On Mon, 11 September 2000, "Steve Bates" wrote: > Actually, this isn't fiction: as far as contemporary physics knows now, time travel to the future but not back is definitely possible. The only limitation to this type of time travel is its current technological impossibility. But it is known that if you travel close enough to the speed of light, you could go as far into the future as you want; there is just no proven way of returning to your present. My husband once wrote a very funny sketch concerning time travel into the future. In it, a rather bumbling scientist built a "time machine." And to prove it, he got into the machine for a period of 30 seconds. Once he came out, it was the future - 30 seconds into the future. Of course, he was amazed at how different everything had become... _____________________________________________________________ This email message was sent via MailStation(tm) - a trademark of CIDCO Incorporated.