I think that I found a loop hole in the muggle artifacts laws... Wizards and witches aren't going to want to pay electircal bills so of course they use their magic energy, look at the Weasley house, everything, including things I'm sure are made by muggles (like cooking wear, even if it wasn't made by muggles the 'artifacts' would look the same) is run on magic. I think that as long as a wizard or witch don't put permant spelld on items it's ok, like they items only work on magic if it's in their house or their near it or currently pointing their woads at it(like when dierecting the kitchen or mops or something like that). As long as the spells or only temporary and would end if muggles got ahold of them and are out of view from muggles, in wizard/witches homes, then it should be fine. just some thoughts, ~Star~ _____________________________________________________________ Sign up for a Free, Web-Based email account at: The Home of Wicca on the Web.