>I think if she was a seventh year at the time, it would have automatically >been assumed that she is seventeen, and Harry would have never thought to >ask if she was. I read the conversation as rationalizing to the reader >*why* someone previously assumed to have been in the same year as the >twins/Chasers was able to enter the contest. > >This gets right back into our debate about the Hogwarts cut-off date for >entrance. *Must* the child be 11 on September 1? If so, then Angelina is a >sixth year in GoF. However, that means that Hermione's almost a year older >than Harry and perhaps older than Ron as well, since JKR has expressly >stated that her birthday is September 19. (Sidenote--*why* hasn't anyone >asked JKR about Ron's birthday?) > >Interesting stuff, there. > >--Ebony AKA AngieJ (who paradoxically believes that Angelina was a sixth >year in GoF, but Hermione was 10 when she entered Hogwarts, and has >absolutely no textual evidence to back it up) >Ebony AKA AngieJ >(H/H Special Agent, First Class) I agree with Ebony on all of the above b/c there is evidence, Page 107 American ed. CoS: The rest of the Gtyffindor team were already in the changing room. WOod was the only person who looked truly awake. Fred and George were sitting, puffy-eyed and tousled haired, next to *FOURTH YEAR ALICIA SPINNET* who seemed to be nodding off....... That would make Alicia a sixth year in GoF same as Fred and George and I think that the other girls are in the some year though i don't recall any evidence to prove it. As for the age thingy, I think that you have to be 11 by Sept 1 with the exception of if you attended grade school you had to have graduated from 6th grade. I figure Hermione entered muggle grade school a bit earlier then most would (I think Harry just barely would have made the cut off to be in the year he was in with a summer birthday on usual terms) b/c her parents felt that she was ready of maybe she skipped a year. ~Star~ _____________________________________________________________ Sign up for a Free, Web-Based email account at: The Home of Wicca on the Web.