I took the test a few times throughout the day and everytime it came out with Hermione right on top. The rest of the ranks all varied a bit with slight changing my answers after rereading them. Lupin was always high and Albus was on the upper high. Draco was medium but Snape and Sirius were low. Harry was medium and at least three of my top 5 were Weasleys. Surprisengly Minerva was low and Longbotton was high, I have no idea how that happened. Oh well, I've been finding these test alot of fun and enjoy finding out what everyone has been tested out as. I wish there was an actual test to place you in a house though even with just clicking I was put into Ravenclaw wich is where I figure I'd be put in unless I truel am a Hermione and was put in Gryfendor. Anyone up for making some more of these type of tests? If you find them out and about tell me! ~Star~ --------------------------------------------------- Get your free web based email from Crosswalk.com: http://mail.crosswalk.com