Disarming spell/ Character's choices

sistermagpie sistermagpie at earthlink.net
Wed Jan 28 03:20:47 UTC 2009

No: HPFGUIDX 185461

> Having the killer kill
> himself after the hero shows mercy is a standard Hollywood way 
> it. Which doesn't mean it doesn't work, but it's a bit of a cheat

> Well, it's a literary device that's been around a lot longer than 
> has, to start off with. . .and that's why it doesn't bother me. I 
> it and she did a good job in writing it. My opinion, of course--so 
I don't
> have any complaints on the ending, having expected it from the 
first day I
> picked up SS or at least fairly close to that. Predictible, yes, 
but after
> all there are only so many plots in the world and they have ALL 
been used ad
> infinitum.

I don't have a big problem with it--I get why it works. I'm just 
saying that as the solution to the problem of "how do we have the bad 
guy killed but still make a point about how our hero is morally 
superior for showing mercy" it works because it lets you have it both 
ways. You make one choice but there's no real suspense that we won't 
get the consequence of the other. 

> Lynda
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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