To kill or not to kill and resolutions of the storylineWAS :Re: Disarming spell

sistermagpie sistermagpie at
Thu Jan 29 04:17:28 UTC 2009

No: HPFGUIDX 185482

> Montavilla47:

> In The Last Battle, there's also a Calormene solider who defies his
> leaders somewhat in going into the stable to meet the great and
> terrible Tash.  He is the "good" Calormen.

Sorry--yeah, that's what I was thinking of, the good Calormene in The 
Last Battle. All good is done for Aslan even if done in Tash's name. 
That guy. Badly Sorted.

> But I agree with your larger point.  It's not that the Slytherins 
> needed to do something cheerworthy.  I don't think more than a
> few Slytherin die-hards would have been disappointed if it had
> not been for the Hat talking about the need for unity of the 
> Houses.  

Right--I did think that the hat's song did seem for some of us like 
it was highlighted as an impossible thing that they'd have to do, but 
in the end apparently it was just a random thing the Sorting Hat was 
obsessed with that had no bearing on anything. It could have been 
removed without losing anything.


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