On Tue, 31 October 2000, nick@dvd-films.freeuk.com wrote (re:UK Calendars): > There are a few on Ebay - for example: > http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/aw-cgi/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=485219505 [ship] > I think the artist is the same as the US though. But I can't find > any artist reference on the calendar. Cover is shown at the ebay link above. Well, that's bizarre. I checked out your link, and realized that it's the same calendar I bought here in NY at Borders. I hadn't realized it was the UK artwork. So some of our US contingent could check there. voicelady _____________________________________________________________ This email message was sent via MailStation(tm) - a trademark of CIDCO Incorporated.