> I remember reading, not too long ago, a horror series (only 2 books that I can't for the life of me remember the titles of) where the protagonists were all children. And one of the main protagonists was killed! I had NEVER encountered such an occurrence before. I remember thining at the time, "He broke the rules! You don't have the hero die in such an awful manner! The author broke the rules!" I was so upset and put the book down for about 2 weeks before I could bring myself to pick it up again. That's how much it unnerved me. Anyway (and here I'm about to commit blasphemy), I've found that Jo breaks the rules very easily, but within the context of the story. And that's why I believe that Harry will die, probably in book 7. > > Jeralyn, the Voicelady (who quickly clapped her hands over her ears in order to shut out the shrieks of dismay and disapproval.) don't worry dear, although i think Jo will find some way to break the rules and send us all into uphealal, it will not be through killing off Harry, Hermione, or Ron. Jo has told us all on several occassions that none of those characters will be killed. (she knows people would be out to get her if she did :) --------------------------------------------------- Get your free web based email from Crosswalk.com: http://mail.crosswalk.com