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<p>Penny wrote:
<blockquote TYPE=CITE>
<br>ReinaKata02@yahoo.com wrote:
<blockquote TYPE=CITE><tt>Also, if Hermione can have muggle money
changed into</tt>
<br><tt>wizard money (book 2, I think), then can Harry do the opposite
<br><tt>have some spending money for his time at the Dursley's?</tt></blockquote>
You would think so -- although he doesn't seem to (otherwise he wouldn't
have needed care packages from his friends in GoF).</blockquote>
I more or less concluded that if he came home from school with any money,
the durselys would assume one of 3 things: (a) he had a magical way to
turn paper into money, (b) he stole it (as IF!), or (c) he really did have
some inheretence from his parents, as Petunia had suspected, and now he
was going to give them access to it darnit!
<br>None of which could lead to good results</html>