (as well as Aberforth
Dumbledore). I also wonder which locations Harry has still to visit:
apart from Godric's Hollow (HBP30), I would nominate the Riddle
House (which he has only seen in dreams so far, GOF1 and GOF29) and
which might well be the Headquarters of the Death Eaters (with half-
blood Voldemort as the `wealthy owner' who has kept it for `tax
reasons', or so the Muggles believe). The reader (though not
necessarily Harry) may yet see inside Azkaban Prison (first
mentioned COS14) and Malfoy Manor (mentioned COS4, COS12, OOtP16,
HBP16 etc.)
A `lesson' for Dudley: the tail, `The Keeper of the Keys'
(PS/SS4); the toffee, `Back to the Burrow' (GOF4); the
Dementor, `Dudley Demented' (OOtP1). JKR has hinted that Dudley can
expect `magical retribution' for his years of bullying Harry. In DH,
Dudley might be forced to live in Harry's world, even (possibly)
ending up in St. Mungo's. (For DH, to resemble Books 1-6 *something*
must happen to dispose of the Dursleys, who do not belong in the
main storyline.)
Harry learns something new about Snape; information on this
enigmatic Professor has been tantalizingly drip-fed through the
series: James Potter saved Snape's life (PS/SS17); James Potter
saved Snape's life after James's friend played a life-
threatening `Prank' on Snape (POA14); James Potter & friends made
Snape's life a misery at school, Lily defended him & he spurned her
(OOtP28); in his seventh year, Snape was part of a gang of
Slytherins who nearly all became Death Eaters (GOF27); Snape was a
Death Eater who defected and turned spy (GOF30); Snape is a double
(or possibly) triple agent (OOtP26 & HBP2). I've noticed that Snape
often turns out to be that mysterious `someone' in the Potterverse.
Someone alerted Lily & James so they could go into hiding
had a number of useful spies. One of them tipped him
off, and he alerted James and Lily at once.' POA10), there is strong
evidence that this could be the reason Dumbledore trusted Snape
(`You have no idea of the remorse Professor Snape felt when he
realized how Lord Voldemort had interpreted the Prophecy. I believe
it to be the greatest regret of his life and the reason that he
returned ' (HBP25); `someone' originally betrayed the Prophecy to
Voldemort (`My our one stroke of good fortune was that the
eavesdropper was detected only a short way into the prophecy and
thrown from the building.' OOtP37), we learned that this *was* Snape
in HBP25; unfortunately, 'someone' also murdered Regulus Black (`No,
he was murdered by Voldemort. Or on Voldemort's orders, more likely;
I doubt Regulus was ever important enough to be killed by Voldemort
in person.' OotP6). On this basis, I think there is a good chance
that Snape might have performed the murder, under duress; after all,
JKR has hinted that as a Death Eater, he would have seen & done some
terrible things
An encounter with the DADA teacher before the start of term:
Quirrell, `Diagon Alley' (PS/SS5); Lockhart, `At Flourish and
Blotts' (COS4); Lupin, `The Dementor' (POA5); Moody (sort
of!), `Mayhem at the Ministry' (GOF10); Umbridge, `The Hearing'
(OOtP8) and Slughorn, `Horace Slughorn' (HBP4). I'm betting it will
happen in DH when Harry attends Bill's wedding
A pleasant interlude for Harry, in the company of
friends: `Diagon Alley' (PS/SS5); `The Burrow' (COS3); `The Leaky
Cauldron' (POA4); `The Quidditch World Cup' (GOF8); `Draco's Detour'
(HBP6). Harry is hoping for `one last golden day of peace with Ron
and Hermione' at the Weasley wedding in DH (HBP30); this might
indeed be the last time that the Weasley family is intact
A new form of transport, which is important later in the book:
Harry encounters the flying Ford Anglia in COS3, which will save him
from Aragog's relations in COS15; the Portkey in GOF6, a technology
that will be used against him GOF31; the Thestrals in OOtP10 &
OOtP21, without which he could not travel to the Ministry in OOtP34;
Side-Along Apparition in HBP4, which he will need to perform himself
in HBP27. If time-travel is involved in the climax of DH, then Harry
will have at least one other experience of this technology before
the end, IMHO. I also suspect that Harry & Hagrid will use Sirius's
old motorbike (mentioned PS1 and OOtP7) to visit Godric's Hollow in
the holidays (since none of the existing methods of travel
broomsticks, Floo powder, the Knight Bus, Thestrals, Apparition
etc. seem appropriate in this context)
A new location, which is important in the book: Harry visits
Gringotts (PS5), on the eve of an attempted robbery (PS8); Little
Hangleton (in a dream) (GOF1), later chosen by Voldemort for
his `rebirthing party' (GOF32); the Ministry of Magic (OOtP7),
location of the Department of Mysteries (OOtP34). He learns of the
existence of the Chamber of Secrets (COS9) long before he goes there
(COS16) and hears of `the cave in which Tom Riddle once terrorized
two children' (HBP13), without dreaming that he will have occasion
to visit (HBP26). If Harry does travel to Godric's Hollow early in
DH (as planned in HBP30), then he might find he has reason to go
there again (in different circumstances) before the end of the novel
The return to Hogwarts is marred by complications: Harry
travels on the Hogwarts Express in every book except for COS;
however, he misses the Sorting Ceremony in COS5 (with Ron), POA5
(with Hermione) & HBP8 (without Ron or Hermione). Whether or not he
returns to Hogwarts at all in Book 7 is in doubt. Personally, I
think that he might return on a part-time basis, staying at the
Hog's Head with Aberforth Dumbledore. Interestingly, we follow
Harry's return journey on the Hogwarts Express in PS/SS17, COS18,
POA22, GOF37 and OOtP38
but not in HBP, which finishes on the day
of Dumbledore's funeral. This suggests that we might share Harry's
*return* journey at the beginning of DH, thus allowing the Hogwarts
Express to feature in Book 7, even if Harry does not make the
traditional journey to school
A meeting with a new character (good or bad), who is
interesting in his/her own right, but a `red herring' in terms of
the main plot: think Snape in PS/SS, Lockhart in COS, Lupin in POA,
Umbridge in OOtP and Slughorn in HBP. I'm thinking that this role
might belong to Aberforth Dumbledore in DH; certainly, some
interesting things have happened in his pub (PS17, OOtP16 and HBP25)
and he could provide some valuable information on Dumbledore's
backstory, but I think his main function will be (much needed) comic
relief (GOF24)
Something significant (& unpleasant) happens in late
autumn/winter. In the past, there have been incidents on Halloween:
Quirrell lets a Mountain Troll into Hogwarts which almost kills
Hermione (PS10); the Basilisk from the Chamber of Secrets attacks
its first victim (COS8); Sirius Black breaks into Hogwarts and
slashes the Fat Lady (POA8); Harry is selected to compete in the
Triwizard Tournament against his will (GOF16). Mr. Weasley is bitten
by Nagini in December (OOtP21); Katie Bell is injured by a cursed
necklace in October (HBP12). None of these incidents proved fatal;
sadly, however, I'm predicting that there will be an attack on
Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes in the autumn of DH and this time, someone
will not survive
Events gather pace, other characters become involved & we
realize that Harry's quest is part of a much wider struggle: the
Chamber of Secrets is re-opened, Muggle-born students are being
Petrified by Slytherin's monster, Hagrid is wrongfully imprisoned
and Dumbledore is removed from the school (COS14); Professor
Trelawney predicts the return of the Dark Lord with his servant's
aid (POA16); Sirius Black reveals his fear that strange happenings
at Hogwarts and the Ministry could be linked and Harry learns that
potential enemies abound (GOF27); there is a mass breakout of Death
Eaters from Azkaban, as Umbridge tightens her hold on Hogwarts
(OOtP25); Harry prepares to accompany Dumbledore on a dangerous
expedition, warning his friends that Malfoy & Snape are planning an
attack on the school (HBP25). I'm guessing that in DH, we'll finally
see the much-anticipated 'siege of Hogwarts', as the
castle's `magical fortifications' are tested, as well as a complete
Death Eater takeover of the MOM. (JKR has said that
Voldemort `finally gets the legroom for which he has been aching
during all those years in exile' in DH). `Reckon Dumbledore's the
only one You-Know-Who was afraid of. Didn't dare try takin' the
school, not jus' then, anyway.' (PS/SS4) Ominous words, IMHO
Harry loses a beloved ally: the deaths have increased in
magnitude from Cedric Diggory (who became a friend to Harry over the
course of one book), to Sirius Black (whom Harry loved as a parent
but had only known since POA19), to Albus Dumbledore (Harry's great
mentor in Books 1-6, but somewhat detached from his emotional life
until OOtP37). Logically, I would suggest that Hagrid (Harry's
earliest friend and protector in the magical world from PS4 onwards)
is next
Towards the second half of the book, there is a major
expositional scene (perhaps involving a new device): the Mirror of
Erised (PS12); Riddle's diary (COS13); the overheard conversation in
the chapter entitled `The Marauders Map' (POA10); the Pensieve
(GOF30); Snape's Worst Memory (OOtP28); Slughorn's memory &
Dumbledore's explanation of Horcruxes (HBP23). As many people have
said many times, I foresee an (unplanned) trip to the Underworld
(the Deathly Hallows?) providing valuable information at this point
A major character comes close to death, but survives: Harry
Potter (`Not the Stone, boy, you the effort involved nearly killed
you.' PS17) Ginny Weasley (`She's still alive,' said Riddle. `But
only just.' COS17); Arthur Weasley ('It sounded to Harry, too, as
though Mr. Weasley was hovering somewhere between life and death.'
OOtP22), Hermione Granger (`Don't let her be dead, don't let her be
dead, it's my fault if she's dead
' OOtP35); Ron Weasley (Ron gave
a great shudder, a rattling gasp and his body became limp and still.
HBP19) This further suggests the idea of a `near-death experience'
for Harry in DH, IMHO
A major character is guilty until proved innocent: Snape in
PS/SS, Hagrid in COS, Black in POA, Krum in GOF. This will be Snape
in DH, IMHO. The question is: what will cause Harry to change his
mind about Snape? I suggest that Dumbledore will have found some way
to communicate the essential fact of Snape's innocence to Harry
*before* Harry & Snape meet again (& I'm not talking about DD's
picture, since JKR has already implied that meaningful conversation
with a portrait is impossible: they only `repeat catchphrases').
Failure to do so, IMHO, would make Dumbledore's decision *not* to
say more to Harry in HBP25 seem rather irresponsible (Dumbledore did
not speak for a moment; he looked as though he was trying to make up
his mind about something. At last he said, `I am sure. I trust
Severus Snape completely.') I now think that the reason DD refrained
from saying anything is because he knows he has already had this
conversation with Harry
in the future. Yes, I believe that
Dumbledore is a time-traveller, which will enable him to a play an
important role in Book 7 without returning from the dead
A major character is innocent until proved guilty: Quirrell
in PS/SS; Riddle in COS; Pettigrew in POA; Moody-Crouch in GOF;
Kreacher(?) in OOtP (OK, he was never *that* innocent!), Imperiused
Rosmerta in HBP. I'm betting that Draco Malfoy will be the
revelation in DH; we're prepared to feel sympathetic towards him at
the moment (knowing that he couldn't kill Dumbledore), but he has
shown little in the way of moral courage and could still be used by
the Death Eaters despite his squeamishness, IMHO. My suggestion is
that Bellatrix uses Draco to trap Snape & that Severus's fondness
for Draco proves his undoing (another emotional mistake!) With
catastrophic consequences for all concerned
Harry receives significant information/help from an unexpected
source often in return for a previous act of kindness: so far,
Harry's unusual helpers have included, Neville, Fawkes, Dobby and
Luna. I expect Ginny, Neville & Luna (often referred to as `the
other trio') to all play a big role in DH (accounting for at least
one Horcrux between them): Furthermore,
Pettigrew owes Harry & I would suggest that he might discharge his
life-debt by supplying information rather than the more clichéd
sacrificial death hurling himself between Harry & Voldemort (which
would take a great deal more courage than we've seen from Pettigrew
in Books 3, 4 & 6). Also, Dumbledore implies that Pettigrew might
aid Harry in a way that he is not expecting (think Gollum!): `This
is magic at its deepest, its most impenetrable, Harry. But trust me
the time may come when you will be very glad you saved Pettigrew's
life.' (POA22)
Harry experiences self-doubt/suffering as a result of his
connection to Voldemort, which has made him a `marked man': when he
believes that he is the Heir of Slytherin (COS11); when he is
ashamed of his `weakness' with Dementors (POA10); when he is is
disturbed by the pain in his scar (GOF2 etc.); when he believes he
has attacked Mr. Weasley and is being possessed (OOtP23); when he
tells Ginny they must stop seeing each other (HBP30). This theme
will only be reinforced if Harry's scar does prove to be a Horcrux
The Trio/Order/DA are victorious in battle: PS16; PS35&36;
HBP29; I see the main battles (at Hogwarts and the MOM) as happening
in parallel to Harry's individual quest in DH (very much in the
style of LOTR: TTT & RTOK)
Harry rushes to *prevent* Voldemort doing something: stealing
the Philosopher's Stone (PS16); murdering Ginny in the Chamber
(COS16); torturing Sirius for the Prophecy (OOtP34). In POA, Harry
goes to Ron's aid (PS17); in HBP he and Dumbledore are attempting to
steal a Horcrux. Only in GOF is he dragged into the area against his
will. I wonder, therefore, if Harry will have a pressing reason
to `go after Voldemort' at a specific point in DH
Harry is victorious against Voldemort: so far Voldemort has
only been absent from Books 3 & 6 and will assuredly be present in
Book 7, meaning that there will be a final, personal confrontation
between him & Harry at the end. Now by this stage, based on previous
books, we would expect the pair of them to be more or less alone, or
at the very least with only their `seconds' for support (PS9)
Outstanding injustices in the wizarding world are (partially)
remedied: Neville is honoured and Malfoy is punished (PS17); Dobby
is freed and Lucius is sacked (COS18); Fred & George are reimbursed
(GOF37); Fudge is made to confront the reality of Voldemort's return
(OOtP38). There are a number if issues JKR has yet to resolve in DH
namely: the dominance of the pureblood ideology, the ill-treatment
of some magical creatures, the dystopian practices of the Ministry
and the divisions within Hogwarts itself. For starters, I expect
that Kingsley Shacklebolt would make a good Minister of Magic (to be
succeeded eventually by Hermione!)
One further thought on the shape of Book 7: JKR has described
GOF as being (metaphorically as well as literally) the `heart of the
series'. She has confirmed that there are significant similarities
between Books 2 & 5: both contain Tom Riddle backstory & Horcruxes.
And Books 3 & 5 can also be seen as alike in providing valuable
backstory between Snape & the Marauders (especially Sirius Black).
So might Books 1 & 7 form a similar pair? It's my belief that JKR
might choose to end at the beginning, with Harry's once-and-future
defeats of Voldemort occurring on the same magical night and
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