k, I know the subject is a little weid so i'll translate, 2 2's 2 b wed means two twos(couple) to be wed. this means that i've read on chat transcripts that J.K. has aid that she's thinking about two weddings at the end of the seventh book which means that i doubt the tied-with-a-bow ending will happen. There are other relationships in the book that could lead to a marriage that I know some want to see so i doubt that both weddings will have to do with the trio. At least one wedding will have to do with one(or two if they intermarry) of the trio so that kinda throws the R/H and H/G out of the window. J.K. doesn't focus on romance in the books much so I don't think she'll over do it. I'd like to see an interesting wedding like between Hagrid and Maxine, Albus and Minerva, or maybe Snaoe and someone or Sirius and someone. Then after that I'd like to see H/H get married OR ROn get married to someone other than Hermy and at Ron's wedding Harry and Hermione realize feelings for eachother or finally reveal a hiding engagement or something so we don't see there wedding but the stories at least ending with them together. I know this is all really stupid but I haven't been vocal much lately b/c I'm biting my tongue on all the shipper debated b/c otherwise I'll end up with this really really long email about all my views that would bore everyone and just cause a bunch more conversation on traffic on this list...anyways, what was I saying? Oh yeah, um just wanted to post something so here it is, if you've reached this point then I'm sorry for wasting your time but maybe it will bring up some sorta thought that you want to vioce but keep forgetting to. ~Star~ who's having trouble typing thanx to her extra long nails and kitten who keeps playing with the keys and chasing the arow on the screen. --------------------------------------------------- Get your free web based email from Crosswalk.com: http://mail.crosswalk.com