"Denise R" wrote: >Quote: SS/PS (From American version, sorry folks) >Pg. 260, ch 15, The Forbidden Forest, (at the end of the chapter) ><<"....Bane thinks Firenze should have let Voldemort kill me...I= > suppose >that's written in the stars as well."
>" Will you stop saying the name!" Ron hissed. >"So all I've got to wait for now is Snape to steal the Stone," Ha= >rry went on >ferishly, "then Voldemort will be able to come and finish me off....We= >ll, >suppose Bane'll be happy.">>
>After doing my reread, I came across this comment, and it really bugged me.= >What if it's written in the stars that Harry WILL be killed by Voldemort? >The way the chapter is slanted (this read, at least), I got that idea from it. >Any ideas? Yes, I thing that the stars don't tell exactly what is going to happen, they show things in symbolic ways. Bane could have read from teh stars that a great source of evil was near(Voldie) and that a death would occur as a cause from the evil(Quirrel died). Reading the stars is tricky buisness and a lot of times you can misread them and even centaurs can mess up. Also it was probably 'written' in the stars of a confrintation of good and evil (Harry nad Voldie) and possibly other signs lead the centaurs to think 'Harry Potter' and thought that the death was suppose to be Harry. What's in the stars is destiny and the centaurs read the destiny but don't prevent it though some prevention and intervining is all part of destiny as well, the future is constanly changing until it becomes the present so therefore any form of predicting the future is shaky, the further away the more shaky. I'm sure that in the stars there's all sorts of things about coming rises of evil and confritations and it's hard to pick out the near future and the furhter away future at times. Fortune telling is hard work and takes alot out of you, I know from first hand experience. >(I too think the centaurs are a. Nuts, or b.Know ALOT more than they're
>telling and will be revealed in future books...) I think that centaurs are brillant but are so rapped up in the future the miss the present and miss oppertunties to prevent disasters, it's the centaurs who read the future and take acts to make the future better are the bright ones even though they are ment to be the readers, not the doers 1. If Snape knew something was up with Quirrel, why didn't HE report it to AD? I know AD would have listened! Yes but you have to look at Snape's character, Snape wanted the glory and to do the saving to repay back is 'dept'. He thought he could take care of everything himself and didn't seek help. Besides Albus doesn't like to think bad about people, he thinks that they can be goos no matter what happens to them until they show their bad side straight out he doesn't want to incriminate them. Loon in PoA Albus wouldn't hear of Snape incriminating Lupin, in this case Albus was right, in fact he's rtigh alot of the time but still he can't be perfect though we'd like that. Snape wanted to be the big man and maybe prove himself some more even though he didn't need to. Maybe he though by past evidience Albus would listen but wouldn't act till the last possible moment and Snape didn't think that was good enough. >2. Why was Snape so peeved that Gryf won the match he was referring in the >few seconds time it took Harry to catch the snitch Snape doesn't like Harry, he resents James for being the big man on campus and sees Harry become that too and he doesn't think Harry's good for it, a Slytherin sould be the big man on campus in Snapes eye, not for the reputation of being eveil but b/c he was in Slytherin and values the value of ambition that is in his house. He wants Slytherin to be tops b/c they are a no-nonsense house full of ambition like him and he's a little full of himself. >3. Why didn't Hermoine and Ron take the scar more seriously since it hurt >that day on the lake when Voldemort was on his way to get the stone? >We had< >a glimpse o f the pain the scar caused when Voldemort and Harry met in the >forest.& They even stated, while the twins played with the squid >that he should go to the nurse b/c Harry doesn't let them know how much pain he's in and how significant it is, did Harry even tell them about his scar hurting in the forest at first? I'm not sure but I don't think he did. I do know that he usually plays it down and doesn't always tell them. This was their first year, their kids, Voldie hasn't been publicly a threath, and they feel safe in Hogwarts. They're kids who don't realize the danger to it's fullist extent even while they are at this great 'safe' school with the great Ablus there. ~Star~ _____________________________________________________________ Sign up for a Free, Web-Based email account at: The Home of Wicca on the Web.