On Wed, 18 October 2000, Penny & Bryce Linsenmayer wrote: > Voicelady -- is this the book you received (and is it the clothbound edition you were talking about earlier)? If so, I asked for this for my upcoming birthday. :--) Black leather-bound book that runs $60 from bn.com?? No, this wasn't the clothbound (which was rather a rip-off in the long run, but hey, you can't have too many HP books, can you?), but I think it's the other to which you're referring. Except it's green leather bound. I bought my at Borders online for $56. I just keep sitting here looking at it. Gorgeous, simply gorgeous. And it's going to be a very limited run, so if you want it, get it really soon! voicelady _____________________________________________________________ This email message was sent via MailStation(tm) - a trademark of CIDCO Incorporated.