(this is really long(so you may have to save it to read when you have time if you want to read) and its a bit jumbled, sorry. Also I meant to post this like on Thursday but I got sidetracked then I havent been home at all lately sorry again. These are some of my thoughts on some things) As I hope most of you know I'm an H/H shipper; however, I've reframed of making really long posts explaining why I am an H/H shipper. Instead I've simply let my views come out in my posts responding to other people's posts and lately I've been relatively inactive in the shipper debates, or more so then I would have if I had more time, now I want to take the next few minutes just to write about a few of my views. Some R/H shippers have said that part of the reason that they feel R/H is best is b/c they hate the idea of hero gets everything. I don't feel that if Harry and Hermione got together that it would be doing that at all. Ron has a pair of great parents and a wonderful family, even if they bother him a lot, while Harry doesn't have this. The Dursleys he could do with out and Black hasn't been there long and can rarely be there with being on the run. All the attention that Harry gets isn't all that great, yeah he gets away with a bit more but the trouble he gets into wouldn't happen at all if it wasn't for being the Harry Potter. I dont feel that Harry, the hero, has everything and dont think that b/c hes the hero he cant get the girl too. Also, some have said that they feel that the fights between Ron and Hermione are their way of showing their feelings, and that, at their age, bickering is how they deal with it. If that is the case then I take it as a personal insult. Im not much older then the trio and Im a lot like Hermione in her insecurities, love of knowledge, better friends with guys, and in the midst of this, above age maturity in the mind (if I do say so myself). There is flirting and then there is fighting where the two honestly disagree as I see Ron and Hermione doing. I dont think Hermione would flirt with that level of fighting if she flirts at all. Ron might have feelings for Hermione and that is what the fighting on his end is about but I would hope that he would be beyond that stage at 14, the age of many of my guy friends who are all beyond that silliness. For all D/H and G/H shippers, Im glad that you like that but I really dont see it happening. I love Ginny but I do think that Harry is just a crush and that Harrys feelings toward her would be too family like. As to Draco and Hermione, Draco may redeem himself but I doubt Hermione and Him will ever fall in love. Some thoughts on what I think the characters need from a partner: What Harry needs: Harry is wary of who he lets close to him b/c he wants friends who like him for him not b/c of his name. He needs people he can really count on in friendship first. I think that it would be best for him to end up for Hermione b/c of the support and love in friendship she already gives him. She doesnt get jealous of him and swoon over his fame like many do. While she gives him her loyal friendship, help, and care he can feel needed at the same time by helping her realize shes needed, wanted, and has no reason to have low self-esteem. He and Hermione would both be prone to ease into a relationship which would be best for both. Harry doesnt or wouldnt mind the fact that Hermione isnt all out for quittage, she still supports him which is what really counts. I dont see them leaving Ron out of anything b/c the friendship they all share is way too important to them. Since their relationship would most likely start slower I doubt Ron would feel left out. When Harry and Hermione started to really spend sometime alone enough time would have past for Ron to adjust and be happy for them if he had had feelings for Hermione. As to some of Hermiones annoying characteristics, I do not feel that they would bother Harry like they would bother Ron, in fact I really dont think Harry would mind at all as long as the care they had/have for each other never ceased as Im sure it never would. For Ron: I dont think that Hermione nor a girl like Hermione would be best. I think that the girl for him needs to be lacking in some of the 'qualities' Hermione has(her more annoying qualities of being bossy and a know-it-all) and have some of the qualities Hermione doesn't have. I persieve the girl for Ron as having a great interest in quittage (Hermione doesn't, the only reason why she goes to the games is b/c Harry's in them and she wants to be supportive, showing her loyalty and great care for Harry). Also I think that the girl for Ron needs to be more let loose and have the same sort of humor that Ron does. I believe that for Ron a girl he could relate to would be best, a girl from a large family, similar interests, etc. I think Ron would enjoy that and so would the girl. Hermione would not be that girl but could be for Harry. Hermiones needs: Um, well, she needs someone like Harry J Hermione is low on self-esteem and I think that a relationship with Ron wouldn't always help with that. Ron holds grudges against her longer which hurts her, vocally insults her (though I'm sure he doesn't mean to hurt her in the way it does, he's probably unaware of how emotionally insecure Hermione is, he may a bit but not fully) and doesn't seem to have the patients to deal with some of the qualities he dislikes about her. Harry seems to be the one to see her crying or hold back insulting comments when she's being a bit unbearable, Harry tries to get Ron to forgive her and wants to become friends with her again quicker after a fight b/c he realizes more then Ron how special friendship is and that it's hurting Hermione. Ron does notice some things about her faster then Harry but that's usually when she's being or doing something weird but for the most part, even with distractions, Harry is more sensitive to Hermione which she needs. I think that Harry is in a better position to understand Hermione and help her cope with her insecurities, his patience is greater then Ron's and Hermione needs someone with patience. I'm not saying that Ron is bad for Hermione, he's still therefore her when he realizes he needs to be and let's her know how annoying she is sometimes which can be a good thing but overall I think the better choice for Hermione by what she needs in a guy would be Harry. All in all I think that a different girl for Ron more like himself would be best that way and that H/H would be good. Their differences wouldnt bother each other so much as differences between other pairs might cause problems, they have qualities in themselves that would match up nicely and have similarities in not growing up in the magical world, not a big family(for all we know anyway), both have strong magical abilities, etc. However, if there is not to be inter trio relationships then I think that that would be fine too. If they keep there friendship and develop their own families at the same time then that would be cool which is why, and I hope that my captain doesnt mind, Id like to extend my hand to the No Ship U-boat in hopes that they would like to come sail by the Good Ship H/H (or is it the SS H/H?) for some inter-ship light discussion. I would like to have some lovely non-shippy debates with all of you as Im sure my other crew mates would enjoy, as we all respect your decisions of waiting for J.K. to make the choices. Ill do everything in my power to make sure that you dont feel threatened by are vast group, we dont mean to be frightening as weve been told ,we just like being voicefull. IF other shippy ships would like to come on over for a visit simply ask and our ship is you ship, just so long as shippy debates dont get out of hand you. ~Star~ who knows she forgot some things along the way and is sorry if order a bite confusing, I changed some paragraphs around and I think a few things got a bit mixed up or lost, Im really really sorry if it doesnt come out right or not like I had planned it. Please, if I said something thats offending or wrong Im sorry again. Ill go now, sorry if it was too long. Oh! Remembered one thing, about the Yule ball in GoF, someone did make a good point to that we dont know what was said before Harry entered to room, well done! Also, I think that Rons jealously was most likely less that he cared for Hermione in a romantic way but that she got to go on a date and talk with his idiol and wouldnt even tell him. Also Hermione is Rons first friend that we know of that is a girl, I feel that Ron most likely sees Hermione as a friend/sister. Hes protective over of her like a brother would be (though he hates Draco anyway and would use any exuse to beat him up), Hermione annoys Ron like Im sure Ginny does sometime and well, thats just what I think. --------------------------------------------------- Get your free web based email from Crosswalk.com: http://mail.crosswalk.com