> ************** > Questions: > > 1. Does Lucius have any good qualities? Why, yes, he has a lovely singing voice. He's a tenor. But when the three tenors rejected him, that's when he vowed vengeance against the rest of the world, and became a bitter, evil man. > 2. What does Lucius want? - to be Voldemort's lieutenant or to be Voldemort? That's a toughie. I think he's a yes-man who wants to take all the credit and be known as the man behind the man. > 3. Will he live beyond the end of Book 7? Yes, but he will develop Alzheimers and come to believe that he is really Jackie Onassis. > 4. What does Lucius do with his days? Surely plotting to overthrow the world as we know it can only fill in so much time. Does he like a good game of backgammon? No, I think he's a poker player. It's too hard to cheat at backgammon unless you have loaded dice. > 5. Did Snape and Malfoy ever have a fling? - Is Draco their love child? Who was on top? Here you've hit the nail on the head. And Lucius did not wear the pants in that relationship. **************************************************** Jeralyn, the Voicelady "Haven't I taught you anything? What have I always told you? Never trust anything that can think for itself if you can't see where it keeps it's brain!" Arthur Weasley, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets **************************************************** _____________________________________________________________ This email message was sent via MailStation(tm) - a trademark of CIDCO Incorporated.