<P>This is an eGroups thing. It appears that you always see you own address in full, yet see everybody else as username@H.... It is their wayof preventing spam.</P>
<P>The founder doesn't see this. They always see the full e-mail address. I guess they figure the founder isn't likely to spam his/her members. Good thing I'm not the founder. Or rather, good thing <EM>Neil's </EM>not the founder.<BR></P>
<P> <B><I>Mike & Susan Gray <MikeSusanGray@Yahoo.com></I></B> wrote: <BR>
<BLOCKQUOTE style="BORDER-LEFT: #1010ff 2px solid; MARGIN-LEFT: 5px; PADDING-LEFT: 5px"><<FOR some reason, I?m only one on the member list whose e-mail<br>address is shown in full. Any idea why this is?>><BR><BR>Funny--I thought *I* was that member! It must show your own address in<BR>full; everyone else's gets abbreviated.<BR><BR>BTW, if you *don't* want all your other lists to discover that they have a<BR>mechanimagus in their midst, you might open a new Egroups account with your<BR>Yahoo Email address (which, I presume, is Flying_Ford_etc.)<BR><BR>Tschsslis!<BR><BR>Mike<BR><BR>----------------<BR><BR>Mike Gray<BR>ETG Erlenbach & Zrich M. 076 / 578 59 92<BR>Im Bindschdler 24 G. & P. 01 / 915 59 92<BR>8703 Erlenbach mailto:MikeSusanGray@Yahoo.com<BR>Switzerland<BR><BR><BR>This statement is a lie, albeit a true one.<BR><BR><BR>-------------------------- eGroups Sponsor -------------------------~-~><BR>Free @Backup service! Click here for your free trial of @Backup. <BR>@Backup is the most convenient way to securely protect and access<BR>your files online. Try it now and receive 300 MyPoints.<BR>http://click.egroups.com/1/6348/13/_/_/_/967212094/<BR>---------------------------------------------------------------------_-><BR><BR>To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:<BR>HPforGrownups-unsubscribe@egroups.com<BR><BR><BR></BLOCKQUOTE><p><br><hr size=1><b>Do You Yahoo!?</b><br>
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