I've always had an interesting thought on a way that the OWLs and NEWTs could be set up. When they take the tests their could be a test that they have to take regardless of what classes they are takin and each test would be worth 100 points and on each test no one could score over that amout. Then after the tests were graded all the points a student earned would be added up and for every so many pointsthat get an OWL/NEWT. For those peoplel like Hermione and Percy who take more electives then they have to and are studious would get more points because they would score well on a greater amout of test then just hopefully really really well in the subject they are taking. Does that make any sense? I know it's a little weird but it's sorta neat. --------------------------------------------------- Get your free web based email from Crosswalk.com: http://mail.crosswalk.com