> H/H shippers, make yourself known. So far, I've counted: > > Penny > Carole > Lori > Cassie AKA Cassandra Claire > John AKA Crazy Ivan AKA Russian Cabin Boy in Celine Dion Drag > Scott > Heather > Heidi > > I do believe there's more of you out there. > Umh, well I thought that by now you'd now that I'm on the H/H ship especially sense I've said several things supporting that ship AND asked ot be the entertainment director and what not, I know that some of my post weren't out when you wrote this but still, oh well, NOW you know and I'm never going anywhere, unless people keep forgetting that I'm here for H/H then I'm going to jumping off and joining the U-boat No Shipper. ~Star~ --------------------------------------------------- Get your free web based email from Crosswalk.com: http://mail.crosswalk.com