On Tue, 02 January 2001, "Rachelle Elliott" wrote: > In GoF, Harry stays very strong and does not break down and cry. [snip] > The question is: > When do you think Harry will actually break down and cry about the situation he has been placed in? He has had an enormous amount of stress for a child/teenager should have to endure. My thought, when Dumbledore sacrifices his life to save Harry may be a breaking point for him. Very good question. *I* think that when Harry cries (and I think he will), it will be at the very end of the story, once everything is finalized and set to rights. It will all be over, there will be no more pressure, and the tears will finally come as an emotional release. Jeralyn, the Voicelady current book: "Winter's Heart" by Robert Jordan Current CD: the Beatles' 1 _____________________________________________________________ This email message was sent via MailStation(tm) - a trademark of CIDCO Incorporated.