> Questions: > 1. Did Harry show moral fiber or was be being a prat? Moral fiber all the way! > 2. Why didn't Harry look for any potions or plants to help with the task? Does > he automatically veer towards charms and transfigurations for any particular > reason, or is he genetically inclined to those areas, given that they were his > parents' specialties? Well they were looking in all sorts of books, just b/c J.K. didn't specifically mention that they were looking for potions and plants doesn't mean they didn't to a point. They were looking in tons of books so you can't be too picky after the fact. > 3. Does Percy's protectiveness of Ron in this chapter change how you think of > him? Well, I've always thought of Percy as an over achiever that really wants to make something of himself but always on the side of good even if he is annoying. I've figured he cared for his family always but doesn't show it outwardly all teh time b/c he want to be a 'grown-up worth of respect' and just goes over bored by trying not to show weakness but self confedece and a good brian. Percy's protectiveness fits in with my view of Percy it's just that in this case Percy let his gaurd down a bit in overwhelming concern > 4. What about Hermione & Krum's relationship? I don't think Hermione thinks of it more than a possible friendship. She's intrigued by him but I don't think she has any romantic feelings for him. I think that she was flattered, happy, shocked, and excited to be asked to the dance by someone sooo famous and liked by most girls so was glad to go with him with the dance and i'm sure that she believs who-heartedly in making foriegn friends like the task was suppose to be about though not many took it that way. As for Krum liking her, well, I think Krum was impressed in Hermione's brains. He saw all the time and effort Hermione put into her school work and in helping her friends and liked what he saw. Hermione's 'inside' may just be what he's always wanted in a girl and that's why i think he likes her but i don't think anything will happen. I think that they will become friends but no more, our Hermione deserves someone with brains, skills, AND looks, besides, too much of an age difference. > 5. If you were an H/H Shipper, would you consider the fact that Harry went to > rescue Hermione before Cho as evidence that he likes her? How would you > interprit this if you were an R/H shipper? > Well as an H/H shipper I really didn't think about it too much. Hermione is one of his best friends and i think Harry would help a close friends over a crush. Harry went with out friends for a long time and after the deal with ROn i think he knows to value friendship more then some people do. --------------------------------------------------- Get your free web based email from Crosswalk.com: http://mail.crosswalk.com