dumbledore11214 dumbledore11214 at
Mon Jan 19 20:46:41 UTC 2009

No: HPFGUIDX 185346


<SNIPS summary>

1.	Authors sometimes conclude novels with a chapter telling 
what happened to the characters after the action of the book
concludes (see, for instance, Middlemarch and David Copperfield).
JKR chose not to do that, instead using post-publication interviews
to let us know the stories of the people in canon. In writing the
epilogue, then, she must have had something specific she wanted to
achieve or communicate. What do you think that was?


Well she told us some parts of the stories of the people in canon in 
the epilogue, no? She told us that they have families, that they have 
kids, etc, she chose to concentrate on personal staff in the epilogue 
in a way, IMO. Maybe she was saying that the happiness of the society 
depends on the happiness of every member of it and that there is no 
need to paint a big picture, that we can deduct what is happening in 
large if we know the small stories, if that makes sense, not sure, 

2. One of the complaints about the epilogue is that it is
heteronormative. Is that a fair critique?


In what sense? That it does not show gay relationships? I wanted to 
see gay couples in canon as much as any other slasher, trust me, but 
NO, if that is what the critique means, I do not think so, I do not 
think author is obligated to show gay relationships or straight 
relationships if the story does not call for it. So I do not think it 
is fair at all, if I understand it correctly.

5. How do the Potter and Weasley children demonstrate JKR's belief
that personality traits are hereditary?


I absolutely believe that some very important personality traits are 
hereditary and had a chance to observe it with two kiddos in my 
family already. I am not sure at all that JKR thinks that all 
personality traits are hereditary though. Are you asking whom their 
kids remind us of? Um, okay yes James is a mischief maker ( or 
trouble maker), who I guess reminds me of Harry's dad, but besides 
that, I honestly did not notice Albus Severus being carbon copy of 
anybody, and same with other kids.

7. How do you think Harry feels about Teddy Lupin? Does he see
himself in Remus and Tonks's son?


He loves him very much. See him in a sense that he is an orphan? I 

8. Do you agree with Harry's opinion of Snape?


Boy, you are asking the wrong person. Sure he was brave, but naming 
Harry's child after him as far as I am concerned was way more than 
Snape ever deserved. Naming somebody's child after him is to me the 
act of great love and respect. But since I consider Harry to be 
Christ like figure, I have no problem with him being so forgiving.  I 
would have given Snape his dues for being so brave, but would have 
never named my child after him, but I am not Harry, heh.

9. In SS, the Sorting Hat considers putting Harry in Slytherin
because, among his other traits, Harry has "a nice thirst to prove
yourself" (SS 121). We know that when Voldemort attempted to curse
Harry, he inadvertently created a connection between Harry and
himself. Do you think that any of Harry's personality or behavior
was influenced by this bit of Voldemort? If so, would Harry have
changed after the piece of Voldemort's soul was gone from his own


I do not know, Dumbledore talked so much about Harry's pure soul even 
before the part of Voldemort's soul was destroyed that I do not know. 
I mean, I suppose we have to see that in OOP Harry's anger was 
influenced by Voldemort, but on more permanent basis? I mean, I would 
much rather think that  what I consider his bad traits are his own – 
rashness, temper, anger, etc. I do not want Harry to be a saintly 
being without Voldemort's piece in him.

10. What would Harry see if he looked once more into the Mirror of


I love that question ( I love all of them, thank you so much!). I 
would think he may still see his dead loved ones, but not just his 
parents, but those who fallen during the war, OR he would see his 
kids achieving everything that Harry would think they want to achieve.

Thank you so much Laura!

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