> Hi, first, I'm a newbie, so sorry if I'm tredding old terrritory > here...but has anyone else noticed this: > > albus dumbledore: albus means white. Dumbledore means bumblebee. > Jupiter was the head Roman god who presided over human affiars and > made known the future through the heavans. White was the colour > sacred to him. Legend also has it that jupiter was nourished by > BEES. Jupiter was one of the three chief deities along with Juno his > wife and sister and MINERVA. anyone think I'm NOT TALKING CRAP? And > if not, who's juno? Juno is Hera in Greek Myth, she presided over marrages and was to protect the wives, ironic b/c Zeus was constantly cheating on Juno/Hera. Any ways, back on topic, I knew minerva was from Roman myth but didn't realize the stuff about Albus, just shows how good of a writer J.K. is being able to slip that sort of thing in. Oh, Minerva is the ROman conterpart of I think Athena, goddess of wisdom --------------------------------------------------- Get your free web based email from Crosswalk.com: http://mail.crosswalk.com